May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 345 - Chapter 345, the most romantic thing 5

Chapter 345: Chapter 345, the most romantic thing 5

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"Look at the message I sent you," Ming Tai said.

After he said that, he hung up the call and sent a message. Other than himself and Gong Mochen, no one knew what the words meant.

Chu Xia was pulled to the side by Qin Sheng and they sat down. Clearly, these flowers were about to become a time bomb. No one knew whether Ming Tai was going to explode.

Gong Mochen, who received the message, took a look at it and directly forwarded it to Nie Feng.

He walked into the villa in the mountains and saw Ta Luosi lying on the living room sofa.

He grabbed Ta Luosi's collar. "You went to Ye Wei's room two nights ago? And you asked her to make curry beef triangles?"

Ta Luosi's hand patted Gong Mochen. "Don't be so agitated. I just asked her cook a meal. You don't have to be agitated about it!"

"You dare to look for Ye Wei in my name! I warned you not to go to the villa!" Gong Mochen said coldly.

Ta Luosi chuckled and said, "I went there the day before yesterday. You said it yesterday. It's not considered me breaking the rules! I just casually spoke to her... It's my fault. I forgot that you don't like fried food. It's my favorite!"

"You did it on purpose! You deliberately made me look like a liar in front of Qin Sheng and embarrassed me!" Gong Mochen roared angrily.

He couldn't say that the person who went to Ye Wei's room wasn't him. Admitting that it was him meant that he'd lied to Qin Sheng!

"I can't even meet people? If I don't pretend to be you, what identity can I use to go out? Ye Wei isn't bad. She's infatuated with you and is virtuous. She's much better than Qin Zixian!" Ta Luosi said.

Gong Mochen pursed his lips and threw Ta Luosi off the sofa. "Just try and do that again! I dare you!"

Ta Luosi sat up and tidied his clothes. "It can't be that bad, right? You won't let go of Qin Sheng, but you won't let go of Ye Wei... You want both of them?"

"I'm not interested in Ye Wei, but I advise you to stay away from her. Otherwise, you won't even know how to die!" Gong Mochen warned Ta Luosi.

"How can I not know how to die? I'm an expert in poison making! Ye Wei's little medical skills are nothing compared to mine! I'll just make some medicine and she won't be able to cure it!" Ta Luosi was very confident in his poison-making skills.

"Do you think that only poison can kill people? Many things can kill people and be invisible! You are not allowed to get close to my villa, or else I won't show mercy!" Gong Mochen said fiercely.

Ta Luosi stood up and looked at Gong Mochen. "Don't forget, how did you promise your mother that you would kill me? If you plan to kill me, how are you going to answer to your mother?"

Gong Mochen's hands clenched into fists. His mother was a blood relative that he couldn't part with!

"There can be two of me in this world, and there can also be two of Ta Luosi."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and walked out of the villa.

The corner of Ta Luosi's lips twitched violently. Even under the silver mask he was unable to conceal his coldness. It was as if his coldness had seeped out from hell, so cold that it was terrifying.

His heart palpitated violently. He had always thought that he was ruthless. Now, it seemed that the most ruthless person wasn't him!

Would Gong Mochen dare to do anything for that girl?

His dark eyes shimmered, and there was an icy current in the depths of them.


At the filming location, Chu Xia's phone rang. Her fingers swiped the screen and she answered the call.

"Do you like those flowers?" a man's voice said.

Chu Xia recognized the man from the first word he said. She had thought about him before. So, it was him... But she felt that this man hated her so much, so why would he spend a million yuan to buy her flowers?

Was he confused? Had he forgotten about the hatred in his heart?

"Sikong Jue, are you f*cking crazy? Do you have so much money that you have nowhere to burn it?" she said fiercely.

The flowers had caused so many people to talk about her. It was as if she was seeing a man behind Ming Tai's back.

The question was, why did Sikong Jue do it?

The corner of Sikong Jue's lips twitched. He had bought her flowers, spent a fortune on her, and she scolded him yet again. Shouldn't she be at least a little grateful? A little happy?

"One bouquet of roses shouldn't be enough to entice you into bed! You should ask for many roses before you willingly give yourself to a man!" he roared angrily.

Yesterday, he saw the news. Chu Xia and Ming Tai had a candlelit dinner together. Ming Tai even gave Chu Xia roses. When the two of them left the restaurant, they even held hands.

The intimate look that they gave each other obviously signified that they were about to get a room.

He immediately drove to the resort to find out which room Chu Xia was staying in. In the end, he wasn't able to find out, so had to leave. And that's when he had an idea...

He made a big decision. He ordered thousands of roses from the flower shop and sent them to the resort. He wanted to let Chu Xia know that a bouquet of flowers from Ming Tai was nothing compared to what he could give her.

He could casually send her so many roses. Wouldn't that show her how much better he was?

However, the result was out of his expectations. Not only was Chu Xia not moved, she was scolding him again.

Chu Xia was so angry that she almost passed out. Why could this man always insult her like this?

Was she the kind of person who would sleep with someone just for a bunch of roses?

"You mean I have to thank you for your kindness? Sikong Jue, get as far away from me as you can."

She was so angry. She was being talked about and humiliated by the big and small celebrities here. She wanted to strangle that man to death!

If it weren't for the fact that she didn't have the strength to do so, she would've crushed her phone!

Qin Sheng tugged at Chu Xia. "Don't be angry. Have you ever thought about why Sikong Jue gave you so many roses?"

"He just wants to embarrass me! I don't care why!" Chu Xia gritted her teeth.

Qin Sheng rolled her eyes. Spending a million just to embarrass a woman?

She didn't think that Sikong Jue had that much money. She thought that Sikong Jue really loved Chu Xia. Otherwise, why would he be willing to spend so much money? But there was too much distance between the two of them, so no matter how hard they tried, they were going in the opposite direction.

"Try to have a good talk with him," she advised calmly. Perhaps things wouldn't turn out badly...

"Forget it. He just hates me for not dying!" Chu Xia took out a cigarette and wanted to smoke it.

At that moment, a helicopter rumbled in the sky and flew over to the filming location.

Everyone looked up at the helicopter in the sky.

There seemed to be too much going on at the moment. A million roses had already arrived, so what was going to happen now?

Chu Xia looked at the huge banner floating from the helicopter in shock. She really wanted to cry. The banner said, "Chu Xia, I love you!"

She dialled a number. "Sikong Jue, are you still f*king messing with me? A helicopter now? Seriously?"

Sikong Jue was stunned. "What? I didn't hire a helicopter?"

"If it's not you, then who is it? It says I love you!" Chu Xia shouted.

Ming Tai walked over and pulled Chu Xia up. "Chu Xia, I love you. Do you like the present I gave you? There are still surprises here..."