May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 336 - Chapter 336 punishment for being Jealous 21

Chapter 336: Chapter 336 punishment for being Jealous 21

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Qin Sheng was checking the situation at the filming site when she saw the tall man walking to her. She didn't know why he would be so free to come to her place instead of going to work!

"President Gong, don't you have any work to do in your company?" she asked unhappily.

Gong Mochen's lips twitched. He was extremely busy. There were several international negotiation meetings and tens of billions of contracts waiting for him to sign. However, this devious girl still dared to cheat on him!

His gaze swept across the scene. Where was Ha Siqi now?

At least he'd got here quickly.

"I came to visit and bought some coffee and cake for everyone."

As the man's voice quietened, the delivery staff of the coffee shop carried a wooden bucket of blue mountain coffee in. There were also a few cake shop workers carrying large trays.

The entire production crew cheered. The top-grade blue mountain coffee cost hundreds, and Gong Mochen delivered a wooden bucket of freshly ground coffee to them.

The delivery staff of the cakes, wearing the badge on their work clothes, was also the most luxurious cake brand in the country.

The staff of the coffee shop turned on the small switch on the wooden barrel and poured coffee for everyone. Instantly, the aroma of the coffee spread through the entire scene.

Even director An An couldn't sit still and walked over to drink coffee.

"Thank you, President Gong. I'm just a little tired. Coffee is a good thing!" he said as he sipped his coffee.

Yanzi walked over with a small plate of cakes.

There were many kinds of cakes. Luxury macarons, classic cheesecake, tiramisu, and all kinds of mini cakes.

She guessed that a man like Gong Mochen wouldn't like to eat dessert, but she thought she'd ask him anyway.

"CEO Gong, you eat too! Gong Mochen is so considerate to send us cake and coffee! We will definitely make this movie great!"

However, Gong Mochen didn't take the small plate from Yanzi. "I don't want to eat cake."

His cold words held no warmth, and Yanzi withdrew her hand awkwardly.

"CEO Gong, you're not hungry? Then I will help you eat it." She sat next to director An An and faced Gong Mochen. She picked up the cake and took a bite.

Qin Sheng rolled her eyes. She didn't understand how Yanzi could eat so seductively...

Some people were flirtatious right down to their bones, she supposed.

Nie Feng brought over a bowl of tiramisu and handed it to Gong Mochen.

Gong Mochen handed it to the little woman beside him. "You like it. Eat it while it's cold. It won't taste good once it melts."

Tiramisu was best eaten when it was slightly frozen.

Qin Sheng's lips twitched. "I don't like tiramisu anymore. I want milk ice."

Her gaze landed on the cake tray. There was also a insulated box. The shop assistant took out the milk ice from it.

"This is our new product. It's free for everyone to taste. It's made from pure milk. I guarantee there are no additives!" the shop assistant announced.

Many people took it and tasted it.

Qin Sheng didn't know what was going on. She wanted to eat the popsicle as soon as she saw it. Her stomach was a little nauseated at first, but she soon developed an appetite.

Gong Mochen said, "Don't eat too much. This is too cold. You don't feel well. It won't be good for your stomach."

Qin Sheng took a bite of the popsicle. It was indeed pure milk, and the milk fragrance was super strong.

"But it's delicious. Ask them to save another stick for me!"

She was also afraid that her appetite couldn't bear such a cold thing, so she chose to nibble it slowly.

Gong Mochen said, "Baby, let's go back to the room to eat, okay?"

Qin Sheng blinked. "Why go back to the room? I still have to watch them film."

Gong Mochen said, "Come back to the room."

Qin Sheng looked at the man beside her and poked his ribs with her elbow. "Shameless! Get lost!"

Gong Mochen chuckled softly. "How am I shameless?"

Qin Sheng was rendered speechless by the man's question.

He was indeed a black-bellied bad man!

Qin Sheng's lips curved into sly smile. She turned her head to face the man and snapped the popsicle in her hand.

She chewed with her small mouth and didn't care about the man's inner turmoil. Her phone pinged with a notification. She picked up the phone and looked at the message.

It was a message from Ha Siqi. It said that he had found the worker's home address and had set off to look for the worker's wife.

The corners of her lips curved up. She might be able to save Li Ang very soon!

Gong Mochen glanced at the woman's phone. He recognized the number! It was Ha Siqi!

He looked at the sweet smile on the little woman's face. She dared to smile at other men's messages in front of him!

"What are you laughing at? Let me see!" He stuck his head out to look at the message. If Ha Siqi dared to send her flirtatious messages, he would definitely cripple him!

"This is my privacy! You have no right to see it!" Qin Sheng turned off the screen of her phone.

Gong Mochen's lips twitched. His big hand pinched the phone, and there was a click...