May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 353 - Chapter 353 the most romantic thing 13

Chapter 353: Chapter 353 the most romantic thing 13

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Ming Tai's hand had been on Chu Xia's shoulder the entire time. "If you don't tell me, how would you know that I can't accept it?"

He looked at Chu Xia encouragingly. Some things had been suppressed for too long. It was time to be honest with each other.

Chu Xia looked up at the man's handsome face. His deep eyes was like whirlpools, sucking her into his pupils.

"I... I'm actually not good. I'm not as good as you think. I was drunk when I was eighteen, and I had... had a one night stand with a man. Then, I got pregnant..."

Her voice became softer and softer. She could barely hear the last word.

She had never regretted giving birth to Jian Jian, but she had to admit that falling pregnant was a mistake she made when she was young and ignorant.

Ming Tai tightened his grip on Chu Xia's shoulder, giving her a greater sense of security. "And then?"

"And then, I... I gave birth to a son. He is called Jian Jian," Chu Xia said softly. Her heart suddenly relaxed. She had finally revealed this hidden secret.

"Jian Jian is very cute. I like him very much. We can live together in the future. What you love is what I love. What you like is what I like," Ming Tai said.

Chu Xia looked at the man in shock. He heard that she had a child. Shouldn't he want to break up with her?

"You... you don't mind Jian Jian?"

"Why would I mind Jian Jian? I love you and everything about you, including you son, Jian Jian. Let me give you a complete family, okay?" Ming Tai said.

"But, do you know who his father is?" Chu Xia felt that Ming Tai was crazy. He was such an outstanding man. Why would he marry an unclean woman and raise someone else's son?

"His father is Sikong Jue, right?" Ming Tai said calmly.

Chu Xia's heart skipped a beat. So, Ming Tai knew everything, including what she'd done with Sikong Jue in the past and Jian Jian...

She bit her lips. "Yes, Sikong Jue is Jian Jian's father, but I don't want Sikong Jue to know."

"I will keep it a secret. I will take care of both you and Jian Jian in the future. Do you have any questions about our marriage?" Ming Tai asked.

Chu Xia shook her head in a daze. She couldn't find another reason not to get married. She wanted to give Jian Jian a complete family and a father.

The corners of Ming Tai's lips curled up. "Since that's the case, we'll get married after the movie is released!"

He hugged the woman in his arms tightly and rested his head against her head. The corners of his lips curved into a happy smile.


Qin Sheng, who was inspecting the filming site, finally saw Ming Tai and Chu Xia walking back. She was pleasantly surprised to see that Ming Tai and Chu Xia were holding hands.

"Chu Xia, come over!" She waved at Chu Xia.

Ming Tai let go of Chu Xia's hand. "Go to Qin Sheng. I'll go over to film."

He caressed the little woman's hand before letting her go.

Chu Xia's face was slightly red as she watched Ming Tai walk towards the filming location.

Qin Sheng moved closer to Chu Xia. "Didn't you say that you were going to break up? Why does it look like you're getting married? Hurry up and tell me. Did Ming Tai kneel and coax you?"

"No! He told me about his relationship with Yun Man. He was really infatuated with her. I can't blame such a loving man. He also said that my personality is completely different from Yun Man's. He loves me and it has nothing to do with Yun Man."

"He knew about Jian Jian too. He said that he was willing to accept Jian Jian and give us a home. By the way, how did he know about Jian Jian?" Chu Xia asked.

"I promise I didn't say anything!" Qin Sheng said. Her eyes shifted. "It must've been Gong Mochen! He knew that I asked him to intercept the DNA samples of Sikong Jue and Jian Jian."

Chu Xia rubbed her forehead. "So, Ming Tai must've known about it a long time ago. How embarrassing!"

"What's embarrassing? He still loves you so much after he found out. Chu Xia, congratulations. You've found true love!" Qin Sheng said.

"I really want Jian Jian back," Chu Xia said. Thinking of Jian Jian, she thought of that man again, and her heart ached.

"Don't worry, you'll be able to pick Jian Jian up after he recovers." Out of the corner of her eyes, Qin Sheng saw Gong Mochen walking over, and the smile on her face instantly disappeared.

Chu Xia also saw Gong Mochen. "Your man is here to pick you up from work. Why aren't you leaving?"

"I never asked for him to come and pick me up. I can leave on my own," Qin Sheng said unhappily.

"What's happened now? Did you get into a fight?" Chu Xia asked.

"I want to settle the score with him for telling Ming Tai when I told him not to!" Qin Sheng looked at the man who walked in front of her. "Where's the car? I wan to leave now."

Gong Mochen was stunned. She would leave with him so easily?

He pointed at the parking lot and was about to lead the way when the little woman walked in front of him. He followed after her.

Qin Sheng got into the car, and Gong Mochen followed her into the back. Nie Feng started the engine and began to drive.

"Why aren't you saying anything?" Gong Mochen asked and pressed on the soundproof panel.

"You said that if I slept with you in payment you would keep your mouth shut, but you went and told Ming Tai about Jian Jian!" Qin Sheng was furious.

She shook her head, trying to scatter those unbearable scenes. Even now, her face was still sore.

Gong Mochen smiled. "When you were here, I didn't tell him. I only told him after you left."

He did promise not to tell Ming Tai, but he didn't promise that he wouldn't tell Ming Tai after she left!

Qin Sheng was so angry that her lungs were about to explode. What was the point of paying him to keep his mouth shut?

"You did it on purpose!" She scratched the man's face like an angry kitten.

Gong Mochen turned his face and the little woman's claws scratched his neck.

He didn't care about the pain on his neck. He trapped the little woman in his arms. "I did it on purpose. If I didn't tell Ming Tai, how would Ming Tai take the initiative to confess to Chu Xia? How would Chu Xia understand Ming Tai's difficulties? How could they reconcile?

"Isn't the ending now very good? Don't you want Chu Xia to be happy? Ming Tai is a good man who can be entrusted!" Gong Mochen said.

Qin Sheng pursed her lips. It seemed that the result was really good. Of course, she hoped that Chu Xia would be happy!

Chu Xia's home life was in a mess. Fortunately, there were people from the Tao family who raised her as their daughter. However, that was not considered a home.

"I forgive you for Chu Xia's matter, but you still betrayed my trust!"

She raised her small fist. 'D*mn man, don't even think about denying it!' she thought.

Gong Mochen laughed softly and said, "Yes, I betrayed your trust. I will return it to you. I will return it to you in double."

His hand pinched the little woman's waist.

Qin Sheng instantly felt danger. How was he going to return it to her? Was he going to ravish her again?

She must've been out of her mind to let him return it to her like this!

"I... I don't need you to return it to me!" she hurriedly said.

"You really don't need it? You'll be at a disadvantage if I don't return it..." Gong Mochen's eyes flashed evilly.

Qin Sheng's little face flushed red. "Gong Mochen, are you addicted to sex? Don't you think it's dirty?"