May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 331 - Chapter 331 punishment for being jealous

Chapter 331: Chapter 331 punishment for being jealous

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"Oh my God! Don't push Ye Wei if you don't want to see a doctor!" Han Qing stood up and rushed over to support Ye Wei. "Take off your clothes quickly, or the burns will be more serious."

As she spoke, she took off Ye Wei's clothes and instructed the maids to get some ice packs.

"Don't! Auntie, you can't take them off!" Ye Wei quickly tugged her clothes and looked at Gong Mochen shyly.

Han Qing chuckled. "There are maids here, what are you afraid of? You and Mochen slept together in a forest for a year, didn't you? What else do you have to be afraid of?"

As she spoke, she tore off Ye Wei's clothes and exclaimed, "Oh my God, it's already red. Cold water, quickly! Mochen, why haven't you brought the ice pack? Hurry up! Doctor Ye, if I didn't forcefully tear off your clothes, how long would you have to endure it? You'll get a scar!"

"Auntie, it's not that serious." Ye Wei's face was red with embarrassment. She wrapped her arms around herself to cover her body.

Qin Sheng sucked in a breath of cold air. Ye Wei was taking her clothes off in front of Gong Mochen, and she even slept with him for a year?

It seemed that the amount of information was too much, and it was obvious that her brain didn't have enough power to digest it. She turned around and left the dining room, feeling that the air in there was suffocating.

She didn't want to see Gong Mochen bring Ye Wei an ice pack and help treat her wound.

She ran upstairs, and just as she was about to close the door, a man barged in.

"Gong Mochen, why aren't you bringing an ice pack for Ye Wei? Be careful of the scar on her back, it won't look good!" she said fiercely.

"The maid went to get it. I don't need to take it to her," Gong Mochen said, pushing the door with his hand. "Open it, and let me in!"

"So, you have time to settle the score with me now? Do you feel bad that I burned your woman?" Qin Sheng leaned against the door with her body and refused to let Gong Mochen in.

Gong Mochen's eyebrows sank. "I'll count to three. If you don't open it, don't blame me for being rude!"

Qin Sheng leaned against the door. Was she stupid? If she let him in, wouldn't he be even more rude to her?

"I won't open it. You're not coming in!" she retorted.

Gong Mochen's forehead darkened. Did she really think she could stop him from coming into her room? Did she think he wouldn't be able to get in?

He pushed the door open with his arm.

Qin Sheng, who was leaning against the door, was knocked to the ground by the door. She didn't feel the expected pain. She was pulled into Gong Mochen's arms. The two of them leaned against the door, and the door closed.

"Did you think I wouldn't be able to get in here?" Gong Mochen asked the little woman in his arms.

"You're not allowed to hug me!" Qin Sheng raised her foot and stepped on Gong Mochen's foot. Unfortunately, she was wearing slippers and there wasn't much force in her stomp.

Gong Mochen didn't care about the little woman stomping on his foot. He locked her in his long arms. "What do you want to ask me? You ask, and I'll tell you."

He spoke in a deep voice.

Qin Sheng's heart froze. What did she want to ask? At that moment, she didn't want to ask anything. She was afraid that she would receive an answer that would tear her heart out.

"I don't want to know anything. Get lost!" she roared angrily.

Gong Mochen's chin rested on the little woman's head. "Qin Sheng, promise me that you'll believe me no matter what. Believe me, you're the only woman I have!"

"Only me? Gong Mochen, can you be a little more technical when you lie? Your mother said that you slept with Ye Wei in a forest for a year!" Qin Sheng was so angry that she was trembling.

Would she believe what came out of his mouth? He would probably just lie...

"I slept with her in a forest for a year because I was injured and she took care of me. The conditions in the cave were terrible and there was only a stone slab that could be used for sleeping. We could only squeeze onto that slab together. Otherwise, we wouldn't have been able to sleep.

"All we did was sleep. I was injured and it was very serious. For a period of time, I wasn't even conscious," Gong Mochen explained.

"You weren't even conscious?" Qin Sheng's lips twitched. "Does that mean she saw you naked?"

No wonder Ye Wei had been able to expose Gong Mochen's size in the news. He'd only used Ye Wei to protect her and push her away. She'd thought that Ye Wei was spouting nonsense and it was purely a coincidence.

Gong Mochen's face stiffened. "What nonsense are you spouting? She's a doctor, and I'm just a patient to her! She had many patients, and took off their clothes during major surgeries! I'm not the only one that she has seen naked. How can it be avoided when she's a doctor?"

He suddenly decided that in the future, his personal doctor would have to change to a man. Otherwise, if he became ill and was treated by Ye Wei, wouldn't Qin Sheng make a fuss about it?

"She treated more than one person? Were there many people?" Qin Sheng raised her eyes and looked at Gong Mochen.

"Many people were injured, and Ye Wei treated each one of them. It's not easy for a woman like her to take care of a bunch of men like she did," Gong Mochen said.

He treated Ye Wei well because he was grateful for the help she had given him, but it had nothing to do with his feelings.

"Then why did you go to the forest for a year?" Qin Sheng asked.

She was seventeen that year. She remembered clearly that Gong Mochen had left for a year. When he came back, he had many scars on his body. Later, he was afraid of scaring her, so he had surgery to remove the scars.

Gong Mochen's eyes darkened. "That year... it was nothing. You didn't eat dinner, so I asked the maid to bring food up."

Qin Sheng's eyes landed on Gong Mochen's face. "You came back at the beginning of the year, and my uncle died at the beginning of the year. That year, did you go to kill my uncle?"

She found the answer. How could there be such a coincidence? He went to the forest for a year, and her uncle died that year, and her uncle also died in the forest.

At that time, she only heard a rough idea and didn't dare to ask her grandfather any more. She was afraid that her grandfather's heart couldn't take it.

Now, it seemed that what her grandfather said was absolutely true.

Gong Mochen pursed his lips. "Qin Sheng, I'll explain this to you. It's not what you think. As for what happened to your uncle, I don't want you to know too much."

He touched the girl's forehead. He really didn't want Qin Sheng to know too much. Those matters were complicated and couldn't be explained in just a few sentences. Some secrets couldn't be told, especially if it involved the army and government.

He couldn't let Qin Sheng be implicated in these things.

Qin Sheng forced a smile. "I just want to ask you, did you have anything to do with my uncle's death?"

Gong Mochen was silent for a long time before saying, "Yes."

Qin Sheng got out of the man's arms and stepped back. "Did you know that my grandfather only had one son, my uncle? Did you know that the person you killed was my uncle?"

"Qin Sheng! Whether you believe it or not, I was on a mission and didn't know that he was your uncle," Gong Mochen said.

"Mission? Who sent you on that mission?" Qin Sheng asked.

Gong Mochen said, "Even if you want to take revenge on me, you have to be healthy. Now, eat!"

"Tell me, what mission were you carrying out?" Qin Sheng questioned.

If he really had something to hide, if it wasn't his intention, could she go and explain it to her grandfather? Ask for her grandfather's forgiveness?

Ye Wei, who was walking past the door, suddenly stopped in her tracks. Her eyes stared at the door in shock. Carrying out a mission?