May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 281 - Chapter 281 missing like the tide 31

Chapter 281: Chapter 281 missing like the tide 31

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Qin Sheng was thinking about what De Bao had said. Would the public announcement of their relationship really affect Ming Tai's reputation as a star?

She immediately instructed Le Le, "Immediately post a public test online and let everyone vote. Do you want Ming Tai to find his beloved partner and live a happy life, or do you want him to be alone and fight for his film career?"

She wanted to test the approval ratings, and then see what she should do next...

Le Le Immediately posted a public test on their news website.

An An, Yanzi, and the other main actors had finished speaking. As Ming Tai's relationship was made public, the last person who needed to speak was Qin Sheng.

She strode onto the rostrum. She was no longer a young and naïve girl, but was mature and capable.

"My director and actors have said thank you countless times. I wish that our movie can break the box office record, and I also wish that all the companies that invest in it will reap the benefits and prosper."

The moment her words left her mouth, she won the applause of the big bosses. They bought advertisements in the movie to promote their companies and earn more money.

Le Le led all the actors to the rostrum. They now needed to celebrate with champagne.

All the actors lined up and one of them walked up the red carpet, one after the other. Yanzi walked over as well. Suddenly, a person walked past her and knocked her handbag from her hand.

The man picked up the handbag and returned it to Yanzi. "I'm sorry. I knocked your handbag from your hands."

Yanzi's heart was racing. This was delaying her from going on stage to handle her important matter. However, her face still had a sweet smile on it.

"It's alright. I'll take my leave now!"

She strode away. She didn't understand why the man was wearing sunglasses inside.

She hurriedly walked up to the podium and stood beside Qin Sheng. With one hand, she took out a pill from her handbag. As she took the champagne with the other hand, she quietly threw the pill into the wine glass.

She handed the wine to Qin Sheng beside her. "Boss Yun, I've brought you some wine!"

Qin Sheng took the glass of champagne and announced, "Please welcome all the bosses who bought the advertising slots and celebrate with us!"

The big bosses went up to the stage one after another. Gong Mochen walked at the back, while Qin Zixian followed the man in her wheelchair. At that moment, she wanted to remind everyone that she was Gong Mochen's fiancé!

Le Le passed the champagne to each of the bosses. Qin Sheng, who was next to the champagne tower, helped pass the champagne to Le Le while the champagne in her hand was also handed out.

Yanzi looked at the champagne in Qin Sheng's hand in astonishment. Her eyes almost dropped to the ground. The glass of champagne she'd given to Boss Yun was passed to Le Le! Who did she give it to?

Her mind was in a mess. She had no idea what was going to happen!

The reporters surrounded the rostrum and took pictures of the people on the stage from all angles.

Everyone raised the champagne to celebrate. It was a spectacular scene!

The opening ceremony was successfully completed. Next was the cocktail party. Everyone could continue to celebrate in the hotel. They could drink, chat, and eat all kinds of exquisite desserts.

Qin Sheng was a little surprised. Today, Qin Zixian was exceptionally quiet. She didn't cause any trouble for her at all!

However, her task wasn't completed. She still had to hold the wine and toast to the guests one by one, greeting everyone.

When she walked past Qin Zixian, she saw Qin Zixian's cold eyes.

She stopped and lowered her voice, "Auntie, why are you looking at me like that?"

Qin Zixian drank the wine in her glass and smiled wickedly. "I'm waiting for your reputation to be ruined! Qin Sheng, you will leave this country! Don't cry too miserably later!"

Qin Sheng's eyes narrowed. "What do you mean?"

"You'll know what I mean in a while!" Qin Zixian chuckled and pushed her wheelchair to the wine picking area. She was already celebrating in advance!

Qin Sheng didn't understand what Qin Zixian meant at all. Was she trying to scare her? Or was Qin Zixian going to make a move later?

Her mind was spinning. She could only wait for Qin Zixian to make a move and then deal with it...

Qin Zixian moved her wheelchair to Yanzi's side and picked up a glass of wine. "Have you put the medicine in?"

Yanzi's heart skipped a beat. "Yes, I've put it in!"

She didn't dare to say that a mistake had been made, so she could only force herself to say that she completed the task. She wanted to find an opportunity to give Qin Sheng another glass of wine, but Le Le was always by Qin Sheng's side. She couldn't even get close to Qin Sheng...

Qin Zixian's heart was relieved. Her gaze landed on Qin Sheng's back as she secretly guessed how long it would take. Had she worked out the timings wrong?

Why was Qin Sheng acting as if nothing had happened to her?

She frowned, pressed the button on the wheelchair and went into the corridor. She had drunk too much wine and wanted to go to the bathroom.

A man suddenly appeared in front of her. With a pair of huge sunglasses on his face, she immediately recognized him as Ta Luosi!

"Why are you here?" Qin Zixian asked.

This man never dared to come out in the daytime. He was like a ghost. Why did he come out in the daytime today?

Ta Luosi's hand grasped Qin Zixian's neck. He threw a bag of pink medicine at her. "Did you ask Yanzi to drug Qin Sheng?"

Qin Zixian gasped. "Yes. Don't you want to kill Qin Sheng as soon as possible?"

"I do want her life, but I have my own plan. You are ruining my plan!" Ta Luosi said viciously.

The man's voice was so cold, causing Qin Zixian's entire body to tremble uncontrollably. She had a feeling that this man could take her life at any time.

"I didn't know you had a plan. You didn't tell me! You can't blame me!" She forced herself to come up with her own reason.

Ta Luosi tightened his grip. "Remember, you are not allowed to act without my instructions!"

Qin Zixian's neck felt like it was about to be crushed by the man's grip. She held the man's hand in pain. "I don't dare, I don't dare!"

Ta Luosi released Qin Zixian and pushed her in disgust. He turned around and walked to the entrance of the corridor. From there, he could see the entire banquet hall. His eyes were locked on Qin Sheng.

When he knocked Yanzi's handbag out of her hands, he had changed the medicine in her bag. Now, he was waiting for Qin Sheng's medicine to take effect. His lips curled into a sinister smile. In his plan, not only was there the Qin family, but also the Yun family!

Qin Sheng had drunk a lot of wine today. Her head was a little dizzy. She asked Le Le to help her continue entertaining the guests. She wanted to go to the lounge to wash her face and rest for a while.

"Sister Yun, don't worry. I promise to take care of our guests!" Le Le said.

"Where are Chu Xia and Ming Tai?" Qin Sheng suddenly realized that these two people were missing.

"I've already sent someone to buy clothes for Chu Xia. They're waiting for the clothes in the lounge! They're in lounge 1," Le Le said.

Qin Sheng nodded and walked to the corridor. However, she didn't go to Lounge 1. She didn't want to disturb such a good opportunity for the two of them to get close, so she decisively walked to Lounge 2.

As soon as she opened the door of the lounge, she was hugged by a tall man behind her. He carried her into the room, pressed her against the door, and kissed her hard on the lips...