May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 348 - Chapter 348 the most romantic thing 8

Chapter 348: Chapter 348 the most romantic thing 8

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Her eyes were focused on the girl's face in the news photo.

Her brain felt incredibly confused.

She was confused because she looked similar to the girl in the photo!

It wasn't until a cold breath entered her lungs that Chu Xia realized how long it had been since she last breathed.

"Chu Xia, Chu Xia!" Sikong jue called out worriedly. He was afraid that Chu Xia would have a panic attack.

"Yun Man was his woman?" Chu Xia mumbled. She didn't know if she was asking the man or telling him.

"I told you not to read it!" Sikong Jue looked at the absent-minded woman and felt his heart ache. He snatched the news away.

He frowned deeply. He regretted showing Chu Xia the news, but he didn't want her to be deceived by Ming Tai!

"Chu Xia, I know you hate me, but whether you believe it or not, I love you. I really just don't want you to be confused and become a substitute for a woman!

"Ming Tai doesn't really love you. He only abstained from sex after Yun Man died. He treats you well because you look like Yun Man. With you by his side, his guilt towards Yun Man has faded away.

"That is unfair to you. You're enjoying his love for another woman. When he hugged you, he was thinking of hugging another woman!" Sikong Jue said.

If it were not for that, he wouldn't have got involved in the first place. But he couldn't sit back and watch Chu Xia be taken advantage of.

Chu Xia's heart ached. She had always wondered what ability she had to make this world-class superstar love her so wholeheartedly.

At that moment, she finally knew the answer. She couldn't describe her current feelings. Was she angry, or did she think she was too stupid?

She really wanted to pry open her brain and see if she had any IQ. When she was kissed by Ming Tai in the rain, she really believed that he loved her. She even convinced herself that she should marry him and love him well...

No one knew that she was just a substitute for another person. She wouldn't be an exception.

"Are you done talking?" she asked coldly.

"Not yet. I'm sincere to you. You can consider me, but Shen Tong is my responsibility. She must be by my side. I'm willing to give you anything, but I can't leave Shen Tong!" Sikong Jue said.

Chu Xia's heart lurched. Her lips curled into a bitter smile. She didn't know what she was going to do. A man who didn't love her could give her status. A man who loved her couldn't give her status...

"Sikong Jue, I'm not cheap enough to want a man!" she said, her voice cold.

"Xia Xia, you're here! I just finished my training." The little boy ran into the room and bumped into Chu Xia's leg. His two small arms hugged her leg tightly.

Chu Xia squatted down and hugged Jian Jian in her arms. She felt an indescribable bitterness. Her hands touched the little boy's face, and tears appeared in her eyes.

"How's your training going?" she said, sniffing lightly.

"Very good. Master said that I've made great progress and I'm almost as good as him when he was young," said Chu Jian. His eyes turned. "Xia Xia, I've been training so hard. Have you bought me any good food?"

His small hand reached out to Chu Xia.

"I... I didn't have time to buy any. I'll definitely bring you good food next time." Chu Xia was frustrated. She had come in such a hurry that she had forgotten to buy snacks for her son.

"Xia Xia, why are your eyes red? Who bullied you? Tell me, I'll beat him up for you!" Jian Jian gestured with his fist.

Chu Xia's expression turned sour. Fortunately, she had made up her mind to give birth to Jian Jian. Fortunately, she had a son, Jian Jian. No matter who bullied her, her son would protect her!

"It's windy outside. It's so cold. My eyes are red from the wind. Jian Jian, learn martial arts well. When you're done, Xia Xia will take you away."

"Okay. When I'm done learning, you take me with you. I'll take Tong Tong with me. We'll go together," Jian Jian said.

Chu Xia rolled her eyes. Her son was still so young and naive.

She looked at the child's small mouth.

Jian Jian's lips were purple because of his heart disease. It seemed that Sikong Jue's training had some effect on Jian Jian. His lips weren't as purple as they used to be. They were becoming more red.

"Alright, if you're happy, we'll take Tong Tong with us," she coaxed Jian Jian.

"Tong Tong, remember to bring snacks!" Jian Jian said as he looked at Shen Tong who was walking over.

Shen Tong didn't hear the conversation between Chu Xia and Jian Jian. "Why are you eating snacks again? Snacks aren't healthy. You can only eat one pack a day. Starting from next week, you can only eat half a pack a day."

It was best not to eat snacks that were overflowing with preservatives. She made a plan for Jian Jian to stop eating snacks, so that he would gradually stay away from them.

"Tong Tong, you're not cute anymore!" Jian Jian pouted and said.

"If I'm not cute, then I'm not cute. Don't even think about eating more snacks!" Shen Tong said with her hands on her waist.

Chu Xia looked at Shen Tong with gratitude. Shen Tong was really kind. She was completely at ease leaving Jian Jian with her.

"I still have something to do. Jian Jian, you have to listen to Tong Tong," she instructed the child.

"Got it. Goodbye, Xia Xia!" Jian Jian waved his little paws. "Tong Tong, let's eat the braised pork you made!"

"Little greedy pup, you only know how to eat. It's time for the next training session. Hurry up and go!" Shen Tong urged Jian Jian.

Chu Xia heard Shen Tong and Jian Jian's voices behind her. Her lips pursed. How could she bear to hurt such a angel-like girl?

Her tears rolled down sadly as she drove back to the resort.

Shen Tong turned her head and saw the paper on the ground. "What's all this? Brother Jue, why are you littering?"

She reached out to pick it up.

Sikong Jue waved the girl's hand away. "I'll do it myself!"

He lowered his head and picked up the pieces of paper and Chu Xia's bank card.

Shen Tong could clearly feel that Sikong Jue was filled with anger. She pouted. Why was Sikong Jue angry every time he saw Chu Xia?


When Chu Xia returned to the resort, Qin Sheng asked her about how things went with Sikong Jue.

"How was it? He didn't make things difficult for you, did he?" She was a little worried.

"He didn't. Qin Sheng, if you found out that you're just a substitute for someone else, would you still persist? " Chu Xia mumbled.

"A substitute? No, if I was just a substitute, then that would mean that the person he loves isn't me at all. Why are you asking this?" Qin Sheng asked.

Chu Xia lowered her head. "If, I say, I'm just a substitute for Ming Tai, would you support me in leaving Ming Tai?"

Qin Sheng was stunned. "Ah? Then who is the person he loves?"

"A woman named Yun Man," Chu Xia replied.

"Chu Xia, don't read the news. How much of the news in the entertainment circle is true?" Qin Sheng tried to persuade Chu Xia.

"This could be true. Can you check the news for anything about Yun Man? I want to know," Chu Xia asked.

Qin Sheng nodded. "That's easy. I'll get our reporter to ask the old reporter."