May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 325 - Chapter 325 punishment for being jealous

Chapter 325: Chapter 325 punishment for being jealous

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

The door to Gong Mochen's room swung open.

Qin Sheng was stunned to see Ye Wei standing beside Gong Mochen. Gong Mochen's arm was wrapped around Ye Wei's waist.

"Ye Wei, what are you doing?" she questioned as she walked over.

This woman was indeed seducing her uncle!

"I'm not doing anything. I'm just here to deliver tonic soup to CEO Gong," Ye Wei stammered.

Qin Sheng slapped Ye Wei's face. "Deliver tonic soup? Do you think I am stupid! Look at him holding your waist!"

She was so angry that her lungs were about to explode. Ye Wei's reason was ridiculous!

Ye Wei's face was bright red from Qin Sheng's slap. "What right do you have to hit me?"

The drunk Gong Mochen was finally woken up. He opened his eyes and saw that he was still hugging Ye Wei. He reflexively opened his arms.

"What happened?" he asked coldly.

Ye Wei's heart clenched. The man opened his arms as if he was touched by poison. It was clear how much he didn't want to hug her.

"I came in to deliver the tonic soup to the CEO. When I saw that the CEO's clothes were on the ground, I took the clothes to cover you. You hugged me. I wanted to pry open your arms and leave, but I couldn't. Qin Sheng just happened to come in. She misunderstood."

She tried to explain the whole matter. She was lusting after this man, but she really didn't do anything to him.

And she still had to suffer a slap from Qin Sheng. It felt so humiliating to be blamed by Qin Sheng. After her explanation, she wanted to see how Gong Mochen would deal with Qin Sheng!

Qin Zixian also walked into the room. "What happened? I heard the slap when I walked past the door... Ye Wei, why did you get slapped? Your face is red. Did you really get slapped just for delivering tonic soup?"

She spoke her words sinisterly, looking at the man's reaction.

"Qin Sheng misunderstood me. CEO Gong was drunk and accidentally gave me a hug. Qin Sheng saw it," Ye Wei explained.

"Misunderstanding? Qin Sheng, seriously, you should have asked clearly before hitting someone! Ye Wei has been taking care of Gong Mochen for so many years. What did she do wrong? Now you're still doubting her reputation! You should apologize to Ye Wei!"

Qin Sheng gritted her teeth on her lips. Qin Zixian was cunning enough to deliberately make her go to Gong Mochen's room. She absolutely believed that Qin Zixian must have known that Ye Wei was in here.

She suddenly became the guilty party, as if she was the one in the wrong. And now she was being forced to apologize!

She also believed that Ye Wei knew about this and Qin Zixian was the one who'd set it up.

She wanted her to apologize to Ye Wei... Was her brain damaged? Was she that foolish?

"I don't know how to apologize," she said coldly.

"No need to apologize. It's a misunderstanding. Let's just leave it there," Ye Wei said.

"Qin Sheng, you're too capricious. You misunderstood others, so why aren't you apologizing? Your capriciousness hasn't changed after so many years! It's all thanks to Ye Wei's kindness and magnanimity that you get away with it," Qin Zixian said.

Qin Sheng's face twitched. Capacious since she was young... Seriously? Could she say that she had been framed by Qin Zixian and Qin Yunting so many times in the past, just like today?

She had been framed time and time again by them. At school and at the banquet, she had become the wilful girl who was spoiled by Gong Mochen in everyone's eyes. Qin Zixian and Qin Yunting were synonymous with the virtuous Qin family!

How would Gong Mochen deal with her? Her hands clenched into fists. She wasn't afraid in the past because Gong Mochen only had her in his heart. However, Ye Wei was just like what Qin Zixian said. Ye Wei understood everything about Gong Mochen better than she did.

"If you want me to apologize, I won't say it. If you don't want me to misunderstand, then don't do anything that will make me misunderstand!" she snapped.

"Forget it, I already said there's no need to apologize. Miss Zixian, you should take your medicine. I'll help you to your room to rest," Ye Wei said as she held onto Qin Zixian's arm, wanting to take Qin Zixian away.

"Wait a minute, how can she not apologize? A misunderstanding is a misunderstanding," Gong Mochen said in his cold voice.

Qin Sheng's heart tightened as her gaze landed on the man's face. Did he want to seek justice for Ye Wei?

He wouldn't have done it in the past. No matter what she did, she would always be right in his heart...

"Uncle, you want me to apologize to Ye Wei?" she said as tears welled up in her eyes.

Ye Wei looked at the man in surprise. She had never thought that Gong Mochen would defend her against Qin Sheng. Her gaze was fixed on the man. She really didn't expect that one day, she would be able to compete with Qin Sheng in his heart.

"No, there's no need. Really! Qin Sheng is still young and it was indeed a misunderstanding!" she said hurriedly.

Seeing the man's intentions towards her, she thought that this was enough. She was so happy that she wanted to faint.

"How can this be? Are you going to get beaten up for nothing? You should take responsibility for your mistakes, no matter who it is! Since Third Brother wants to help you get justice, why are you still refusing?" Qin Zixian looked at Qin Sheng, eager to see Qin Sheng get beaten up by Gong Mochen!

Qin Sheng's lips pursed as she stared at the man. Did he really want to beat her up for Ye Wei?

Gong Mochen's expression remained cold. "It's indeed a misunderstanding. I misunderstood that Ye Wei was Qin Sheng. However, a misunderstanding is a misunderstanding. It's unfair to Ye Wei to get beaten up like this."

"So? Are you going to beat me up for Ye Wei?" Qin Sheng pressed.

Gong Mochen raised his hand and slapped down. A clear sound of a slap rang out, shattering the tears in Qin Sheng's eyes. There was no expected pain because Gong Mochen had slapped himself!

"It was my misunderstanding. I thought that Ye Wei was Qin Sheng. Qin Sheng is not in the wrong." His voice was deep, as though it came from an ancient well.

Ye Wei looked at the man who had slapped himself in astonishment. All the joy in her heart was gone. Her heart was aching again.

"CEO Gong, my... My heart is gone."

She turned around and ran out of the room. If she didn't leave now, she wouldn't be able to control her tears. Gong Mochen's words 'Qin Sheng wasn't wrong' rang in his ears. She once again saw clearly how heavy Qin Sheng was engraved in the man's heart!

Qin Zixian's lips twitched. She didn't expect things to turn out like this.

"I'm leaving too." When she walked past Qin Sheng, she stopped, lowered her voice and said, "It's a misunderstanding, which means you're not confident. If you're confident enough in Third Brother, why would you think he was having an affair with Ye Wei?"

Even if things didn't go according to her plan and Gong Mochen didn't beat Qin Sheng, she would still torture Qin Sheng!

Qin Sheng's lips curved up. "Don't worry, I won't give anyone a chance to misunderstand again!"

She reached out to touch the man's glowing red cheek, the imprint of the slap visible for the eye to see. "Why did you hit yourself? Don't you know that others will feel sorry for you? Let's sleep in the same bed in the future, so that even if someone wants to create a misunderstanding, they won't have a chance!"

She grabbed the man's arm and walked towards the door.

Qin Zixian stomped her feet fiercely and her eyes landed on the man and woman who walked out. She didn't aim to make them sleep in the same bed!

Qin Sheng didn't expect that the moment she brought the man into her room, he would press her onto the bed. This wasn't what she had intended at all!