May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 276 - Chapter 276

Chapter 276: Chapter 276

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"I'm not crazy. Do you think Qin Zixian won't come if I don't invite her? She's a clever woman..." Qin Sheng said.

She knew Qin Zixian too well. That b*tch hated her so much and had even taken Li Ang away from her. How did the saying go? Keep your friend close, but your enemies closer...

She didn't want to Qin Zixian to come either. But, she was sure that Qin Zixian would come to cause trouble even if she wasn't invited, so she decided to counter every move and see what tricks the woman would play to ruin her ceremony!

Chu Xia nodded. "That's true. Qin Zixian would probably come with Gong Mochen. By the way, why haven't I seen Li Ang? Where has he been these past two days?"

Qin Sheng's heart tightened. "In order to find evidence for me, Li Ang was taken away by Qin Zixian. This time, I want to force Qin Zixian to hand over Li Ang!"

"No way... Qin Zixian is so despicable! Wait a minute, doesn't that mean that she was the one who planted the bomb back then?" Chu Xia said, a light bulb going off in her head.

"I think it could be her. Otherwise, why would she appear when Li Ang went to get the evidence? And after she appeared, Li Ang disappeared. If she didn't do it, then who did?" Qin Sheng slammed her hand on the table.

If anything happened to Li Ang because of her, she would feel guilty for the rest of her life!

"Well, when the time comes, how will we deal with Qin Zixian? Just say the word and I'll torture her to death!" Chu Xia shouted angrily.

"These invitations have all been signed. Help me take them to the office and have them send someone to deliver them!" Qin Sheng instructed.

"Okay!" Chu Xia agreed. She picked up a stack of invitations and walked out of Qin Sheng's office.


In the hospital ward, Qin Zixian unexpectedly received an invitation.

He Fen came over. "What's this? Did someone send you an invitation? Don't they know you're sick?"

Qin Zixian chuckled. "It's Qin Sheng. She's so bold to send me an invitation to her movie opening ceremony!"

"Ah? But you're not allowed to go. If you go, you'll be exposed. Aren't you sick?" He Fen immediately stopped her.

Qin Zixian rolled her eyes. "How can I not go? It's such a good opportunity. I want her to get out of this country! What's there to be afraid of? If she really wants to catch me, I'll faint again."

She spoke disdainfully. Qin Sheng clearly wanted to fight with her for Gong Mochen. She had kept him by her side for so many years. How could she just watch Qin Sheng snatch Gong Mochen away?

"Well, that could be a solution. She's a little b*tch! It would have been better if she hadn't come back. I didn't expect her to return! Our good days are going to be ruined by her again!" He Fen said unhappily.

"What are you afraid of? Isn't it just Qin Sheng? I don't believe I can't deal with her!" Qin Zixian said confidently. Now even Li Ang had been taken away by Ta Luosi. No one would help Qin Sheng anymore!

He Fen's eyes darkened. "I'm afraid it's not just Qin Sheng. There's also the Yun family..."

"Yun family? What Yun family?" Qin Zixian asked.

He Fen realized that she had let the cat out of the bag. "Don't ask. In short, Qin Sheng isn't easy to deal with. You'd better be careful. Just chase her away!"

"Mom, you're hiding something from me! Tell me quickly!" Qin Zixian held He Fen's hand and asked.

He Fen was badgered by her daughter until she had no choice. "Don't tell anyone. The Yun family is Qin Sheng's grandfather's family!"

"So, her maternal grandfather's surname is Yun? So what? Which slum does he live in?" Qin Zixian said harshly.

"You're wrong. The Yun family isn't smaller than our Qin family. It should be a big family, even bigger than our Qin family. Even if it has fallen into ruin for so many years, a lean camel is still bigger than a horse!" He Fen said.

Qin Zixian widened her eyes. "A family bigger than our Qin family... But then why aren't they in this country? And didn't they say that Qin Sheng's mother was a woman from a nightclub?"

"That's right. When Qin Sheng's mother was with your brother, she was a woman of a nightclub. It was only later that I learned more about the Yun family. As for what happened back then, why the Yun family left this nation, and why the miss of the Yun family became a woman of a nightclub, I don't know anymore...

"You also need to know that your father doesn't allow us talk about this. This is a secret that no one in this country has dared to touch for many years. It's good that you know now, but don't tell others. Just chase Qin Sheng away. It's better that we don't provoke the Yun family!"

He Fen tried to persuade Qin Zixian. She felt a headache whenever she thought of the mysterious Yun family. She didn't know how much power the Yun family still had. In any case, it was not something that Qin Zixian could contend with!

Qin Zixian snorted coldly. "You think too highly of the Yun family. If the Yun family is so powerful, why did they leave this country? And why did their daughter become a woman of a nightclub?

"If they were so powerful, would they let Qin Sheng come back alone? I don't believe that the Yun family is powerful. Tomorrow, I will let Qin Sheng know how powerful I am!"

"You child, why are you so disobedient?" He Fen snapped.

"Don't worry. I have someone to protect me. Anyway, Gong Mochen is mine! You go home now and don't meddle in my affairs," Qin Zixian said.

A sinister light flashed across her eyes. She couldn't wait for the opening ceremony tomorrow!


The next morning, Qin Sheng arrived at the hotel where the ceremony was taking place and welcomed the guests.

She was wearing a blue evening dress, which made her fair skin look even more radiant. The v-shaped collar was neither high nor low, and it vaguely showed a cleavage, exuding her feminine beauty. Her sleek hair was tied up at the back of her head.

She didn't wear much jewelry, and had on a pair of shimmering sapphire earrings. She stood gracefully at the hotel entrance, and her appearance didn't lose out to the celebrities that were arriving.

Chu Xia and Ming Tai had arrived early, and they helped Qin Sheng welcome the guests. Qin Sheng knew that director An An was getting old, so she let him rest in a hotel room. He would only come out when the ceremony officially began.

Reporters flocked to the hotel, waiting to interview the celebrities, director An An, Yun Sheng, and the dignitaries who had been invited.

The guests were all very proud of themselves. They arrived one after another, and the reporters snapped pictures continuously, leaving no one out.

Qin Sheng looked at the time on her phone. It was almost time for the banquet. As for the female lead, Yanzi, Gong Mochen, and Qin Zixian, they hadn't turned up yet.

Just then, a sports car drove onto the red carpet, and Yanzi got out, lofty and elegant. She was wearing a white modified cheongsam. Above her chest, the Cheongsam was full of bright lace, revealing her alluring skin. Below it was a white brocade, and on the brocade was a hand-painted plum blossom. Her hair was tied up at the back of her head, and there was a jade hairpin in her bun. It was clearly an antique and everyone praised it.

Countless cameras flashed at Yanzi. She had her signature smile on her face as she walked slowly up the carpet.

Qin Sheng stared at the woman who walked in. She looked so innocent and kind. No one would believe her if she said that Yanzi was actually a scheming b*tch.

A black luxury car followed Yanzi. It was obvious that Gong Mochen was here.

Gong Mochen got out of the car and stepped onto the red carpet. As he walked to the main door of the hotel, his gaze was locked on Qin Sheng.

Yanzi turned around and saw Gong Mochen. She thought that she could go up to Gong Mochen and make a move... She accidentally stepped on the hem of her dress and threw herself into Gong Mochen's arms.

Yanzi landed in Gong Mochen's arms, to the man's utter surprise. Her lips were almost on his cheek...

The flashing cameras took photos of the two people who were hugging each other...