May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 343 - Chapter 343 the most romantic thing 3

Chapter 343: Chapter 343 the most romantic thing 3

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Gong Mochen was pleasantly surprised to find that the little woman didn't seem to be bothered by her period.

"Have you calmed down now? Has your anger dissipated?"

Qin Sheng felt the man's fingers and she immediately closed her legs. "I... I still need to eat breakfast!"

What was this man playing at now? She felt powerless, her complexion going pale.

"You eat your food, and I'll eat mine..." Gong Mochen activated the soundproof panel, turning the back of the car into an enclosed space.

Nie Feng heaved a sigh of relief. Gong Mochen finally activated the soundproof panel... He would've felt so awkward if he'd left it open.

He heard the faint whispers of the people behind him, and although he couldn't hear what they were saying, he could feel the ambiguous atmosphere.

Qin Sheng's hand pressed down on the man's hand, not allowing him to move. She really couldn't do this in the car. It was too embarrassing!

"No, I have to rush to the resort. I still have a meeting to attend!" She didn't want to be late.

"You have to cooperate. There's enough time..." Gong Mochen opened his mouth and ate the remaining rice balls in the little woman's hand. He kissed her lips and sent the food into her mouth. She ate too slowly, simply wasting time.

Qin Sheng was fed by the man and was forced to swallow the food, while her skirt was lifted up.

As she swallowed the food in her mouths, the man's head moved downwards and gradually approached her legs.

The man was right in front of her, and her legs were pressed down by his strong hands, not allowing her to close them.

Qin Sheng bit her lips and suppressed all the embarrassing noises in her throat.

This feeling was so strong, ten times stronger than normal love. The flood that broke the dam was a wild tide that she couldn't stop, causing a dizzying and itchy feeling to trickled down her body.

Moments later, she collapsed onto the back seat like an obedient doll.

Gong Mochen unbuckled his belt as Qin Sheng sank into the seat. Now it was his turn...

His hand pinched her jaw, making her open her mouth...

Qin Sheng felt like electric currents were bursting through her body, and she couldn't stop the man's actions. She could only let him play...


Gong Mochen's black car drove into the resort. Qin Sheng got out of the car, her face bright red.

Gong Mochen followed behind the little woman and called out to her in a low voice.

However, the little woman didn't even look back and walked straight into the studio. She sat on her chair and watched the scene.

Gong Mochen put down the food bag and soy milk next to her and told her to eat well before he turned around and left.

Chu Xia, who was sitting next to Qin Sheng, looked at the man as he left then turned to Qin Sheng, whose face was still red.

"What's wrong with the two of you? Have you had a fight or something? What's going on?"

Qin Sheng stomped her foot. She couldn't exactly reveal the truth... Couldn't say what they'd just done in the car.

She couldn't say it no matter how hard she tried. She could only hold her anger in.

"It's nothing. It's just that he was being disobedient!"

Yes, he was disobedient. She had already said that she didn't want him, and he still wanted to...

Chu Xia sniffed. "Something's wrong? What's that smell?"

Qin Sheng sat up straight in shock and covered her mouth with her hand. Could Chu Xia have smelled that smell?

"It's nothing. I'm a bit hot. Is there a smell in my mouth?"

"No way! It smells so good!" Chu Xia sniffed again. "I'm so stupid! The smell is coming from your food bag! It smells so good!"

She took the food bag and opened it. "It's rice balls! My favorite rice balls. Are you going to eat them or not? Can we share them?"

Qin Sheng breathed a sigh of relief. Chu Xia was talking about the smell of the rice balls!

"I'll give them to you! There's also a cup of soy milk left."

She gave the soy milk to Chu Xia.

Chu Xia wolfed it down. "Delicious, delicious! The restaurant that serves this food is too far away from my house. Otherwise, I'd eat it every day!"

Qin Sheng looked at the gluttonous Chu Xia. "What's wrong with you recently? You seem to have become very greedy! You're going to have a fashion show soon. You'll end up putting on weight, and then what happens when they take photos of you on the catwalk with a bunch of skinny models?"

Chu Xia swallowed her last mouthful. "I've been hungry for the past two days. I don't really know what's wrong with me... Anyway, I'm full now. I have the strength to lose weight! I won't eat for the rest of the day now."

She touched her bulging stomach. She felt so guilty. Thinking about how she was going to be in the same frame as the models, she wanted to die. How ugly would she look?

Qin Sheng raised her eyebrows. She had heard such words countless times. She knew that Chu Xia would change her mind again when she saw the food in the afternoon...

A van stopped at the filming site. The door opened and a group of workers in flower shop uniforms stepped out of the van. They were carrying roses...

The workers had so many roses and brought them onto the filming site. Qin Sheng couldn't could how many there were...

Qin Sheng was dumbfounded. Could it be that a rich man was showing his love to one of the actors on set?

"Who are these flowers for?" she asked the woman on set.

The actresses, whether they were a-list, b-list, or c-list actors, all squeezed over and looked eagerly. All of them did the same thing, flipping their phones to see if the roses were sent by their suitors.

Because if they were sent for them, they would be informed via text message. Even if it was a surprise, the person who sent them would send a text message or make a phone call now that the roses had been arrived on set.

However, when they raised their heads again, all of them revealed disappointed expressions.

"Yanzi, are the roses from your suitor?" one of the actresses asked the biggest star on set.

Yanzi clenched her phone tightly. She also hoped that they were for her, but she couldn't find any indication that they were. Sending such a large number of roses to the filming site was a big statement. The reporters who were stationed at the filming site had already started taking photos of the roses.

"I don't know. I haven't received any messages or calls yet!" she said awkwardly.

Who on earth were these roses for? It was clearly someone important.

If the roses weren't for one of the actors, could it be that Le Le had ordered them as props? Qin Sheng rubbed her chin, thinking.

She immediately called Le Le over and asked her if she had ordered them. Le Le indicated that she wasn't so wasteful as to order so many roses as props.

Chu Xia snickered. "I know, it must be President Gong! He bought them for you! Who else would be so generous?

"What a good man! He bought roses to apologize for treating you badly. Hurry up and send a message saying that you forgive him!"

She teased Qin Sheng, grinning at her friend. President Gong was indeed considerate.

Qin Sheng was stunned, the corners of her lips twitching in anger. What a waste this was! She didn't want roses!

Why did she need so many roses? Other than looking at them, she couldn't do anything else. They would wither after a week!

She always thought that things that withered so easily shouldn't symbolize love. Love was meant to be eternal, ever lasting.

Jewelry was a more appropriate gift. At least the jewelry wouldn't wither and die!

She picked up her phone and called Gong Mochen. "Who told you to buy roses? Return them!"

"Baby, I didn't buy roses. If I wanted to give you something, I would give you gemstones." Gong Mochen paused a second. "Wait a minute, who gave you roses?" He immediately became alert.

So, it wasn't Gong Mochen who'd bought the roses... Did that mean they weren't for her?

"There's been a mistake. They're not for me." Qin Sheng quickly hung up the call.

The flower workers finally finished arranging the roses and one of them came over with a form for someone to sign for them...