May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 287 - Chapter 287, contract 2

Chapter 287: Chapter 287, contract 2

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

With a click, the bathroom door made the sound of being locked.

"The door outside is broken. Could it be that the door here is also broken? This won't do. I want to go to the bathroom!" Yanzi turned around and ran as if she couldn't hold it in any longer.

The socialites behind her were furious. "What kind of hotel is this? It's meant to be a seven-star hotel!" Her eyes narrowed. "Is the bathroom door really broken? It looks like there's someone in there!"

"Yeah, I'm not running anymore. Who the hell is inside? Come out quickly!"

"Yeah, don't just stand in the bathroom!"

These pampered ladies had never suffered such a grievance! They all complained in dissatisfaction.

Ming Tai's lips twitched. How could these women be so coincidental to come here?

"The bathroom next door is open. You guys go to the one next door!" he said quickly.

"Yanzi's gone to that one. Even if we go, we'll have to wait. Who the hell is in there?" one of the socialites roared, slamming her hands against the door.

Since they were all waiting, she decided not to run back and forth. Her words also aroused the reporter's attentions.

"Yeah, who the hell is inside? If Ming Tai and Chu Xia are here, who is in there?" a reporter asked.

Ming Tai was just about to call Nie Feng over to clear out the people in the room when the bathroom door opened from the inside.

The man was as cold as a bloodthirsty emperor. His white shirt had three buttons open, revealing half of his strong muscles. His masculine charm radiated in all directions, making the women who saw him feel as if they wanted to jump into his arms.

However, at that moment, no one dared to appreciate the man's charisma. His coldness instantly caused the atmosphere to drop to freezing point.

"I was inside there. Do you guys have any objections?"

Everyone was so shocked that their mouths were wide open. Who dared to have any objections towards Gong Mochen? Did they want to die?

"No, no! I... I can't hold it in any longer. I'll go to the lounge next door!" The socialite who'd knocked on the door only felt that her hand was about to disappear. The man's cold voice sounded as if he wanted to kill someone!

If she had known earlier, she wouldn't have come here, even if that meant she had to hold it in!

As she ran away, the other socialites regained their senses and ran away as well.

The timid reporters also ran away. They even dared to glimpse into the bathroom on their way out. The next moment, they met the man's cold gaze and ran out of the door.

Only Ming Tai and Chu Xia were left in the room.

Chu Xia rolled her eyes. "CEO Gong, you have a fiancé and are still entangled with Qin Sheng. Do you know how much trouble this will cause her?"

She was speechless. If the scandal between Gong Mochen and Qin Sheng was exposed, the only one who would be injured would be Qin Sheng. She would become a mistress that everyone despised!

Gong Mochen's eyes were reserved. "Go and get Qin Sheng a set of clothes. I'll take care of the rest."

He buttoned up his shirt and strode out of the lounge.

Nie Feng ran over hurriedly. "President, something bad has happened. Someone posted a video of you and Miss Qin online!"

He took out his phone and showed it to Gong Mochen. The video wasn't long, but it clearly recorded the scene of Qin Sheng and Gong Mochen embracing each other and walking into the lounge. There was also the news of Gong Mochen being disturbed by the reporters in the lounge.

The headlines undoubtedly implied one thing. These two people had just had a dalliance in the lounge...

Gong Mochen's eyebrows were pressed to the lowest. "Which news agency?"

No one would dare to publish such news about him!

"It was a news agency overseas. We haven't found the source of this news agency yet!" Nie Feng said.

"Overseas?" Gong Mochen's eyes were deep and reserved. Someone had set up a company overseas just to expose this news about him?

There was no need to investigate the company because the people in the company had already run away...

Gong Mochen said coldly, "Find out who leaked the videos and photos for me!"

"Yes, I'll send people to check every reporter's cell phone now!" Nie Feng accepted the order and ran out.

Gong Mochen strode out with dark clouds surrounding him. It was like the eve of a storm!


In another corridor, Qin Zixian slapped Yanzi's face. "B*tch, who asked people to expose Gong Mochen and Yun Sheng? Because you couldn't take Gong Mochen away, you let Yun Sheng take my fiancé away!"

Yanzi quickly grabbed Qin Zixian's wrist. "Enough, Qin Zixian! Who do you think you are? How dare you hit me!"

After saying that, she threw Qin Zixian's hand away and slapped Qin Zixian's face.

The crisp sound of the slap stunned Qin Zixian and hurt her. She covered her face with her hand. "You dare to hit me?"

Yanzi chuckled. "Why don't I dare to hit you? Just take it as me returning the slap you gave me just now. Let me tell you, I don't owe you anything! Someone told me to break into the restroom in the lounge and expose Gong Mochen and Yun Sheng. He knew that I had medicine in my handbag. If I didn't listen to him, he would expose me!

"Of course, I can't let him expose me. I can only listen to him and expose Yun Sheng and Gong Mochen. If you want to settle the score with someone, go look for him! That person was wearing a pair of huge black sunglasses."

When Yanzi thought of that person, she felt fear radiating from the bottom of her heart. The cold aura on his body seemed to come from hell...

Fortunately, she was smart enough to attract those socialites. With those people acting as her distraction, Gong Mochen wouldn't be able to blame her.

Qin Zixian's heart stopped, and her eyes turned in confusion. Why did Ta Luosi expose Qin Sheng and Gong Mochen?

Didn't he say he would protect her position as Gong Mochen's fiancé?

When she came back to her senses, Yanzi had already run away while she was still in a daze.

Her hand pressed the button on the wheelchair and she went out of the corridor. She wouldn't give Qin Sheng a chance to rise to the top!

Qin Sheng took a shower, put on her clothes, and followed Chu Xia out of the lounge. She was silent in the corridor and didn't chase after the reporters.

She thought that Gong Mochen had dealt with it and felt relieved. It would be best if this matter could be suppressed.

However, when she returned to the banquet hall, Qin Zixian rolled towards her in her wheelchair and knelt on the ground with a thud, crying her eyes out!

"Miss Yun, back then, you said that my fiancé was incompetent and that he was pestering you. How are you going to explain what happened today? He was the one who followed you into the lounge on the news!

"I beg you, on account of the fact that I have loved him for more than twenty years, please don't destroy our relationship! Can I beg you?" Qin Zixian said as she knelt on the ground.

Everyone watched the scene and looked at the pitiful Qin zixian sympathetically, guessing Yun Sheng's reaction.

Yun Sheng gritted his teeth on his lips. She thought that Gong Mochen had suppressed the news! From Qin Zixian's reaction, it looked like that never happened!

During her opening ceremony, it was revealed that she had seduced someone else's fiancé. This could destroy her and her company!

She recalled that Qin Zixian had said that she would make her lose all her reputation and would leave this country in tears. She decisively forbade Gong Mochen and Qin Zixian from harming her...

Gong Mochen... Qin Zixian... She clenched her fists in hatred!