May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 278 - Chapter 278 missing her like the tide 28

Chapter 278: Chapter 278 missing her like the tide 28

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Qin Sheng narrowed her eyes on Gong Mochen, then looked away. She glanced at Qin Zixian. Ever since Qin Zixian gave her the medicine, Qin Zixian had hooked up with Yanzi… But then, Wang Yu admitted to giving her the medicine and covered up everything.

How could she believe Wang Yu? Was it really just Wang Yu's idea? And Yanzi didn't know anything?

It was an insult to her IQ. She was sure that Qin Zixian had something to do with this matter... However, Qin Zixian's acquiescence to Yanzi's pursuit of Gong Mochen surprised her.

A man's deep voice came into her ears. It was closer than before.

"Try it later?" Gong Mochen's eyes were filled with mischief.

Qin Sheng lowered her voice and roared, "Gong Mochen, when did you become so dirty?"

"I learned a lot from my woman back then. I didn't have the chance to use it. Now I can use it to my advantage," Gong Mochen teased the blushing little woman.

"I'm not that dirty! Who did you learn it from?" Qin Sheng immediately retorted.

"I learnt from a good master! The master has produced a good disciple. You are my master. So I ask you, master, am I that dirty?" Gong Mochen said with a devious glint in the corner of his cold eyes.

Qin Sheng raised her hand and pushed Gong Mochen. "I'm not! You're framing me!"

She felt that the temperature around her seemed to have been raised by the man!

Qin Sheng's face became redder and redder. "I-I should toast!"

She come up with a reason and quickly ran away. Talking about being dirty with Gong Mochen really wasn't something she wanted to do right now!

Her gaze landed on Qin Zixian. The most infuriating thing was that she had endured Gong Mochen and Qin Zixian still hadn't come over to pick a fight. She couldn't solve the problem and start a fight!

When did Qin Zixian become reserved?

This really didn't feel right... She had a feeling something was wrong...

Qin Zixian's gaze had been fiercely locked on the two people who were standing so close together. The two of them whispered for a long time. Even if she was far away and couldn't hear anything, she had already guessed what they were talking about!

Qin Sheng was openly flirting with her fiancé. She simply treated her like a dead person!

However, she was smart enough not to cause trouble. The two of them were just talking without any excessive etiquette. Wouldn't it be her fault if she went to pick a fight?

Even if she wanted to teach Qin Sheng a lesson, she wouldn't make a scene in front of all these people. She pressed the button on the wheelchair and drove towards the corridor.

There was a lounge in the corridor. Yanzi was waiting for her new evening gown inside it.

Qin Zixian drove her wheelchair in and closed the door behind her.

"The evening gown you were wearing was very unique. Because it ripped so easily, could it be that you bought a knockoff? The big star Yanzi can't even afford a genuine brand! Dear me, how pitiful!"

Yanzi's face was flushed from Qin Zixian's teasing. She was indeed wearing the genuine article. Of course, the quality of the genuine article wasn't that bad. It was just that she had made some adjustments to the clothes.

The scene today was packed with celebrities. In this film, even the supporting actors were a-list celebrities. If she wanted to compete with them, she had to be extraordinary.

The place on her dress where she had stitched and made slight adjustments was opened up. But as long as she didn't deliberately pull it, nothing would happen.

And when she wanted something to happen, as long as she stepped on the hem of her dress, something would happen. Originally, she wanted to use Gong Mochen to rise to the top. She didn't expect to be taken advantage of by Du Can and even beaten up by Yao Miao.

Although things had exceeded her expectations, the result was even better. She didn't hook up with Gong Mochen, but hooked up with Ming Tai instead. Moreover, she was wrongfully beaten up. She was certain that her stage presence would surpass Ming Tai's.

She could take the direct train and become a world-class superstar!

"Miss Qin, although I don't have as much money as you, I still have enough money to buy clothes. You're really thinking too much! Why would I snatch CEO Gong from you? I just wanted to say hello to you!" she explained nonchalantly.

The corner of Qin Zixian's lips twitched violently. This woman was very decisive. Even if she did it unintentionally, no one would be able to not catch her.

"In terms of acting, I'm not as good as you, but in terms of scheming, you're not as good as me. You'd better be smart and don't provoke me. Otherwise, I can easily take your life with a flick of my finger!"

"My dear Miss Qin, what are you talking about? We're friends! Even if I liked him, I wouldn't dare to snatch your man!" Yanzi had a harmless smile on her face.

Qin Zixian snorted coldly. "You'd better remember what you said! You can find any man in the world, except for Gong Mochen!"

"Alright, alright. Miss Qin has really misunderstood me. Let's talk about your plan now! How do you want to deal with Yun Sheng?" Yanzi stood up and walked in front of Qin Zixian, holding her hand coquettishly.

All of Qin Zixian's nerves were throbbing. This Yanzi was too good at putting on an act. She was innocent and acting cute. It was as if she had been the one who'd wronged Yanzi, making it difficult for her to settle the score with her!

However, Qin Zixian decided that if she was to settle the score with Yanzi, she would do it in the future. The most important thing now was Qin Sheng!

She took out a bag of medicine from her handbag. Pink particles were visible inside the small transparent bag. She handed the thing to Yanzi.

"Put this in a wine glass and give it to Qin Sheng! Aren't you guys going to drink together later? Think of a way," Qin Zixian instructed.

Yanzi's hand held the small bag, and her heart sank. She had seen this before and knew what kind of medicine it was...

In comparison, the medicine given to Yun Sheng last time was child's play!

This kind of medicine would definitely ruin Qin Sheng's life. It would make her lose her reputation and have to leave the country.

But if the boss was gone, would the movie still be filmed? This was her first time acting with Ming Tai. If the box office earnings were good, she would become an international superstar!

The pros and cons of carrying this out relentlessly flashed through Yanzi's mind, unrepentant, assaulting her.

Qin Zixian looked at the woman who didn't move and snorted coldly, "Why are you afraid? If you're afraid, then don't do it! Anyway, if Qin Sheng leaves, I'll think of a way to get Gong Mochen to buy Yun Media. We'll shoot the same movie, and nothing will change."

The corners of Yanzi's lips curled up. This Qin Zixian wasn't stupid. She could see right into her heart. But suddenly, Yanzi felt like the power was in her hands... "Don't panic so much, Miss Qin!"