May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 300 - Chapter 300, contract 15

Chapter 300: Chapter 300, contract 15

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Chu Xia noticed Sikong Jue walking towards her. She could feel the hostility on his body. She turned away from the man and walked towards the door of the backyard.

Just as the two of them crossed paths, Sikong Jue grabbed the woman's wrist.

"I knew you were dirty, but I didn't know you were so f*cking cheap. You slept with a man and even told everyone about it! Chu Xia, are you so shameless?" Sikong Jue shouted angrily.

Chu Xia was stunned by the man's scolding. Her face instantly tensed up and she flung the man's wrist away.

"Who said that? Who the hell are you calling cheap?" She raised her hand and was about to slap the man's face.

Sikong Jue grabbed the woman's wrist and pressed her hand against the wall. "Do you think I'm dead or blind? The news is all over the internet! How can you still be so stubborn?"

He took out his phone with his other hand and showed the little woman the news.

Chu Xia was so shocked that her jaw almost dropped to the floor. The news had published her answers to the questions asked by Ming Tai's fans. It described Ming Tai's size in detail, his thickness, endurance, and his favorite position, including where the two of them were and how they did it.

Countless curses ran through her mind. What the f*ck! The answers were so detailed and even she didn't know if some of them were true or not.

This made her out to be so dirty! But she'd never been this open before!

Her face turned pale in embarrassment. In the blink of an eye, her gaze landed coldly on the man's face. "Even if I said it, so what? What does it have to do with you whether I'm cheap or not? I'm willing to be with Ming Tai and perform all kinds of stunts with him!"

Sikong Jue's anger was triggered by the little woman. He bit the woman's lips in anger. Since she could do that with someone, he wanted her too!

Chu Xia bit the man in return. What did she do to him to make him treat her like this?

The two of them didn't know whether to kiss or bite each other. They vented their anger on each other's lips, as if they didn't know pain and didn't want to let go of each other.

Suddenly light footsteps startled Sikong Jue. He quickly let go of the little woman.

Chu Xia raised her hand to wipe the saliva off her lips. Her hands were clenched into fists. If that person hadn't come, she would've crippled Sikong Jue there and then!

"Xia Xia!" Chu Jian ran over and threw himself into Chu Xia's arms. "Why did you only come to see me now? I missed you! Where's the delicious food?"

Chu Xia was taken aback. Did he miss her or her delicious food?

"Here, you're not allowed to eat it all at once..."

Before Chu Xia could finish her sentence, Chu Jian continued, "Xia Xia, don't worry, I'll share it with Tong Tong!"

Chu Xia's brain went black. Had he forgotten his mother? And had this other woman replaced her?

She wanted to say that he could eat one a day. These snacks were delicious, but there were too many additives in them. It wasn't good for the body and a person couldn't eat to many of them, let alone a child.

"Jian Jian, eating too many snacks isn't good for the body. Let's eat one a day, okay?" Shen Tong said as she touched Jian Jian's head.

Jian Jian nodded obediently. "Okay, whatever my Tong Tong says is fine. I'll listen to you. You can control this rule!"

He took the food bag from Chu Xia's hand and handed it to Shen Tong.

Chu Xia frowned. Had she raised her son for nothing? This other woman seemed to have taken her place...

"Shen Tong, I'm sorry for troubling you. You're taking good care of Jian Jian."

Chu Xia always felt that she owed Shen Tong. Shen Tong was Sikong Jue's fiancé, but she'd given birth to Sikong Jue's son. And now that son was unwittingly being raised by Shen Tong...

If it weren't for the fact that Sikong Jue was the only one who could treat Chu Jian's illness, she would never have disturbed Shen Tong's life.

"It's no trouble at all. I like Jian Jian very much! If all of you didn't come, I'd be bored to death!" Shen Tong said.

She was a person who liked to be lively every day. Unfortunately, her illness had locked her up in the hospital for a few years, causing her to miss out on a normal life and school. She also didn't have any friends to call upon.

She really wanted to be like the other girls, having her own best friends and a bunch of good friends to rely on.

"Well, um, thank you anyway! I'll be leaving now. I'll see you guys later," said Chu Xia, finding that she wanted to leave.

Facing Shen Tong made her feel like a hateful mistress. She just wanted to leave as soon as possible.

"Xia Xia, walk carefully. Tong Tong and I are going to eat something delicious!" Chu Jian waved his little hand.

Chu Xia sighed. Her son didn't need her anymore... He no longer relied on her.

She was about to leave when Sheng Tong spoke.

Shen Tong called out to Sikong Jue, "Brother Jue, why didn't you say anything? Let's go send Xia Xia off together!"

Sheng Tong frowned, immediately seeing a problem. "Eh? Brother Jue, your lips are so torn? And swollen?"

Chu Xia's heart was in her throat. If she had known earlier, she wouldn't have bitten so hard!

Sikong Jue licked the corner of his lips, which had been bitten by Chu Xia. "I saw a wild cat just now and wanted to hug it, but she bit me..."

Chu Xia's face darkened. She was a wild cat?

Shen Tong was shocked. "Ah? A cat? Then we'll have to get you a rabies shots. I'll take you to the hospital!"

"It's okay. I can drive myself. Chu Xia is leaving, right? I'll drive you wherever you need to go," Sikong Jue said.

Chu Xia regretted saying that she had to leave. She didn't want to get in a car with this man!

"The hospital isn't on my way. I can take a taxi!"

"Where are you going? How do you know it's not on the way?" Sikong Jue retorted.

"I'm going to a... a resort! And it's very far. The hospital is really nowhere near it. I'm leaving now," Chu Xia said, spoken as if she was running for her life.

Sikong Jue snorted. "What a coincidence. I was just about to update Qin Sheng on Jian Jian's illness. Is she at the resort?"

Chu Xia immediately became alert when she heard Jian Jian's illness mentioned. "She's there, yes. What's going on with Jian Jian's illness?"

Sikong Jue strode out of the door. "I'll tell you on the way."

Chu Xia didn't dare to waste any more words. She followed the man out and got into his car.

In the car, she couldn't help but ask about Chu Jian's condition. However, the man acted as if he didn't hear her and didn't say a word.

Chu Xia was instantly enraged. "Sikong Jue, are you going to tell me or not? If you're not going to tell me, then let me out of the car!"

She finally realized that she had been tricked by the man. He only wanted to trick her into getting into his car!

She raised her hand and reached for the car door handle. She wouldn't spend a moment longer with this man, even if that meant she had to jump out of the car.

Sikong Jue said coldly, "Don't bother. The car door was locked long ago. You can't open it."

"You b*stard! Stop the car, stop the car!" Chu Xia reached out to pull the steering wheel.

Sikong Jue turned the steering wheel and pulled the car to the side of the road. He unfastened his seatbelt and his gaze landed on Chu Xia's face.

"Why are you so concerned about Jian Jian? Is he really just the child of your and Qin Sheng's friends?" he said coldly.

Chu Xia's heart tightened. "Yes, why are you asking about this?"

"I heard that you and Qin Sheng had no contact when Qin Sheng was away. You only contacted each other before Qin Sheng returned to this country. Jian Jian's parents died two years ago. How did you meet Qin Sheng's friends?" Sikong Jue asked.

Chu Xia's lips twitched. She wanted to curse. Sikong Jue found a loophole...