May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 322 - Chapter 322 punishment for being jealous

Chapter 322: Chapter 322 punishment for being jealous

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Qin Sheng was pressed down hard by the man. She couldn't run away even if she wanted to.

She pushed the man away angrily. "My stomach hasn't been feeling well for the past two days..." She suddenly paused and clenched her lower abdomen. 'I think my period has come!"

She couldn't believe that her period had come at the right time. She quickly walked into the bathroom.

Gong Mochen's eyes fell on the door of the bathroom. His little woman wasn't pregnant after all...

Although he knew that she wouldn't get pregnant if she'd taken the medicine, he still couldn't help but hope that they would end up having a child.

His brows furrowed deeply. There was no child, no ties. As she slowly found out about what had happened in the past, what reason did he have to keep her?

His hands clenched into fists. He really wanted to grab onto something...

Qin Sheng's lips were hurting from his kiss. Everything was as she hoped, but why was she sad?

Tears welled up in her eyes. It was only now that she realized clearly that she was so eager to have a child...

The two dejected people, one inside the bathroom and the other outside it, were deeply immersed in their own feelings.

When Qin Sheng came out of the bathroom after taking a shower, there was a hot drink waiting for her on her bedside table, and the blanket on the bed was also spread out. There was a hot water bottle stuffed inside the bed, but she couldn't see Gong Mochen.

She crawled into the blanket, and tears rolled down her cheeks. Did the heavens know that they couldn't be together?


There was a knock on the door of Chu Xia's house. Chu Xia walked over to open the door.

"Didn't I give you the key? Can't you just open it yourself?" she ridiculed.

She was in a bad mood after today, so she decided to vent her anger on Ming Tai.

When the door opened, someone unexpected appeared in front of her. "Let me take a look at you... Hey, Chu Xia, open the door and let me in!"

Before Sikong Jue could finish his sentence, he was stopped by the door being slammed in his face. He didn't mind the pain and stepped into the gap to stop the door from fully closing. No matter what, he couldn't let the woman chase him away!

"Get lost! If you don't get lost, I'll crush you to death!" Chu Xia pushed the door hard, and all her hatred morphed into strength...

"I promise I won't keep you long! Just let me see you?" Sikong Jue said.

The man blocked the door and Chu Xia couldn't close it. No matter how strong she was, she wasn't strong enough to force Sikong Jue out.

Sensing her defeat, she loosened her grip and let the man in. "If you want to scold me, then scold me. After that, get lost!"

Sikong Jue's lips formed into a straight line. He could see the bruises on Chu Xia's arm. He raised his hand to grab the woman's arm, but the woman dodged it.

"Let me see your injury!" he said.

"Sikong Jue, do you think this is interesting? One hour ago, you scolded me, and now you want to take a look at my injury? My brain isn't wired like yours. Get lost!" Chu Xia roared angrily.

"I know. I was too harsh before. I was worried about Shen Tong. She has been following me all this time and has never experienced anything like what happened today. She can't deal with such an incident. She was agitated by today's events and kept crying and making a scene. I just gave her medicine to help her sleep."

Anyone who'd seen the state Shen Tong was in would feel sorry for her. It wasn't until Shen Tong drank the medicine and fell asleep that he had the time to come out and see Chu Xia.

Chu Xia forced a smile. "You mean to say that I'm used to seeing such things?"

"What are you talking about? I had to take Shen Tong home since she was in such a condition. She wouldn't even see a doctor. Fortunately, Gong Mochen forced Yan Biao to tell him what had happened and found out that the situation didn't escalate further than a scuffle," Sikong Jue said.

He was really lucky. Otherwise, how would he still be able to honor his master's wish? He would have failed in protecting Sheng Tong...

'That's great. Congratulations. Are you just here to show off? If there's nothing else, please leave. I heard everything you wanted to say!" Chu Xia said fiercely.

Her heart was twisting in pain. It was clear that Shen Tong was the most important person in Sikong Jue's heart!

"No, I'm not here to talk to you about that. I'm here to explain why I didn't take you away, but took Shen Tong away," said Sikong Jue.

"Why would you want to take me away? Who do you think you are to me?" Chu Xia retorted immediately.

Sikong Jue's heart skipped a beat. He couldn't find any words to defend himself. After all, he wasn't a part of her life...

"I've also brought you medicine. This is medicine can remove bruises. Put it on and I'll leave. Your bruises are quite serious. It'll be painful for a while," said Sikong Jue.

"Whether I'm in pain or not has nothing to do with you! I don't need your medicine, and I don't need your pity. I did everything I could to save your woman, and you still want to pester me!" Chu Xia punched the man, trying to force him away.

Sikong Jue grabbed Chu Xia's arm...