May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 335 - Chapter 335: The punishment for being jealous

Chapter 335: Chapter 335: The punishment for being jealous

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

At the filming site, Qin Sheng saw Ha Siqi walking over. She immediately went up to him and brought him to her office in the resort.

"How's the investigation going?" Qin Sheng enquired. She couldn't wait to ask.

Ha Siqi sat on the sofa with Qin Sheng. "I didn't run for nothing these few days. I found a body at the construction site where Li Ang disappeared."

Qin Sheng was shocked. "A body? No way..."

She didn't dare to say the rest, to ask about the body. Her heart was in a knot. She was afraid that something had happened to Li Ang!

"It's not Li Ang. Don't worry!" Ha Siqi said quickly, "It was found in a cement base! Fortunately, I used a detector. Otherwise, I wouldn't have been able to see the place where the cement was poured."

He'd taken people to the construction site to look for clues. Li Ang was missing, and Qin Sheng found Qin Zixian's anklet. But even if Qin Zixian was involved, how could a woman like her move a man as big as Li Ang?

In the end, he accidentally came across a newly poured cement foundation. When he'd first seen the newly poured cement, he didn't care about it. After all, it was a construction site, so it was common to pour the foundations.

However, after a few days, he found a problem. There were no workers working here. Who would pour cement in a place where work had stopped?

He'd found a detector and found something unusual in the cement...

There was a corpse. Fortunately, the person was in the cement had been preserved, so his appearance wasn't affected. He was recognized by the workers at the nearby construction site as one of their fellow countryman.

"A worker was in the cement?" Qin Sheng was surprised.

"The worker died before the cement was poured. I asked the forensic doctor to come and examine the body. The time of death of the man was the same day that Li Ang disappeared!" Ha Siqi said.

Qin Sheng frowned. "Li Ang said that he went to find someone to get me a video. He said that the person who had the video was a worker who built the glass banquet hall!"

"Yes! I sent someone to check the identity of this worker. There was one item in his work file, which was the glass banquet hall. He was the person who built the glass banquet hall for Qin Zixian!" Ha Siqi said.

"That means that he was the worker who had the video that Li Ang was looking for! But the worker is dead and Li Ang is missing... Did you find the worker's cell phone?" Qin Sheng thought of this question.

"No cell phone. He had something like a wallet on him, but he didn't have a cell phone," Ha Siqi said.

"Could it be Qin Zixian who did this?" Qin Sheng asked.

"Qin Zixian likely had a helper. She must have brought someone to the construction site, killed the worker, took the cell phone, and then took Li Ang away. She couldn't have done all that alone! She must be working with someone, but we can't find out who that person is."

Ha Siqi had checked for footprints nearby, because the ground was covered in sand and dust. But the wind must've blown the footprints away. He couldn't find out who the person who came with Qin Zixian was. He didn't even know if it was a man or woman.

Qin Zixian had said that the anklet had been lost a long time ago. This reason could excuse her. After all, at that time, everyone knew that she was paralyzed.

How could a paralyzed person go to the construction site to kill people?

They had no reason to arrest Qin Zixian.

Qin Sheng bit her lips. "This worker must've known that the video in his hands was valuable. Would he keep a copy for himself just in case?

"I checked Li Ang's bank records. He withdrew 500,000 dollars in cash on the same day. For a worker, that is a huge sum of money."

Ha Siqi nodded. "With so much money, he must've been afraid of losing it. What if he didn't get the money? Qin Sheng, are you saying that you think he hid a copy of the video, just in case?"

"Yes, there must be a backup. Check his family. Maybe he sent the video to his family and friends," Qin Sheng said.

Just as the two of them were discussing how to find clues, the door to the room was opened.

Nie Fang walked in. "Miss Yun, Master Ha, I made tea for you."

She placed the tea on the table and looked up at Ha Siqi.

Qin Sheng was startled. "Nie Fang, why are you here? Didn't I ask you to take care of Ye Wei?"

"President Gong asked me to take care of Miss Yun," Nie Fang said.

Initially, she thought she could laze around for a few days while pretending that she was taking care of Ye Wei. She didn't expect Nie Feng to call her and tell her that Gong Mochen wanted her to come to the resort immediately to take care of Qin Sheng, and that she had to be close to her.

Qin Sheng rolled her eyes. The person she had just dumped was sent back by Gong Mochen. "I don't need you to serve me here. You can leave."

"Miss Yun, how can that be? It was President Gong who asked me to serve you. I can't neglect my duty," Nie Fang said.

Now her eyes were wide open. Seeing Qin Sheng and Ha Siqi together, she was full of energy. If she could catch Qin Sheng cheating, that would be even better. Then Gong Mochen would surely kick this fickle woman away!

Qin Sheng's lips twitched. He was obviously spying on her!

She moved closer to Ha Siqi's ear and said a few words. Nie Fang couldn't hear what she'd said.

Ha Siqi nodded and stood up. "Then I'm leaving. You be careful. Do you need me to help you deal with this maid?"

His gaze landed on Nie Fang. If it wasn't for this woman, he could still speak a few more words with Qin Sheng.

"No need. You can go." Qin Sheng tipped her head at Ha Siqi, motioning for him to leave.

If Ha Siqi got rid of Nie Fang, it might offend Gong Mochen. She didn't want to let Ha Siqi offend Gong Mochen over such a small matter.

Ha Siqi snorted. "I'll settle the score with him when I come back!"

He quickly walked out of the room. He couldn't delay the matter of finding the video!

A cold light flashed in Nie Fang's eyes. How dare she treat her like this! She wasn't someone to be trifled with...

She tapped her phone and sent the photos she secretly took to Gong Mochen.

The photos were of Qin Sheng talking to Ha Siqi. From the angle she'd taken them, it looked like they were kissing.

A sinister smile appeared on her face. How dare Qin Sheng mock her as a maid! But she wouldn't be a maid for long...


In Gong Mochen's meeting room, several executives and CEOs were having a meeting.

His phone pinged with a notification. He opened it and saw pictures of Qin Sheng and Ha Siqi!

His lips formed into a straight line. Luckily he had sent Nie Fang. Otherwise, he wouldn't have known that this little woman was making out with Ha Siqi behind his back!

The little woman seemed to be courting death!

"Meeting adjourned!" he stood up and said coldly.

Gong Mochen hurriedly walked out of the meeting room's door.

Everyone in the meeting room was stunned. Gong Mochen had always been a workaholic. He never allowed anyone to interrupt his meetings, much less leave them himself.

Gong Mochen had suddenly interrupted the meeting. He'd only done that twice recently. Once when Qin Sheng came to look for him, and this time!

The group of executives were surprised by Gong Mochen's abnormal behavior. Why was he acting in such a threatening manner? Why did it look like he was going to kill someone?