May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 358 - Chapter 358: the most romantic thing

Chapter 358: Chapter 358: the most romantic thing

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"Gong Mochen!" Qin Sheng snapped, wanting to bite the man next to her to death. What the hell did she do to make him want to tie her to the bed for the rest of her life?

"I'm here. You're complaining so much. What do you want to do?" Gong Mochen's slender fingers unbuttoned his shirt. He unbuttoned it slowly and calmly, exuding his masculine charm.

But this was something Qin Sheng didn't want to appreciate at the moment.

She didn't want to be entangled in this relationship with Gong Mochen anymore. She only wanted to leave this place and wait for Ha Siqi's news, and then she could try to save Li Ang. Of course, there were also things that she wanted to do after that. She wanted to end it all...

So now, she didn't want to be entangled with Gong Mochen.

"Are you going to get lost? If you dare to touch me, don't blame me for what I'll do!" Qin Sheng glared at Gong Mochen.

The corners of Gong Mochen's lips curled slightly. "What are you going to do exactly? Little thing, did I not let you have enough fun today?" Gong Mochen raised his hand to grab the little woman.

He never thought that there would be any problems between them. Even if there were, he could solve the problems and let her experience his love personally.

"Well, what are you going to do?" he said, smiling knowingly.

Qin Sheng's lips twitched and a cunning look flashed across her eyes. She naturally couldn't beat Gong Mochen, but she could grasp his weakness!

She took out a fruit knife from under the pillow and pressed it against her wrist. She truly admired herself for being smart. She hid the knife under the pillow when she came back.

"I'm not strong enough to hold you off. But, I won't let you touch me again! Even if that means I have to die!

"You can try if you don't believe me... Let's see if you can snatch the knife, or if I can cut myself faster!"

Before she could break her skin with the knife, Gong Mochen snatched the knife from her hand and he put it into his pocket.

"I've confiscated the weapon, and all the dangerous things in this room will also be confiscated. Don't even think about hurting yourself!" Gong Mochen roared angrily.

She had indeed found his weakness!

Qin Sheng pursed her lips. "Do you think you can watch me twenty-four hours a day? If I want to die, I can die no matter what! How can you stop me?"

She didn't believe that Gong Mochen would be able to watch her twenty-four hours a day. If he watched her for the whole a day, how would he eat, drink, or go to the bathroom? If she wanted to hurt herself, she could do it in less than a second...

Gong Mochen's face turned dark, and his hands clenched into fists. For the first time, he felt powerless. He could control the whole world, but he couldn't control this girl!

After a moment, he suppressed all his anger and touched Qin Sheng's little face with his big hand. "Qin Sheng, can we stop fighting? Ye Wei won't be living here in the future. If you don't like her, I won't see her anymore. Let's get married, okay?"

He converted all his anger into gentleness.

Qin Sheng laughed bitterly. "Then what? The Qin family and the Yun family's assets will be yours?"

She pressed on her phone and played the voice message that Han Qing had sent her. Han Qing had told her that Gong Mochen would propose marriage to her because Han Qing wanted the Qin family and the Yun family's assets...

She didn't believe it at first, but Gong Mochen had really proposed marriage to her.

The corner of Gong Mochen's lips twitched. "The Yun family and the Qin family owe my mother. Even if I take the Yun family and the Qin family's assets, that would be me showing mercy."

"So? I'm going to marry you and give you all my assets, and I still have to thank you?" Qin Sheng felt that her brain wasn't functioning properly. "What the f*ck is wrong with me? You owe the Yun family a life, and I haven't even settled the score with you. Yet you want to take over our family's assets? I won't let our family's assets fall to you!"

She spoke fiercely, and a wave of anger rushed straight to her lungs. So, he wanted to marry her just to take her assets!

She suddenly felt that their eighteen year relationship was a joke. He coaxed her and spoiled her, but she was just a tool for him to seize the assets!

"Why do you think so? If we get married, my assets will also be yours," Gong Mochen explained.

If they got married, all the assets would belong to two people, not just one. To be exact, the assets would belong to their children. He had thought that this was the only way to resolve the grudges between the three families.

If they had a child, a child who was related to everyone, then there would be no more disputes over the assets.

"Will that really make things alright between us all? Can I kill your mother to avenge my mother?" Qin Sheng asked coldly.

The tombstones of the Yun family flashed through Qin Sheng's mind. She had a responsibility that she couldn't leave behind. She couldn't let the Yun family die in vain because of her selfishness!

Gong Mochen's heart skipped a beat. "I will go and make things clear with your grandfather and ask for his forgiveness."

Qin Sheng laughed out loud. "Gong Mochen, if I killed your mother, would you forgive me?"

Her grandfather had lost his children, his blood relatives. Who could let their blood relatives be killed and not want revenge?

Gong Mochen's brows sank. "I will think of a way. You go to sleep now. If you don't want me to touch you, I won't touch you. I will sleep next to you."

It was a situation that seemingly couldn't be solved. He chose to let the little woman sleep. It was already past her bedtime. As for the grudges, he would shoulder them alone...

"No! Get out!" Qin Sheng wanted to chase Gong Mochen away.

"I don't trust you to sleep alone. Be obedient. I'll sleep next to you and do nothing," Gong Mochen said.

"Then you sleep on the sofa. You're not allowed on my bed!" Qin Sheng said.

Gong Mochen had no choice but to turn around and walk to the sofa. The sofa in this room wasn't as big as the sofa in the living room. It was just a sofa for two people. It was too small to hold his full length, so he could only half lie on it.

Luckily, there was still a blanket in the cupboard, so he wouldn't be chilly.

Qin Sheng's back was facing the man, and her tears flowed down her cheeks. It was a silent pain. Only when love had reached its end did she realize that it had turned into despair.

Gong Mochen's gaze was fixated on the back of the little woman, and he could see that her shoulders were trembling slightly. He stretched out his hand and clenched it into a fist helplessly. He really wanted to hug her, but he didn't dare to do anything improper anymore. He couldn't afford to gamble on her temper. He was afraid that the moment she got angry, she would hurt herself.

As time flowed by, the warm rays of the sun shone into Qin Sheng's room.

She rubbed her swollen eyes and turned around to look at the sofa. The man had already left. Her gaze moved to the table where there was a breakfast waiting for her. It emitted an alluring fragrance.

The entire table was filled with her favorite foods. The bowls and plates were made out of fine porcelain, patterns elegantly painted on their surfaces. She knew just from looking at them that they couldn't be broken.

She got up and washed. She wouldn't waste a breakfast prepared by Gong Mochen. Only after she had eaten her fill would she have the strength to carry on with her day.