May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 332 - Chapter 332 punishment for being jealous

Chapter 332: Chapter 332 punishment for being jealous

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Ye Wei's heart twitched. She walked over and knocked on the door.

"Qin Sheng, if the food doesn't suit your taste, I'll make you something else. What do you want to eat?"

In the room, Qin Sheng felt that Ye Wei's gentle voice was harsh to her ears.

She pushed the man away, opened the door and walked out. "Don't bother, I don't want to eat. Since you're injured, go and recuperate!"

Ye Wei's face turned pale when she saw the man standing in the room.

He didn't care about her burns and ran to comfort the person who had injured her.

The pain in her back wasn't as severe as the pain in her heart. He didn't even look at her when she was burnt by Qin Sheng.

"I'm just concerned about you. I don't mean any harm." Her voice was choked with sobs.

"Yes, Ye Wei is so magnanimous. She didn't even care that you scalded her. She was afraid that you were hungry and wanted to cook for you. How can you be like this to her?" Han Qing walked over.

Qin Sheng pursed her lips. "I didn't ask her to do anything for me. It was an accident that I burned her. I didn't see that a maid was bringing the soup over."

"Even so, you should know the basic courtesy, right? You should apologize to Ye Wei!" Han Qing said.

Qin Sheng's hands were clenched into fists. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't apologize!

Ye Wei's hand held Han Qing's arm. "Auntie, forget it. Qin Sheng didn't do it on purpose. No one knew that the maid was bringing the soup over at that time."

"How can you be so blasé? Even if it was unintentional, you should know the most basic manners!" Han Qing said.

Qin Sheng's lips twitched as she glared at Ye Wei and Han Qing's faces. At that moment, she thought of Yanzi. If it was Yanzi, she would definitely act even more pitifully than Ye Wei, as if she was the one who was injured!

She walked over and said, "I should apologize. I'm really sorry to Ye Wei. It was my fault that I didn't notice the maid bringing the soup. How's your injury? Where's the ointment? I'll apply the ointment for you!"

Ye Wei's nerves froze for a moment. She didn't expect Qin Sheng to say this. "No need. It's nothing serious. I can apply it myself."

"Oh, it's not serious? It's not serious, but you can't let your guard down. It's not easy to apply ointment on your back. I'll get the maid to apply it for you. No matter what, it can't leave a scar. You're not married yet. In the future, you'll have to find a boyfriend. It's not good to have a scar on your back!" Qin Sheng said as she looked at Nie Fang.

"Nie Fang, from today onwards, you'll serve miss Ye Wei. You have to take good care of her wound!"

It just so happened that she didn't like Nie Fang following her, so she gave her to Ye Wei.

Nie Fang agreed. In front of Gong Mochen, she didn't dare to say no.

Asking her to serve Ye Wei... Nie Fang felt wronged, but she couldn't do anything about it.

Ye Wei said uncomfortably, "I don't need anyone to serve me. I'm not used to it. I can do it myself."

She really didn't expect Qin Sheng to say such words. She only felt that something was wrong. According to Qin Sheng's personality, she would definitely insist on not apologizing and would even make a fuss over the matter.

She had seen the way Qin Sheng interacted with Qin Zixian. Since when did a girl like Qin Sheng not want to make a scene?

"How can that be? You were burned because of me. I should be the one to serve you. If you don't want my help, then my maid should at least serve you. If you don't want it, are you dismissing my good intentions and not forgiving me?" Qin Sheng said craftily.

What kind of game was Qin Sheng playing here? Ye Wei wasn't entirely sure. Qin Zixian had warned her about this...

Ye Wei held her breath in her chest for a moment, and then said. "I don't blame you. You've really misunderstood!"

Qin Sheng's lips curved into a smile. "Doctor Ye is truly very magnanimous... I'm glad you don't hold it against me. Nie Fang, you have to take good care of Doctor Ye. Don't neglect her. If anything goes wrong with Doctor Ye's wound, it'll be because of your carelessness!"

Nie Fang almost hated Ye Wei to death. So, she was to be blamed if anything went wrong with Ye Wei's wound? How unfair was that!

"Yes, I'll definitely take good care of Doctor Ye," she said with her head lowered.

"Then why aren't you helping Doctor Ye to her room to apply the medicine?" Gong Mochen said.

Nie Fang quickly walked to Ye Wei's side and helped her up to her room. Ye Wei could only follow Nie Fang. If she continued to decline Qin Sheng's offer, she would look stingy... She'd end up being the one who was in the wrong.

Qin Sheng looked at Han Qing. "Auntie, do you see how I admit my mistakes?"

Han Qing paused for a moment. "Very good. If you're not feeling well, then you should rest. Mochen, don't disturb Qin Sheng's rest."

After instructing her son, she turned around to walk downstairs.

Gong Mochen shoved his hand into the pocket of his suit pants, watching as Qin Sheng walked back into her room. "You're not angry anymore?"

"Why would I be angry? Someone wants me to be angry, but I won't let her get what she wants. Didn't you hear what your mother said? You're not allowed to disturb my rest. Why aren't you leaving?" Qin Sheng ordered Gong Mochen to leave.

"I didn't disturb your rest. You haven't eaten yet. It's dinnertime now. I'll get the servants to bring the food up!" Gong Mochen said.

He knew how tired she was from running to the office every day. He was worried about her health.

"I said I don't want to eat!" Qin Sheng shouted. Thinking that the food was made by Ye Wei, she felt sick to her stomach!

"You have to eat even if you can't eat!" Gong Mochen ordered.

"I won't eat. What can you do to me?" Qin Sheng retorted. She wouldn't eat Ye Wei's food even if she died.

With a knock on the door, a maid walked in. "President, this is the takeaway you ordered."

The food box was placed on the table, emitting a fragrant smell.

Gong Mochen ordered the maid to go down and open the food box to take out the dishes inside. Grilled lobster with cheese, creamy seafood soup, and black pepper with chicken sauce were all Qin Sheng's favorite dishes.

Qin Sheng, who was originally disgusted, smelled the smell and her stomach growled.

"You must be hungry. Hurry up and eat," Gong Mochen said.

Qin Sheng sat on the chair, picked up a fork and poked at the lobster meat. She raised the food to her mouth. Only now did she feel that she was hungry...

He hadn't brought her Ye Wei's cooking, but a takeout instead.

Gong Mochen sat next to the little woman and watched as she ate. He held a tissue and occasionally wiped the crumbs from the corner of her lips.


In Ye Wei's room, Nie Fang was applying ointment on Ye Wei. She really wanted to apply it herself. Nie Fang's hand was quite strong, causing her a lot of pain.

"It's better if I apply it myself!" she said.

"Please, let me. If you don't, my miss will say that I didn't serve you wholeheartedly!" Nie Fang deliberately used her strength.

"Ah!" Ye Wei cried out in pain. "You did that on purpose!"

"How did I do it on purpose? You saw that maid coming with the the soup, so you deliberately bumped into her, right?" Nie Fang's eyes narrowed.