May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 362 - Chapter 362 the most romantic thing 22

Chapter 362: Chapter 362 the most romantic thing 22

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Sikong Jue's eyes were burning with fire. The two people in front of him were hugging each other. The way they were touching made his heart pang with jealousy.

He approached Chu Xia, wishing he could tear Ming Tai apart!

Chu Xia pursed her lips, and her eyebrows sank. What the hell was wrong with the man's face? What right did he have to give her a hard time?

"Ming Tai, let's go." She didn't want to face Sikong Jue. She grabbed Ming Tai's hand and wanted to take him away.

Ming Tai held Chu Xia's hand. "Why do we have to leave? You're my girlfriend, and we're above board!"

He hugged Chu Xia tightly and looked at Sikong Jue with a smile. "Mr. Sikong, you're in such a good mood. Are you here to attend my girlfriend's fashion show?"

He was deliberately declaring his sovereignty.

Sikong Jue's heart skipped a beat. "I'm here to look for Chu Xia. Please excuse me!"

"Why are you looking for Chu Xia?" Ming Tai asked in a loud voice. "I don't think Chu Xia has anything to hide from me. Chu Xia, don't you think so?"

Chuxia nodded. "Yes, I don't have anything to hide from Ming Tai. Besides, I don't think we have anything to talk about!"

Sikong Jue clenched his fists. "Ming Tai, what method did you use to lie to Chu Xia? You know very well. Do you dare to say that Yun Man didn't die because of you? What do you think Chu Xia is?"

He threw a punch at Ming Tai!

Ming Tai loosened his grip and let go of Chu Xia. He dodged Sikong Jue's fist and kicked Sikong Jue with his leg.

Sikong Jue dodged the kick and launched a flying kick at Ming Tai. Ming Tai's kick met Sikong Jue's kick. The force was so strong that both men stumbled back.

"Stop fighting! Stop fighting!" Chu Xia ran over and stood in front of Ming Tai, facing Sikong Jue.

Sikong Jue yelled at Chu Xia, "Are you out of your mind? You know you're being used as a substitute, but you still stayed by his side! Get out of the way, I'll teach him a lesson for you!"

Chu Xia didn't move. "I know about Yun Man. Ming Tai told me everything. Yun Man committed suicide because she misunderstood Ming Tai's fake scandal. Ming Tai felt guilty towards her. He did use me as a substitute at first, but he said that I'm different from Yun Man. I'm completely different. The person he loves is me, not Yun Man!"

Sikong Jue's lips twitched. "Do you believe everything a man says? Do you have a brain?"

"Of course I have a brain. It's because I have a brain that I believe his words. I'm confident that I'm good enough to make him fall in love with me!" Chu Xia said loudly.

Sikong Jue was rendered speechless by Chu Xia. He knew how good she was. She was indeed worthy of a man's true love!

"But..." He tried to come up with a reply. The reason that he used to be so confident was now useless.

Chu Xia changed the topic. "But, what right do you have to ask about me? Whether I am Ming Tai's girlfriend or anyone else's girlfriend, it has nothing to do with you! Please don't disturb my life anymore!"

Sikong Jue's lips formed into a straight line. What right did he have?

He really couldn't find a reason to stop Chu Xia and Ming Tai at all. "Alright, I'll leave you. Don't forget, this is the path you chose. Don't regret it!"

He didn't believe that people in the entertainment industry would have any kind of true love. He also didn't believe that Ming Tai's love for Chu Xia would last for long!

After all, the temptation in that industry was too great. How could a man not be dazzled by the sight of beautiful women everywhere?

He didn't believe that he couldn't wait for Chu Xia to change her mind!

Ming Tai chuckled softly and looked at Sikong Jue provocatively. "Don't worry, I will never let Chu Xia regret it!"

He wrapped his arm around the little woman's waist and brought her to the gathering crowd. He wanted to introduce Chu Xia to a few famous fashion agents so that they could represent her and sell her clothes all over the world!

Sikong Jue's gaze lingered on Ming Tai's back as they walked away. After a short while, he gathered his thoughts and turned around to leave to find Jian Jian and Shen Tong.


Gong Mochen's luxurious car drove onto the red carpet. He got out of the car and opened Qin Sheng's car door. He reached out his hand like a gentleman and helped the little woman out of the car.

Qin Sheng was dressed in a sapphire blue evening gown. Her fair skin was made even fairer by the blue color. Her v-shaped collar revealed a bit of her cleavage, which hooked the man beside her.

Because from Gong Mochen's point of view, the scenery was most beautiful.

Flashes of light shone on Gong Mochen and Qin Sheng. Qin Sheng had a polite smile on her face. She held the man's arm and walked on the red carpet to the hall where the fashion show was taking place.

The big bosses of the business world came over to greet Gong Mochen, while the clothing agent came over to greet Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng asked her subordinates to ask everyone to take their seats. The fashion show was about to begin.

As the lights in the hall dimmed, the runway was highlighted by spotlights. Following the dynamic music, the female models filed out one by one and showed off their clothes to everyone.

Chu Xia, who had returned backstage, poked her head out of the curtains to see the reaction of the crowd. Only when she heard the enthusiastic applause from everyone did her heart relax.

Le Le exclaimed in surprise, "Chu Xia, Sister Yun has sent a message. She has already discussed business with a few big bosses and is representing you in the sales of your clothes!"

"Really?" Chu Xia asked happily.

"Yes, and there are still a few that we haven't managed to chat to yet. Sister Yun is currently discussing with an agent about the possibility of them becoming your agent overseas. Your clothes will be sold to Europe and America! Your clothes are on fire!" Le Le said excitedly.

Chu Xia's heart was beating wildly. If that was the case, her clothes would really be on fire!

"Tonight, I'm treating everyone. Ming Tai will accompany us and we'll have celebratory drinks!"

As Chu Xia's words fell, the models were overjoyed.

"Thank you, designer Chu Xia! Are you only treating us to drinks? Do you have an autographed photo?"

"Yes, I want Ming Tai's autographed photo!"

Many of the models agreed.

"Yes! Don't worry, just take a group photo and we'll sign it!" Chu Xia felt generous tonight.

Just as everyone was happy, the wardrobe assistant's expression changed drastically.

"Oh no! Chu Xia, someone tampered with the clothes!"

Chu Xia ran over. "What did you say? That dress?"

The assistant, Ellen, quickly carried the dress out. "This is it, our finale!"

Chu Xia's expression also changed. This was her finale dress, an evening gown.

It was made of transparent white material. The upper body was tailored, while the lower body was long and flowed onto the floor.

Although the dress was made of transparent material, there was embroidery from the top to the bottom of it. Large pink flowers were sewn on to it, scattered all the way to the hem. When wearing it, it made the person look as if they had fresh flowers rolling down from their body all the way to the hem of the dress, which then flowed onto the ground.

This dress, including every petal, was hand-sewn by them. It was the one they had put the most effort in to. It was also named after Chu Xia. It gave off a sense of romance and of flowers blooming at the beginning of spring.

However, the section of hem that spread on the ground had been hacked to shreds, and there was no way they could put it on a model.

Ellen was so anxious that she cried, "What should we do? If we don't have the finale dress, our show will be ruined! The agent might not sign the contract!"

Chu Xia clenched her fists. The person who ruined the dress wanted to ruin her show and Qin Sheng's company!

But what was she going to do now? What was she going to do about her show?