May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 337 - Chapter 337 punishment for being jealous 22

Chapter 337: Chapter 337 punishment for being jealous 22

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Qin Sheng's eyes widened in shock. Her phone screen cracked and shattered from Gong Mochen's touch!

"Gong Mochen!" she roared angrily.

Damn it! What did she do to provoke him? He crushed her phone screen!

The corners of Gong Mochen's lips curled into a wicked smile. "The quality of your phone is too poor. It shattered with just a pinch. Baby, don't be angry. I'll be responsible for breaking it. Where's Nie Feng's phone?"

Nie Feng immediately took out his phone and handed it to Gong Mochen.

The platinum case the phone was in was luxurious. It was encircled by diamonds that could be pried out to make rings. The logo on the back of the phone showed its high-class brand.

Yanzi's eyes instantly lit up. That was a limited edition phone and was only tailored for the most distinguished customers. Each phone could be customized according to the customer's requirements and desired private functions. In other words, this phone was unique!

Such a phone was only sold in secret in the noble circle. She only found out about it after listening to a few big bosses' conversations.

Because of real gold and real silver, because of diamonds, and because of the exclusive private customization function, it was said that the price would be seven figures...

Her eyes almost turned red. As expected, Gong Mochen was rich and generous. He could give his woman such a gift so generously!

Her hands were clenched into fists. If she was Gong Mochen's woman, she would also have such a phone.

Wang Qing whispered in her ear, "Did you see that? My sister once asked you to find a way to get close to Gong Mochen because she valued Gong Mochen's status. Such a man, even as a lover, is better than being an ordinary person's wife!

"Why did you have to spread rumors about your relationship with Ming Tai? Are you regretting it now? For goodness sake..."

Yanzi pursed her lips, lowered her voice and said, "Do you think I don't want to? The issue is that Gong Mochen has always been abstinent. I can't find a chance!"

Who knew if this man was incompetent or not? And who knew if he had really had sex with Yun Sheng? He clearly said that his engagement to Yun Sheng was to torture her. If that was the case, why would he give her a phone worth so much money?

If he was so abusive, she was willing to be abused!

She ate a small cake to flirt with Gong Mochen, but the man didn't even look at her!

"If he doesn't give you a chance, you won't create your own chance? If he can react to Boss Yun, then why wouldn't he react to you? Don't tell me you're not as feminine as Boss Yun?" Wang Qing muttered.

Yanzi instantly felt like she was slapped by someone. Could it be that she couldn't even compare to Yun Sheng?

She walked to the coffee stand and got some coffee. No one knew what she was going to do.

Qin Sheng's brain didn't have as many circuits as Yanzi's. She never cared about the value of a phone. To her, a phone was just a communication tool!

But if Gong Mochen had broken her phone and gave this to her, of course she would want it!

She grabbed the phone and put her card in it. She still didn't know what the message that Ha Siqi had sent her said.

However, after she activated the phone, she couldn't find Ha Siqi's name in her contacts.

How could there be no Ha Siqi? She searched through her friends.

She looked up at the man beside her. "Did you delete Ha Siqi from my contacts?"

"Baby, I didn't even touch that phone. How could I delete your friend?" Gong Mochen spread his hands and said.

Qin Sheng blinked her eyes. She had inserted the card herself. Gong Mochen didn't touch her phone, so he really couldn't have deleted her friend.

Fortunately, she could still search for Ha Siqi's name and add him as a friend. However, she found that she couldn't find Ha Siqi's name.

This name was exclusive to Ha Siqi. How could she not find it?

He changed his name?

"Chu Xia, send me Ha Siqi's number!" she shouted at Chu Xia.

"Okay!" Chu Xia clicked and sent the number to Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng's forehead darkened. There was no number in the search!

What was going on? Why could anyone find it but her?

The next moment, she turned to look at Gong Mochen. "What did you do to this phone?"

"The phone? Nothing? What happened?" Gong Mochen looked innocent.

"Why can't I find Ha Siqi?" Qin Sheng questioned.

"Could it be that you're not meant to be friends with him? Or did you do something that made people hate you and destroyed the phone?" Gong Mochen said.

"What did we do? It must have been you!" Qin Sheng snapped. Why else wouldn't she be able to add Ha Siqi. That was the only reason she could come up with...

Gong Mochen took out his phone and sent a photo to the little woman. "Don't tell me that the man who kissed you wasn't Ha Siqi!"

She couldn't find Ha Siqi because there was a special function on the phone. She would never be able to find the person he didn't want her to find.

Qin Sheng looked at the photo on the screen. She had only whispered into Ha Siqi's ear. Why did it look like they were kissing?

She swiped her hand across the phone's screen and was stunned to see the other messages on it...

'Gong Mochen, I love you!'

'In this life and the next, I only like the feeling of hugging you!'

'You're amazing! Seven times in one night... You made me scream every time!'

'Never stop. Make me feel good! Come to my bed quickly!'

Gong Mochen's reply was, 'Alright, I'll make you feel good. I'll make you feel good every night until dawn!'

'Remember the mark I left in the depths of your heart, that's the proof that I love you!'

What the hell... When did she send such shameless messages?

Looking at the date, she remembered that it was the day she locked the man in her room!

Not only did he use her phone to send Li Ang a message behind her back, he also used her phone to send him a message behind her back...

"Gong Mochen, why are you so shameless! You sent yourself a message off my phone?" she said, holding the the phone tightly.

"That was sent by you..." Gong Mochen pointed at it.

"I didn't send that! You used my phone to send it to yourself!" Qin Sheng shouted.

"What proof do you have that I sent it?" Gong Mochen asked back.

Qin Sheng pouted. She had no proof. "Then tell me, if I didn't send the message, who else could it be?"

"This is called deep affection. You accidentally sent what you were thinking," Gong Mochen lowered his voice and said in the woman's ear.

Qin Sheng suddenly realized that the man was going to defile her...

She quickly deleted all the message records. If she deleted it, it would be gone.

Gong Mochen shook his phone. "I still have it here."

Qin Sheng raised her hand to snatch the phone from the man's hand, but the man dodged her. She didn't catch the phone, but threw herself into the man's arms.

"Showing off your affection in front of so many people?" Ming Tai walked over casually.

Qin Sheng quickly got out of the man's arms. She could already feel everyone's gaze on her. They probably saw her action and thought that she had thrown herself at Gong Mochen!

Her little face was burning red. She got up and went to the bathroom. If she said that she was only in his arms because she wanted to snatch the phone, would anyone believe her?

She trudged into the bathroom and slammed the door. She couldn't stand the gazes of so many people.

Gong Mochen glared at Ming Tai, who was ruining the scene. "Are you trying to slack off by not filming?"

"It's not my scene yet! Your woman has run away. Why aren't you chasing her?" Ming Tai said.

"Wait for me to come back and settle the score with you!" Gong Mochen stood up and chased after his little woman.

"Do you need me to put up a sign outside the bathroom that says it's being repaired?" Ming Tai teased.

It was likely that the little woman wouldn't be able to escape being abused...