May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 289 - Chapter 289, contract 4

Chapter 289: Chapter 289, contract 4

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Qin Sheng was stunned as she listened to the man's words. The corner of her lips twitched. "Am I crazy? Drugging you and making you f*ck me?"

Her little face flushed red. Thinking about the various humiliating positions that the man had put her in. She was so embarrassed that she wanted to crawl into the ground! And to top it off, the man suspected that she was the one who drugged him!

She wasn't looking for a beating!

Gong Mochen raised his eyebrows nonchalantly. "Who knows if you're trying to make me find another woman and then expose my scandal? Did you just say that you wanted me to find another woman?"

He pinched the woman's chin tightly. Thinking of this made him angry. Did she really not care about him at all?

She could accept that he slept with any woman?

Qin Sheng was speechless. She raised her hand and waved the man's hand away. "Where is he? Bring him here. I want to ask him myself!"

"Nie Feng has already brought him to the villa. When we get home, we can interrogate him," Gong Mochen said.

The car soon arrived at Gong Mochen's villa. Qin Sheng walked in quickly and immediately saw the man kneeling in the living room. She had some impression of this man. He was a reporter from her media company.

She walked in front of the man. "You said that I asked the reporters to catch Gong Mochen having a private meeting with a woman?"

The man lowered his head in fear. "Well, Boss Yun, just admit it. I've already confessed!"

Qin Sheng sneered. "If I wanted to find someone to call the reporters, why would I look for you? Are all the people around me dead? When did I tell you to find the reporters?"

Besides Le Le, there was also Chu Xia. At worst, there were other employees close to her. If she ordered anyone to do this, why would she need to look for this unfamiliar employee?

"Yes, before you entered the lounge!" the man stammered.

"Before entering the lounge, I had been toasting with a client and Le Le. Where were you exactly?" Qin Sheng asked.

"I... I was right beside you! Boss Yun, have you forgotten?" The man looked carefully at Qin Sheng.

"Right beside me? Then which boss did I toast to?" Qin Sheng asked.

The man was immediately suffocated by the question. What was he going to say? How would he know which boss Qin Sheng had been with?

Cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

Gong Mochen's deep eyes zoned in on the sweat on the man's forehead. He raised his hand and called Nie Feng over. "Interrogate him properly! I only want the truth, not his life!"

Nie Feng Hurriedly accepted the order. "Yes! I'll drag him out!"

"No! Don't hit me!" When the man heard that he was going to be dragged out, he was so scared that he screamed like a pig being slaughtered. Suddenly, his screams stopped. He grabbed his neck and fell to the ground!

Blood flowed out of the corner of his mouth, and his eyes were wide open in fear.

Nie Feng checked the man's breath and pulse, and then he frowned. "This man is dead... He must have been poisoned."

Gong Mochen's face darkened, and he waved his hand to let Nie Feng carry the man out.

Qin Sheng retracted her gaze. The man looked so horrible when he died, and his facial features were deformed. "You also want to say that I poisoned him?"

Gong Mochen held the woman in his arms. "From now on, Nie Feng will send you to and from work every day. You are not allowed to go out by yourself. If you don't have anyone to accompany you, you can call me."

His slender fingers smoothed out the strands of hair that fell on to the woman's forehead.

Qin Sheng raised her hand and broke free from the man's embrace. "I'm not a child. I don't need you to send people to keep an eye on me every day. Also, it's you who announced our engagement today. I didn't agree to it!"

She spoke her words angrily. Although this result was similar to what she wanted, the process wasn't what she wanted!

She wanted to have the identity of his fiancé and re-enter the Qin family, but she didn't want to have sex with him!

Gong Mochen's gaze was suppressed. "You didn't object, which means you tacitly agreed to what I said. You are now my fiancé. Even if you don't want to admit it, it's useless."

No one could disobey his words, not even this little vixen!

Qin Sheng curled her lips slightly. "You can make me agree, but we still have to sign an agreement. Otherwise, I won't agree! You can try and see if you can keep me."

She looked at the man's face provocatively. No one could stop her from doing what she wanted to do! Although, it would be hard for her to disobey Gong Mochen's words... She couldn't make that obvious though!

Gong Mochen's lips formed into a straight line, and his eyes narrowed on Qin Sheng. "You want to sign an agreement with me?"

"Yes, we need to have an engagement agreement. If you don't agree to it, then forget it. I'll leave now!" Qin Sheng took a step and was ready to leave.

Gong Mochen grabbed the little woman's arm. "Okay, we'll sign an agreement. You write the content."

Qin Sheng's big eyes flashed, and her little finger pointed at the door of the study. "Come to the study, and I'll make the agreement!"

Gong Mochen followed the little woman obediently into the study and watched her prepare an agreement document.

"First, we live separately. Without the consent of the woman, the man can't spend the night in the woman's bedroom. You stay in your room, and I'll stay in mine."

"Second, the engagement is only a nominal engagement. There is no obligation. The woman doesn't have any obligation to satisfy the man's physiological needs."

"Third, if one of the persons violates the agreement, the other person can propose to cancel the agreement at any time, and the other party must agree to that wish unconditionally."

Qin Sheng took the agreement and handed it to the man. "That's it. If you agree, you can sign it!"

Gong Mochen took a pen and signed his name with a swish of his hand.

It seemed to have gone unbelievably smooth. Qin Sheng didn't expect Gong Mochen to agree so readily.

She came back to her sense when the man handed back the agreement.

"Well, one for you and one for me!" She picked up her agreement and ran out of the study. She didn't know why, but she felt flustered.

Gong Mochen stared at the back of the little woman as she ran away and nodded. Was the agreement useful?

He smiled slightly. If she wanted him to sign it, then he was happy to sign it. If she didn't satisfy him, could he satisfy her?

Women also had physiological needs, right?

She was used to being spoiled by him. He didn't believe that she could endure it!

His hand tugged at his tie, and his brows furrowed deeply. "Nie Feng!"

Nie Feng walked into Gong Mochen's study. "President, what do you need?"

"Ta Luosi is back. Find him for me! He'll be close, so I want you and your men to protect Qin Sheng twenty-four hours a day," Gong Mochen instructed.

"Yes!" Nie Feng accepted the order and left.

Gong Mochen took off his tie, and his slender fingers unbuttoned his shirt. He strode out of the study and headed straight to the room on the second floor. After being busy for an entire afternoon, his body was sticky and very uncomfortable.

Qin Sheng was in the bathroom, soaking herself in hot water, when she saw the man push open the door and enter.

She looked at the person who'd barged in with astonishment. "Gong Mochen, you signed the agreement that you can't enter my room!"

"I didn't enter your room! I just came to the bathroom to take a shower," Gong Mochen said.

"Why don't you take a shower in your own room?" Qin Sheng covered her body with her hands in shame and anger. The transparent water exposed her entire body...