May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 326 - Chapter 326: The punishment for being jealous

Chapter 326: Chapter 326: The punishment for being jealous

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"Gong Mochen!"

Had she invited a wolf into her room? That was the only word Qin Sheng could think of to describe him.

"Didn't you ask me to come?" Gong Mochen asked back.

"Get lost! You didn't let go of Ye Wei just now!" she roared angrily. Thinking of how she'd seen the man pulling Ye Wei. She was still angry!

Gong Mochen said, "I really thought she was you. I was wrong. Next time when I'm drunk, I'll wake myself up and distinguish whether it's you or not. And I also punished myself by slapping myself. If you're still not satisfied, I'll let you continue punishing me."

He vaguely remembered that someone had covered him with his blazer. At the time, all he could think about was that Qin Sheng wasn't pregnant, so he thought Ye Wei was Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng was stunned. He had slapped himself because the person he felt sorry for was her, not Ye Wei?

She listened to his strong heartbeat. Sleepiness once again defeated her clear mind, and she slipped into the land of nod.

Gong Mochen lowered his eyes and looked at the angel-like girl. Happiness flickered from the corner of his lips, and his love for her could not be greater, especially today, when she hit Ye Wei.

No one knew how happy he was. When she hit Ye Wei, it proved that she still had him in her heart. She was jealous and misunderstood. That was how he knew she still loved him!

His little woman still loved him. This realization made him happy.


The next morning, when Qin Sheng woke up, there was no Gong Mochen in the room.

She comfortably stretched herself and went to wash up. Then, she went to the resort to check the progress of the filming.

In the resort, she saw Chu Xia and Ming Tai sitting together, holding hands.

"Are you filming with Ming Tai? Chu Xia, your fashion show is starting next week!" Qin Sheng reminded.

"Got it. I won't delay the fashion show!" Chu Xia said.

"Ming Tai, it's our turn!" Yanzi walked over with her trademark sweet smile on her face.

"Okay, I'll come now." Ming Tai stood up and followed Yanzi to the camera.

Qin Sheng snorted and said, "With Yanzi's personality, I really can't deal with her. No matter how much she hates you, she'll always smile at you like she's acting..."

She had to admire Yanzi. She thought that Yanzi would definitely become a world superstar. After all, her life was all about acting.

"Forget about about her and her celebrity ways. I'd rather live my own normal life!" Chu Xia ridiculed.

Qin Sheng's gaze shifted. "You and Ming Tai seem to be much better. Do you have to hold hands even when sitting together?"

Chu Xia's face turned red. "He's really a good man. I can't find a reason to reject him. I want to try to develop feelings for him. In the future, I can also give Jian Jian a complete home."

"Yes, I believe that Ming Tai will treat Jian Jian well. Chu Xia, I sincerely hope that you can be happy." Qin Sheng held Chu Xia's hand.

"Don't talk about me. How are you and your uncle? I also hope that you can be happy. Qin Sheng, can't we just let bygones be bygones?" Chu Xia asked.

Qin Sheng's heart sank. How many lives were there? It wasn't something that could be bygones just because she said so. How was she going to explain it to the Yun family?

She also wanted to find out the cause of her father's death. However, she didn't know how to ask her grandfather.

"Uncle and I are doing very well now," she replied. At least they were doing well now. With their relationship as enemies, it was already a gift from the heavens.

Yanzi walked over lightly. "Boss Yun, you're so carefree. I thought that when Boss Yun saw the news, she would immediately look for President Gong. Boss Yun is magnanimous and confident enough to believe in her boyfriend!"

She looked at Chu Xia and narrowed her eyes. She hadn't forgotten that Chu Xia had hit her!

The corner of Chu Xia's lips twitched.

"Yanzi, what did you say? Aren't you filming anymore?"

"I've done all my filming in one shot. I don't have any scenes in this next part. If there's nothing else, I'll take my leave," Yanzi raised her eyebrows and said.

Qin Sheng was confused. "What news were you talking about?"

"Don't tell me you didn't see the news? It just came out," Yanzi said.

Qin Sheng took out her phone and flipped through the news. The headline was that Gong Mochen had gone to a villa in the mountains in the early morning and hadn't come out for a long time.

The news was speculating that Gong Mochen had a mistress in this mountain house. There was also an address attached to it. It was in the mountains not far from this resort.

Qin Sheng frowned. They couldn't have mistaken Gong Mochen for someone else, could they? However, the picture that had been posted further proved the news's speculations.

When she wanted to search for more news on this matter, she realized that the news had disappeared. She couldn't find any more news about this on the entire internet. It was as if it never got posted in the first place. But she had definitely seen it!

The news had been deleted from the entire internet... Qin Sheng's heart tightened. Surely, Gong Mochen couldn't have deleted the news so quickly? How could he do that?

She got up and said to Chu Xia, "I have something to do. I'm going out."

She wanted to go to the villa to see who Gong Mochen was hiding...