May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 307 - Chapter 307, contract 22

Chapter 307: Chapter 307, contract 22

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Nie Fang carried the soup to Yun Sheng's room and gently knocked on the door.

"President, I've brought the soup!" she said in a delicate voice.

Gong Mochen opened the door and reached out to take the bowl of soup, but Nie Fang dodged.

"I'll bring it to Miss Yun. The bowl is very hot. President, be careful not to burn your hand," Nie Fang said gently.

Without waiting for Gong Mochen to speak, she walked into the room.

Qin Sheng was still lying on the bed with a hot water bottle in her arms. Nie Fang's eyes flashed with jealousy and hatred that was difficult for outsiders to detect...

She forced herself to smile. "Miss Yun, I've brought you some soup."

Just as Qin Sheng was about to get up, Gong Mochen walked over and picked her up

"Let me help you. Lean on me," Gong Mochen said.

Qin Sheng's face was a little unnatural. She was being handle like a puppet, Gong Mochen moving her around as if she couldn't work her own limbs.

"I can drink it myself." She reached out for the soup bowl.

"Let me feed Miss Yun," Nie Fang said.

"Let Nie Fang feed you. If you don't feel well, lie down obediently," Gong Mochen said.

Qin Sheng wanted to object, but it was useless. Nie Fang was already sitting opposite Qin Sheng, holding the spoon and feeding her soup.

She could only obediently drink the tonic soup.

"Nie Fang, your soup is warm. What did you put in it?" After a few sips, she felt her stomach was warm.

"I put in ginger. Ginger warms the body. There's also Bai Zhu. Bai Zhu is a good medicine to nourish the body. There's also American ginseng in it," Nie Fang said.

Nie Fang lowered her head slightly, trying to see from the best angle, trying to make Gong Mochen looked at her. Qin Sheng was held in Gong Mochen's arms. Gong Mochen couldn't see Qin Sheng properly, but Gong Mochen could see her and only her.

She wanted to display all of her gentleness and talent to the fullest!

Qin Sheng nodded. "No wonder I drink so comfortably. It's really good stuff. Nie Fang, you know so much."

Nie Fang smiled sweetly. "Miss Yun, you praise me. My brother and I were born to be President Gong's servants. We should learn all kinds of skills and serve him well!"

It had to be said that the Nie family was fiercely loyal to Gong Mochen. Qin Sheng felt that these two siblings were really good people.

"Alright, I've drunk all of it. Today has been hard on you. Go back and rest," she instructed Nie Fang.

Nie Fang looked up at Gong Mochen. "President, do you want a bowl too? It's very good for your body."

Gong Mochen raised his hand. "Go now."

Nie Fang's lips formed into a straight line. This man had only given Yun Sheng all of his tenderness. He had only given her two cold words.

She didn't dare to say another word and strode out of the room.

Gong Mochen hugged Qin Sheng and didn't let go. "Are you feeling better?"

"I'm much better. There's not much pain in my stomach now, just a little twinge. Let go, I want to lie down." Qin Sheng pushed the man behind her.

"Okay, I'll lie down with you." Gong Mochen helped Qin Sheng lie down and then got into her bed. Even if he couldn't make out with her, he still wanted to hug her and sleep with her.

He had been hugging this doll for eighteen years. No one knew that in the days when he lost her, he couldn't sleep well at night. In his dreams, she was always leaning against him and calling him uncle.

"Let go, I can't breathe." Qin Sheng felt that she was about to be strangled by the man.

"Okay, I'll let go. You're not allowed to run," Gong Mochen muttered.

Qin Sheng's forehead was covered in lines. He had already bought the resort, so where was she going to run to? Could it be that she wouldn't be able to film anymore?

Because she was exhausted, she fell to sleep after a short period of thinking. She didn't know what was wrong with her, but she seemed to like sleeping very much at the moment.


The filming for today's shoot was already done. Ming Tai went to the lakeside to wait for Chu Xia, but it was pitch black. Where was Chu Xia?

He called Chu Xia. "I'm waiting for you by the lakeside."

Chu Xia, who was already lying in bed ready to sleep, was shocked. She had long forgotten about their scheduled meeting, and she didn't expect Ming Tai to really wait for her.

"I'm already in bed. If you're willing to wait, then continue waiting!"

She hung up the phone decisively.

But the message came again. "If you're not coming, then I'll wait until you come!"

Looking at Ming Tai's words, Chu Xia only wanted to smash her phone.

"Go back to your room to sleep! If you delay filming tomorrow, I'll see how CEO Gong will deal with you!" She could only use Gong Mochen to pressure Ming Tai.

However, Ming Tai immediately replied, "He won't dare to do anything to me. Where can he find such a good superstar like me? If you don't come out, I'll come and look for you. I'll make it so that everyone knows that you chased me out of the room!"

Chu Xia stared at the words on the scree, her eyes wide open. "We don't even live together. How can I chase you out of the room? What a joke!"

She was speechless that Ming Tai could even say something like that.

"Darling, now that everyone knows that we're together, I guarantee that everyone will believe me if I say that we sleep together and that you chased me out!" Ming Tai replied.

Everyone knew that they were together. It would be strange if they didn't sleep in the same room, right?

Chu Xia then remembered the fan questions that Le Le had answered for her. She slapped her forehead with her hand. This was simply harming her!

If Ming Tai came looking for her, she really wouldn't be able to explain it clearly.

"Tomorrow, I'll ask Le Le to correct the answers and clarify that we didn't do it!" she replied.

Ming Tai's lips curled into a faint smile. Even if the two of them denied it together, no one would believe that they really didn't do anything!

"Come Out and look at the moon with me! The moon is so beautiful tonight! I'll wait for you. After we look at the moon, I'll send you back to your room to sleep," he messaged back.

Chu Xia sent a bitter emoji. She could only get up from her bed and go on a date with Ming Tai...

What was so beautiful about the moon anyway? It was just a big white dinner plate!

Ming Tai, who was by the lake, took out a necklace with a moonlight stone pendant from his pocket. The large moonlight gem was made into the body of a swan and was inlaid with white gold and diamonds. Such gems were most beautiful under the moonlight.

This was because it would emit seven-colored halos and blue light that drifted like waves. This was the reason why Ming Tai wanted to invite Chu Xia out to admire the moon.

His hand turned the moonlight gemstone, and the blue light flowed in sheets, like a night wisp.

Such a beautiful thing would surely fill a woman's eyes with adoration. Moonlight gemstones weren't rare, but there were very few such large and high-purity moonlight gemstones. Moreover, the platinum-studded swan-shaped base was filled with diamonds.

How much was this necklace worth? It was obviously very expensive!

Taking advantage of the dark night, a woman's figure pounced into Ming Tai's arms. She raised her head to kiss the man's sexy lips.

Ming Tai was stunned by the sudden kiss. Did that stinky girl drink again?

In the darkness, he couldn't see the woman's appearance, but he didn't taste alcohol in her mouth.

Did she accept him? He happily hugged the little woman and opened his mouth to kiss her back.

Chu Xia walked to the lakeside and saw a man and woman kissing in the shade of a tree. Her hands were on her waist. "Ming Tai! You scumbag! Let's break up!"