May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 347 - Chapter 347: the most romantic thing 7

Chapter 347: Chapter 347: the most romantic thing 7

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Chu Xia's gaze landed on Sikong Jue's face and she smiled at Shen Tong. "Ming Tai and I are getting married soon, so I came to inform you. Remember to come to our wedding."

She said that on purpose and saw a certain someone's face change. He looked angry...

Shen Tong held Chu Xia's hand in surprise. "So soon! That's great! I'll definitely come to see you and Ming Tai get married! I've never been to a wedding before! I don't know what I'll wear though! How exciting!"

She had been so lonely here. She liked a lively atmosphere, so she would definitely look forward to Chu Xia and Ming Tai's wedding!

"Why do you look so happy? Ming Tai is about to get married, and you still foolishly like him? What's wrong with you?" Sikong Jue couldn't help but yell at Shen Tong.

Shen Tong looked aggrieved. "Brother Jue, why are you talking like that? I like Ming Tai because I admire him. He's my idol. What does this have to do with him getting married?"

She wasn't a stubborn fan. She knew her place very well. She was just a small fan who quietly looked at her gorgeous idol. She had never expected that she would be able to catch Ming Tai's eye.

She simply hoped that Ming Tai would be happy.

Chu Xia held Shen Tong's hand. "Ignore him. I'll send a car to pick you up. I want to see Jian Jian. If Jian Jian is done with his training, can you bring him to me?"

"Okay, wait a moment. I'll go get him." Shen Tong nodded and turned to the backyard.

Chu Xia watched Shen Tong disappear. She walked to Sikong Jue and took out a card from her pocket. She threw it at Sikong Jue's face. "There's a million in there. I'm returning the money for the rose!"

Her whole body was in pain. The prize money she had earned from the fashion show was gone just like that...

Sikong Jue didn't take the card. He just let the card fall to the ground. His face was dark, and his lips formed into a straight line.

"I never thought of taking back what I gave!" he snapped, the words coming out from between his teeth.

"Didn't you hear me? I'm getting married. I don't want my future husband to misunderstand our relationship!" Chu Xia shouted.

The words 'future husband' rubbed salt into Sikong Jue's wounds.

"Future husband... Do you know how many rumored girlfriends Ming Tai has had? Are you going to climb up there and be one of them?" Sikong Jue took out a stack of documents from a drawer and threw them at Chu Xia.

He knew that he was a b*stard. Back then, he forced her to drink medicine to abort their child. Even though he didn't want her to give birth to a child with the same heart disease as him, it was still his fault.

Shen Tong was someone that he could not abandon. He could only be free if Shen Tong fell in love with another man and married that man.

It was immoral to trap Chu Xia just like that. He wanted to let go and make Chu Xia's happy. She was a good girl.

However, he had investigated Ming Tai's information. Even if these rumors were fake, they wouldn't be groundless. How could he hand Chu Xia over to a man who was full of rumors?

The sheets of paper scattered on the ground in front of Chu Xia. Ming Tai was in each of the photos with a woman by his side. But, none of the women beside him were the same...

Chu Xia's face instantly turned pale. "Ming Tai's scandals are all fake! He hasn't had any scandals in the past few years, and he doesn't have a woman by his side. He only got together with me when he returned to this country, and it was only when he was filming that there was a scandal!"

Her heart pounded. The Ming Tai in the news and the Ming Tai she knew gave the feeling that they were two completely different people. The Ming Tai she knew was humble, aloof, and proud. He didn't usually talk to the people around him, and would keep himself to himself. She only saw the true him when they were alone.

"Fake? Do you have a brain? People in that circle hug women every day and never abstain from sex! Unless he's sick, or there's something wrong with him!" Sikong Jue said.

Chu Xia's lips twitched. "What right do you have to slander him? Sikong Jue, even if I had offended you when I was young and ignorant, Ming Tai did not. So, I ask you again, what right do you have to slander him?"

Her cold gaze landed on Sikong Jue's face. Even if he didn't like her and wanted to settle the score with her, he shouldn't slander Ming Tai!

"I slandered him? I didn't want you to know. I was afraid that you wouldn't be able to take it. You forced me to do it!" Sikong Jue handed another document to Chu Xia. "Take a look for yourself! Did I slander him? This news has always been blocked. And the person who has been blocking it is Ming Tai's good friend Gong Mochen. I spent a lot of money to dig up this news!"

Chu Xia took the stack of paper. She only wanted to take the stack of paper and throw it at Sikong Jue's face. However, the headline caught her attention...

The famous celebrity, Ming Tai, had been with a girl for many years. The girl couldn't stand the scandal and committed suicide by jumping from a building.

There was a photo of a girl falling from a building on the news. The girl's face couldn't be seen, but the large amount of blood stains on the ground were clear for the eye to see.

She saw the girl's name: Yun Man...

Her heart was in her throat and she couldn't breathe. She remembered this name. It was the name that came out of Du Can's mouth when she met Ming Tai's friend for the first time.

Because this name sounded nice and was easy to remember, she remembered it immediately.

Yun Man... Was there really such a girl? Was this girl Ming Tai's mistress for so many years?

She couldn't help but look back at the news. The news was very detailed. This girl was originally an orphan adopted by Ming Tai, but the two of them developed a relationship that wasn't just brother and sister.

However, Ming Tai's colorful life in the entertainment industry, with endless scandals, made Yun Man depressed and she jumped off a building.

If all of this had already shocked Chu Xia, then when she saw the last page, she would know that the first few pages were just the beginning of the shock...

Sikong Jue covered the last page with his hand, not letting Chu Xia see it.

"Don't look at the last page." He frowned. He had wanted to find a chance to ask Chu Xia out to tell her, so he didn't have time to remove the last page.

Chu Xia glared at Sikong Jue. "The last page? What's there that I can't see?"

"Do you really love Ming Tai?" Sikong Jue asked.

He was afraid that Chu Xia would be too sad when she saw such news.

Chu Xia was stunned. Did she love him? She knew very well that she should love Ming Tai, but she really didn't know if she loved him now.

"I love him, so what? Let me see!" She pulled the piece of paper.

Sikong Jue's heart couldn't bear it anymore. He loved her and didn't want her to be hurt too much. "Forget it, don't look at it. It's really not important!"

He snatched the piece of paper back.

"Why don't you want me to let me see it? Are you trying to clarify that the previous news is fake? Sikong Jue, you're too despicable!" Chu Xia yelled angrily.

Sikong Jue's face twitched. He didn't expect Chu Xia to think of him that way!

"Alright, if you want to read it, then go ahead!" He released his hand.

Chu Xia's gaze landed on the piece of paper. Her eyes widened in shock...