May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 297 - Chapter 297, contract 12

Chapter 297: Chapter 297, contract 12

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"Why does your stomach feel uncomfortable?" Gong Mochen's big hand touched the little woman's lower abdomen.

Qin Sheng pushed the man's hand away.

"I-it's just that my stomach hurts a little," she stammered.

"I'll take you to the hospital to have it looked at." Gong Mochen immediately sat up.

Qin Sheng blinked her eyes and counted the days. "There's no need to go. I was in cold water today, that's why I'm not feeling well."

Although she never kept track of her period, she still had some awareness of it. It should've been due in the next two days.

Gong Mochen frowned. "Didn't you say that you had your period at the beginning of the month?"

Qin Sheng was stunned for a moment, then she remembered the lie she had told the man. It was like he had read her mind... Worked out that this could be to do with her period!

D*mn... it wasn't easy to remember what lie she had told. "What? I remembered it wrong. It should be the end of the month..."

Gong Mochen's lips twitched. "The end of the month? You lied to me!"

Qin Sheng frowned and kicked the man's leg. "So what if I lied to you. What's wrong?"

"If you lie to me again, I'll be angry! I'll take you to the hospital! Why did you jump into the lake when you know what's wrong with you?" Gong Mochen reprimanded the girl.

"If I didn't jump into the lake, who would? There was no way to find a stunt double in time," Qin Sheng immediately retorted.

"If you can't find a stunt double, why didn't you look for me for help? Don't tell me I can't even find a person to jump into the lake for you?" Gong Mochen became angrier as he spoke.

It was obvious that the little thing didn't want to use him at all...

Qin Sheng pursed her lips. She just didn't want to use Gong Mochen. Seeing him with another woman, she wanted to kick him out of the solar system. But she didn't want to tell him that...

She didn't want to rely on a man anymore. She wanted to do her own thing and only rely on herself.

"I can do it myself. I don't need to ask anyone for help! Also, I don't want to go to the hospital."

Surely it was normal for her to feel a little uncomfortable after jumping into freezing water.

Gong Mochen said, "Don't move. I'll cover it for you. It'll be more comfortable this way."

The man's palm was unbelievably warm. Qin Sheng's back was facing the man. She felt the warmth of his palm on her bloated and painful stomach. She felt much better, and her eyes were watery.

She was far too tired, she could feel her eyelids growing heavier and heavier. Today had exhausted her, zapped all of her energy. She fell asleep while her mind was in a mess...

Gong Mochen stared at the little woman in his arms and lowered his head to kiss the top of her forehead. There was a faint sense of disappointment in his heart. If her cycle was about to start, it meant that the she wasn't pregnant.

He sighed softly. Without a child, how long could he keep her?

He closed his eyes gently and sniffed the little woman's body fragrance. It was a rare warmth, and he didn't want to waste any second he was with her.

A moment later, Gong Mochen's phone vibrated. He quietly put on his clothes and got up to open the door.

He'd asked for something, and it looked like Nie Feng had already delivered it to the door.

When he opened the door, he saw that there was a thermos flask, a hot water bottle, and a set of clothes waiting for him.

He placed the hot water bottle in the little woman's quilt, and put the thermos flask on the bedside table.

He turned around and walked out of the room. He asked Nie Feng to call Nie Fang to take care of Qin Sheng, and asked Nie Feng to send people to continue protecting Qin Sheng twenty-four hours a day.

If Nie Feng hadn't found out about the situation and called him, he wouldn't have known that Qin Sheng had jumped into the lake.

"Go and find that stuntman!" This was his last order.

Nie Feng immediately ordered his men to do it.


Qin Sheng woke up in a ball of warmth. Her stomach was warm and comfortable. She reached out and touched the warm fluffy hot water bottle. When she opened her eyes, she saw the thermos flask on the bedside table.

Without a doubt, she knew that Gong Mochen had prepared it for her.

There was a knock at the door. She got up and opened the door.

Le Le walked in. "Sister Yun, how are you? I wanted to come and see you, but Nie Feng said that CEO Gong was in the room with you and it wasn't convenient for me to come and see you. I only came when I heard that CEO Gong had left. I've brought you some frostbite cream! Quickly apply it!"

Qin Sheng frowned. Was Nie Feng afraid that others wouldn't know that Gong Mochen was in the room with her? That's why he'd told Le Le that Gong Mochen was in the room?

She pulled Le Le to sit on the sofa. "I've applied it. Thank you for thinking of me."

"You have to rub it on your body until it's hot. Otherwise, frostbite will be troublesome. It'll be very uncomfortable," Le Le said worriedly.

Qin Sheng's eyes shifted. "Frostbite is really uncomfortable? It'll be itchy and painful?"

"Yes, the skin becomes swollen and rotten. It grows Itchy and painful. When I lived in the mountains when I was young, I had frostbite. It's very uncomfortable," Le Le said.

Qin Sheng's eyes darkened. Gong Mochen didn't lie to her. He really had frostbite. Her mouth was filled with bitterness. She suddenly realized that they were the most familiar strangers.

How much did she know about this man? She used to think that she knew everything about him. Now it seemed that she didn't know this man at all.

"I'm hot. I should be fine. I'm going to wash up. Let's go out and see how the filming is going," she stood up and said.

"Sister Yun, you have to hurry. Someone is kneeling on the ground while they're filming," Le Le hurriedly told Qin Sheng.

"Someone is kneeling? Why are they kneeling?" Qin Sheng was surprised.

"I don't know what happened. That stunt double who didn't come to act suddenly ran over and knelt on the set to beg you to forgive her." Le Le also didn't understand what was going on.

Qin Sheng didn't dare to delay and immediately washed up. She went to the set with Le Le.

The stunt double had messy hair and her clothes were also a state. When she saw Qin Sheng coming, she kept kowtowing and admitted her mistake.

"Boss Yun, it's my fault. I shouldn't have thought of money and not come to act! Please forgive me! I'm willing to act in all the stunts. I won't take any money! I promise to do the job well! I'm so sorry! I beg you..."

Qin Sheng walked over and helped the woman up. "Are you saying that someone paid you not to act?"

"Yes, and I was wrong to accept their offer. Boss Yun, please be magnanimous and don't chase me out of this country!" the stuntwoman cried.

Qin Sheng's brows sank. "Tell me, who paid you not to act?"

The stuntwoman hesitated for a moment. "I... I don't know who it was. Someone called me and said that the money was transferred to my account and told me not to come."

"Okay, I understand. I forgive you. Just be careful in the future. Money can cause trouble. It's not always smooth sailing. You can return to the movie and I will still pay you." Qin Sheng magnanimously forgave the stuntwoman.

Since coming into the entertainment industry, Qin Sheng found out that the industry was not only filled with glamorous and dazzling stars, but also poor little actors, who struggled to get work, like the stuntwoman. Sometimes, they didn't even have money for food and accommodation.

She could understand the importance of money to the woman, and why she did what she did.

"Thank you, Boss Yun!" The stuntwoman thanked her profusely. She thought that she was dead for sure this time!

"But before you return to work, give me the account number that sent you the money," Qin Sheng instructed. She wanted to see who had tried to ruin her movie!