May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 291 - Chapter 291, contract 6

Chapter 291: Chapter 291, contract 6

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Qin Sheng raised her foot to kick the man, but the man grabbed her ankle.

Qin Sheng shyly retracted her foot, and her skin turned red. "Let go of me. We've agreed that you're not allowed to spend the night in my room!"

"Of course, I'll keep my word!" Gong Mochen said.

Qin Sheng pushed the man away, feeling shame and anger. She raised her foot to kick him, and kicked him off the bed.

"Get lost!" Qin Sheng took the pillow and swung it at the man. She was so embarrassed that she wanted to die.

Gong Mochen caught the pillow and ran into the changing room to get his clothes. His clothes were also in the little woman's room. Everything here was the same as before. Nothing had changed!

He took out a set of pyjamas and put them on before walking out of the changing room. However, he didn't tease the little woman anymore. He was just worried that she was injured. Knowing that she was fine, he was relieved and so could leave.

Gong Mochen walked into the corridor. Nie Fang, who was hiding on the first floor, was unable to take her eyes off him. This man was simply too handsome. She couldn't bear to take her eyes off him, and only did so when he returned to his room and closed the door.

A hand patted her. "What are you looking at?"

Nie Fang turned around and saw her brother. "I'm looking at the president. He is so handsome! Brother, why didn't you let me work here earlier? Otherwise, I would have seen the president earlier!"

Nie Feng frowned. "Why would it matter if you saw the president earlier or later?"

Nie Fang pursed her lips. "Why shouldn't it matter? Doesn't the president treat you like a brother?"

"The president treats me like a brother, but he is still the president. You are only my sister. Do your work honestly. Don't think about things you shouldn't think about. The president isn't someone you can think about!" Nie Feng said.

He knew his sister too well and knew what she was thinking. However, this was something she shouldn't think about with her status!

Nie Fang glared at her brother. "I don't get what the problem is?"

"You know very well that you are here to serve Miss Yun. Miss Yun is the president's fiancé. Stop daydreaming and do your job well!" Nie Feng instructed his sister.

"His fiancé? Really? I've seen the news. That woman wanted to rise to the top and bullied Miss Qin Yunting, so the president brought her to his side to abuse her!" Nie Fang said stubbornly.

The news said that Gong Mochen had made Yun Sheng his fiancé purely to punish her.

How could such a woman be considered as a fiancé? She smiled contemptuously. Yun Sheng was probably even worse than a maid!

Nie Feng's face stiffened. What the news had published was for the sake of the public, and was primarily for Qin Sheng's safety. However, he couldn't tell his sister about the inside story.

"Don't listen to that nonsense. Remember that Miss Yun is your master. You have to take good care of her! You can't let anything happen to her!"

Obviously, Nie Fang didn't like what she was hearing. "Brother, aren't you going out? Why aren't you leaving?"

"Yes, I'm going out. You should go to bed early and don't wait for me!" Nie Feng said as he ran out of the villa.

Nie Fang touched her face. Her brother asked her to serve Yun Sheng...

Her face wasn't much worse than Yun Sheng's. The key was that she was Nie Feng's sister. The CEO treated Nie Feng as a brother, so shouldn't he treat her as a sister?

Thinking of this, she raised her little face proudly. She was a sister now, but in the future, it all depended on how she wanted to develop.

'I will take good care of the president,' she thought to herself.


In the Qin family's old mansion, Qin Zixian drank her wine gloomily. Even if the news said that Gong Mochen made Yun Sheng his fiancé to take revenge on Yun Sheng, she knew that she had lost the status of being Gong Mochen's fiancé!

She had waited for so many years and lost it just like that. Her legs had also been crippled for so long...

She heard the sound of knocking on her window. She walked to the window in surprise and pulled open the curtain. Her eyes immediately landed on the man in the silver mask.

She hurriedly opened the window and let the man in.

The smell of alcohol in the room made Ta Luosi frown. "You lost Gong Mochen's fiancé status and drowned your sorrows with alcohol?"

Qin Zixian grabbed the man. "Didn't you say that you wanted me to become Mrs. Gong? Why did you expose Qin Sheng and Gong Mochen? And push them together?"

Yanzi had already told her that it was a man wearing black sunglasses who'd asked her to expose Gong Mochen. She naturally knew that the man wearing black sunglasses was Ta Luosi.

Ta Luosi pushed away the woman's hand. "What's the matter? You can't bear to part with Gong Mochen?"

Qin Zixian's mind, which had been made dizzy by the alcohol, was somewhat slow. After a long while, she finally found her words. "I don't care about Gong Mochen. I want Gong Mochen's property!"

She forcibly held back all her thoughts and firmly refused to admit that she cared about Gong Mochen!

Ta Luosi smiled lightly and was very satisfied with the woman's answer. He pinched Qin Zixian's chin with his fingers. "Don't worry, I'll definitely give you what I promised you! However, I've changed my plan. Qin Sheng is courting death. It's no one else's fault. The Yun family's property and the Qin family's property are all ours!"

Qin Zixian's eyes flashed. "You said that the Yun family's property is also ours?"