May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 344 - Chapter 344 the most romantic things4

Chapter 344: Chapter 344 the most romantic things4

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"May I ask who is Miss Chu Xia?" asked the florist

"Ah?" Chu Xia gaped. The roses were for her?

Everyone at the filming site stared at Chu Xia, envy and jealousy radiating from their eyes.

Qin Sheng pushed the dazed Chu Xia. "Hurry up and sign it!"

Chu Xia blinked her eyes. She still hadn't come to her senses. She looked at the florist and said, "You want me to sign? You must be mistaken!"

The florist said, "You are Miss Chu Xia? I'm not mistake. Please sign for the roses. All these roses symbolize eternal love. We have delivered it. You can sign for it and then we can leave."

They didn't understand why this woman was hesitating. They sent flowers to people every day. Any normal woman who received so many flowers would cry with excitement, or even shouted in excitement. But with this woman, there was no reaction at all...

They wanted to finish this job and quickly go back to deliver the other goods.

Chu Xia took the delivery list and read it carefully. The name of the recipient was written on it. It was Chu Xia...

Chu Xia thought of another question. "Don't go yet. It doesn't say who sent the goods? Who sent them?"

She was in a daze. She still didn't know who gave her the roses.

"The customer didn't leave a message, and we don't know either. It should be your boyfriend, right?" the delivery worker said.

When the flower shop's front desk received the order, the person at the front desk asked the customer's name, but they had declined to give it. They presumed it was because the customer wanted to send the flowers secretly.

The workers who delivered the flowers got back into the car and drove away.

Chu Xia, who was surrounded by the red roses, was dumbfounded. Who on Earth sent these to her?

"It's Ming Tai, right? Hurry up and call Ming Tai and ask him!" Qin Sheng said.

"He was busy last night and went to bed early in the morning. It can't be him who ordered them," Chu Xia said.

But then if it wasn't Ming Tai who'd sent them to her, who could it be? She was so confused her head started to hurt.

"Maybe it was arranged in advance? Didn't you guys go on a date last night?" Qin Sheng thought of this. "He probably got excited, and order the roses to be sent to you today!"

"No way! He gave me a bunch of roses yesterday at dinner." Chu Xia thought about the two of them having dinner yesterday.

Yesterday, Ming Tai invited her for a candlelit dinner and gave her a big bunch of roses. During dinner, he didn't say anything special, nothing that would imply that he was going to buy her thousands of roses. She just couldn't think of any man who would give her roses!

Who would seriously buy her all these flowers?

Her brain started to throb. It must've been Ming Tai then... But she really didn't understand what the man was playing at!

Besides Ming Tai, she just didn't know who else would give her flowers...

"So it was Ming Tai who sent the flowers? Ming Tai is so generous! Chu Xia, you guys went on a date yesterday, and Ming Tai sent you so many roses to show his love today!

"What did you guys do when you went out? Please can you teach me how I can make a man send me so many roses!" Yanzi's tone was sour.

Chu Xia's face stiffened. Yanzi's words made her clench a fist. What was she trying to say? And she even asked her to teach her? Teach her what exactly? What was Yanzi trying to imply!

There was no doubt that Yanzi had misled everyone to make them think that she must have done something with Ming Tai to make him send her flowers!

"Yanzi! Watch your mouth! What do you mean by that?"

"I didn't mean anything by it! Do you think what I said has any other meaning? Chu Xia, you're thinking too much!" Yanzi quickly said.

Were her words insinuating something? She didn't think so...

A few celebrities who were friends with Yanzi chimed in. "Yeah, is there a problem with Yanzi's words? Why don't we think so? To be honest, we also want to know how to get along with our boyfriends so that they send us so many roses!"

Chu Xia felt that the more she explained, the more she couldn't explain clearly. She and Ming Tai had not done anything!

Qin Sheng saw Ming Tai walking over and she immediately shouted, "Ming Tai! Hurry up and come over. Tell me, why did you send flowers?"

They had to get to the bottom of who bought these flowers for Chu Xia, and the only way to do that was to ask Ming Tai. If he wasn't the one who sent them, then they had a mystery on their hands.

Ming Tai heard Qin Sheng calling him and ran over. "What flowers? The ones I gave to Chu Xia last night?"

"No, these flowers!" Qin Sheng pointed at the red roses on the ground.

Ming Tai was stunned. "I didn't order those flowers... Are you guys mistaken?"

"You didn't order them? Are you sure?" Yanzi's eyes flashed as if she had discovered a long lost secret.

"I ordered a bunch for Chu Xia last night. But I didn't order these!" Ming Tai said and looked at the crowd around him. "Who are these flowers for?"

"For Chu Xia! We all thought it was you who ordered them! So it's not you..." Yanzi rushed to say, as though she was afraid that Ming Tai wouldn't know.

"Chu Xia, who sent you flowers?" Ming Tai's brows narrowed, and his anger boiled up.

No man would be happy about this. His own woman was sent flowers from another man!

Chu Xia was speechless. It really wasn't Ming Tai, and she couldn't think who it was.

"I don't know either..." she said, not knowing what else to say.

"Chu Xia, you really don't know how lucky you are! This breed of rose costs at least ten yuan each. This batch of roses cost one million. Someone spent a fortune on you!

"I think Chu Xia is very popular. That's why so many roses were given to her!" Yanzi said bitterly.

Why didn't they give them to her? Yanzi was a little disappointed. Chu Xia wasn't even a star like her...

Chu Xia sucked in a breath of cold air. One million... That figure swirled in her mind.

"I only have a few friends in this country. I have no idea who would give these to me!" she said.

A person suddenly flashed in her mind. Could it have been him? Would that man really spend one million on her?

Ming Tai's face became darker and darker. He was sure that it had something to do with yesterday's news.

Yesterday, the paparazzi had caught him and Chu Xia on a date. He didn't hide from them. After all, the two of them had already made their relationship public, and he wasn't afraid of people taking photos of them.

The image that was publish was a photo of him giving Chu Xia roses.

He gave Chu Xia a bunch of roses, and someone gave her a truck load of roses!

This was clearly a competition! Someone was trying to better him...

He took out his phone and dialed a number. "Gong Mochen, is your plane here?"

Gong Mochen's voice came out of the phone. "One of my planes just sent an executive to an oversea's branch of the company. But I have two planes fuelled and ready to go. Do you want the big one or the small one?"

"Actually, I want your helicopter! Lend me your helicopter!" Ming Tai said.

"The helicopter is in use at the moment. I sent Nie Feng to inspect a warehouse. But I can ask him to come back. What do you want it for?" Gong Mochen asked.

The warehouses in various regions were far from the city center, so it was faster to fly to them by helicopter.