May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 324 - Chapter 324 punishment for being jealous

Chapter 324: Chapter 324 punishment for being jealous

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

The man was like a magnet that attracted Ye Wei's gaze.

Gong Mochen's sharp facial features pierced right into her eyes. Everything about him was perfect, from his glimmering eyes, to his thick eyelashes, to his high nose bridge and sexy lips. She couldn't find any imperfections on his face.

'I'm sorry, Gong Mochen. I really want to love you... and I want you to love me back...'

She told herself that it was her heart that loved him, making her lose her rationality.

She stared at his face. Just as her lips were about to touch his, she raised her head and moved away from him.

She'd already fought to save Gong Mochen's life, but had she lost the right to love him?

She picked up the blazer that he had thrown on the floor, covered his body with it, and turned around to leave.

The drunk Gong Mochen was disturbed. He reached out and grabbed the woman's arm. "Baby, I'm sorry. It's my fault."

He mumbled in a low voice. It was obvious how much alcohol he had drunk.

Ye Wei's whole body was trembling. She was so nervous that she didn't know what to do...

Baby? The man called her baby and said sorry...

Her heart was full of bitterness. She wanted him to call her baby, put her in his arms, and spoil her. However, she knew that the baby Gong Mochen was talking about wasn't her, but Qin Sheng.

Tears rolled down her cheeks, and her tightly sealed lips suppressed her sobs. She turned to look at the man...


Someone knocked on Qin Zixian's door, and she frowned. "So stupid! Don't tell me that you didn't even enter the room after such a long time!"

She opened the door and didn't see Ye Wei, as she expected, but Qin Sheng.

Her face turned pale. The first thing she thought about was whether she had said anything that would reveal her true intentions.

"Who is Auntie talking to?" Qin Sheng walked into the room.

Qin Zixian's stiff lips twitched. "The... the maid! I asked the maid to get me a bottle of wine. I thought she didn't go to the wine cellar! Why did you come to me?"

She took a deep breath, hoping that would be enough to throw Qin Sheng off.

"I came to find Auntie because I have something to do. I heard from Grandpa that he is going to find a boyfriend for Auntie. I think I'll be able to rest easy when that happens. You'll be married, so you can't pester Uncle anymore," Qin Sheng said loudly.

Qin Zixian's heart stopped. "Nonsense. When did father say that?"

"Do you think the Qin family will leave an old lady at home? With the Qin family's status in this country, a woman of the Qin family can't remain unmarried, right?" Qin Sheng deliberately ridiculed Qin Zixian.

"Who do you think can't get married? I can get married any time I want!" Qin Zixian instantly became enraged. "You always have to haunt me! Well, I won't let you get to me! After all, Third Brother and I are still engaged!"

Her hands clenched into fists. What Qin Sheng said wasn't untrue. A family like hers definitely wouldn't let her not get married... They wouldn't let her stay single for the rest of her life.

However, she couldn't marry anyone else. She was still waiting to be the leading lady of the Qin family,

"Do you think that you can marry Uncle with me still around? Qin Zixian, don't blame me for taking him away from you. I will leave Uncle and give you a chance. How about it?" Qin Sheng finally got to the point.

"You will leave Third Brother and give me a chance?" Qin Zixian looked at Qin Sheng in disbelief.

"Maybe... That depends," Qin Sheng said slowly.

"Stop playing games with me!" Qin Zixian was only one breath away from slapping Qin Sheng. She was simply playing with her!

Qin Sheng's lips curled up. "Auntie, don't be angry. It's not impossible for me to give you a chance. The key is what do I want in exchange? How much are you willing to pay for Uncle?"

Qin Zixian instantly understood Qin Sheng's words. "You want to negotiate with me? What do you want?"

"What I want is very simple. It's Li Ang. You hand over Li Ang, and I'll leave my uncle," Qin Sheng said.

The longer Li Ang was missing, the more precarious his situation became. If she left Gong Mochen and offered him in exchange, she could save Li Ang.

She felt so guilty when she thought about Li Ang, who'd put himself in danger in order to find evidence for her. She had no idea about his status...

Qin Zixian sneered and said, "You want Li Ang? Unfortunately, I don't know where Li Ang is!"

She really didn't know where Ta Luosi had taken Li Ang, and she didn't dare to tell Qin Sheng about Ta Luosi.

"You don't know? Don't tell me you don't recognise this anklet either?" Qin Sheng took out the anklet from her pocket and waved it in front of Qin Zixian.

Qin Zixian's face lost all color. Her name was on the anklet, and she couldn't deny it. "I lost my anklet a long time ago. Who knows who stole my anklet! They probably threw it somewhere and that's how it turned up wherever you found it."

She tried to explain herself.

"So the thief must have been working hard. Not only did he steal the anklet, but he also came all the way to the construction site to throw it away?" Qin Sheng said.

"I, err... How should I know why the anklet was at the construction site! The anklet doesn't prove that I had something to do with Li Ang's disappearance!" Qin Zixian gritted her teeth and said.

"Auntie, you were the one who planted the bomb in the banquet hall. I've always been curious. Why did you plant the bomb to destroy your own engagement that you worked so hard to get?" Qin Sheng asked.

Why would Qin Zixian go through all that trouble to plant a bomb and ruin her own engagement? And to top it off, injure her own legs... Qin Sheng was curious. But she was certain that Qin Zixian had done it.

Qin Zixian wanted to become Mrs. Gong so much; anyone could see it. So, why did she destroy her engagement the moment she got it?

"You were the one who planted the bomb. Don't frame a good person!" Qin Zixian would never admit it even if she was beaten to death.

"You know very well whether I framed you or not. Since there was one person who had evidence from that year, I think I can definitely find a second person. Auntie, you can forget about getting Uncle! I'll make sure you never get him!" Qin Sheng said aggressively.

She turned around and headed to the door of Qin Zixian's room. She hadn't managed to get Qin Zixian to hand over Li Ang, so she could only think of other ways.

Qin Zixian gritted her teeth until they hurt. "Don't think that Third Brother is yours. Don't forget that Third Brother still has Ye Wei by his side! Ye Wei has been by his side for so many years..."

"You're talking nonsense!" Qin Sheng immediately retorted.

"Who's talking nonsense? How dare you say that you know more about Third Brother than Ye Wei! How much do you know about Third Brother? Ye Wei doesn't seem to be in her room at the moment," Qin Zixian said sinisterly.

Qin Sheng lowered her head and strode out of the room, heading straight for Gong Mochen's room...