May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 269 - Chapter 269: Yearning like a tide 19

Chapter 269: Chapter 269: Yearning like a tide 19

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

After a sumptuous meal, Gong mochen held Qin Sheng's hand and they walked out of the restaurant's main door.

He looked down at his little woman. "Now, let's go watch a movie. What do you want to watch?"

Qin Sheng's hand was very warm from being held by Gong Mochen. She had always had cold hands and feet since she was young, especially when it was cold. In the past, Gong Mochen's hands were the best hand warmers for her.

"What movies are showing?" she asked.

When she was at school, she had always been busy with all kinds of homework, and didn't really have the chance to watch movies. And now that she was busy with work, she still didn't have the time.

When she was young, she used to watch movies with Gong Mochen in the small theater at their home. In fact, until now, she hadn't been to the cinema, so she didn't know what movies were showing.

"I'll go online and check." Gong Mochen took out his phone and checked the information on the Internet as he walked.

Although it was the first time he'd gone online to look for this kind of information, Gong Mochen quickly figured out how to book seats and buy tickets online.

"There are art films, action films, and romance films. Which one do you want to watch?" he asked.

Qin Sheng pursed her lips. "A romance film!"

The movie she was about to shoot was a romance film. She wanted to see what other people's films were like.

"Okay, but there's a problem with the time. If we can get there in ten minutes, we can make it. Otherwise, we'll have to wait for the next showing!" Gong Mochen said.

"Ah? Which theater is ten minutes away?" Qin Sheng asked.

It seemed that there were no theaters nearby.

Gong Mochen stopped in his tracks. "Which one do you want to watch then?"

"Of course I want to watch the one in ten minutes. Otherwise, I'll have to wait for a long time before the next one!" Qin Sheng said.

Gong Mochen squatted down and said to the girl, "Come up!"

Qin Sheng was stunned. The man had his back to her and asked her to come up. Did he want to carry her on his back?

Just as she was hesitating, the man's hand grabbed her arm and pulled her to his back. His long arms carried her on his back.

"Hold me tight!" he instructed the girl and ran toward the movie theater.

He could have booked the movie theater with just one sentence, or asked the theater to play the film a little later. However, he chose to rush to the movie theater with the girl on his back.

Because of who they were, they had never been in love like ordinary people. This time, he wanted to make up for everything.

Qin Sheng's arms hugged the man's neck tightly. She buried her head in his shoulder and greedily smelled his scent.

This was the scent that she had been infatuated with since she was young, and it was still the same now!

Even if she couldn't love him, even if it was just a nominal love, she wanted to remember his scent and bury it deep in her heart.

Along the way, the people who saw the man carrying the girl on his back ran out of their path and made way for them one after another. The girls who passed by looked at the girl on the man's back with envy and jealousy.

The man was not only handsome, but also had such good physical strength!

Which girl didn't want to be carried by the man she loved? She clearly wanted to show her happiness to everyone.

Under the envious gaze of the people on the streets, Gong Mochen carried the little woman and ran into the cinema.

His eyes swept across the hall, looking for the ticket machine. When he found it, he took out two movie tickets.

"Put me down now!" Qin Sheng said to the man. They had already arrived, and he was still carrying her The people were still staring at her...

"Wait a minute, we still need to buy popcorn and coke!" Gong Mochen said as he ran to get popcorn and coke.

The cashier handed the popcorn and drinks to Qin Sheng. Her envious eyes were clear for all to see. "Miss, your boyfriend is really good. You're so lucky!"

Qin Sheng's face flushed red. She didn't know what to say in response to the cashier's praise.

Fortunately, Gong Mochen ran fast enough, so she didn't have to dwell on it for long.

Gong Mochen didn't put down Qin Sheng until he ran into the theater.

The movie was about to start, and the lights in the theater had already been turned off. The ticket checker, holding a flashlight, led Qin Sheng and Gong Mochen to their seats.

Qin Sheng looked at the seats and was a little surprised. "Aren't the seats meant to be single seats? These seats all look like they're for two people?"

The ticket checker burst into laughter. "Miss, how many years has it been since you've seen a movie? These are couple's seat, for couples! Please take a seat, the movie will start soon."

Regardless of whether Qin Sheng was happy or not, Gong Mochen was pretty happy to hear that.

He held the little woman's hand and sat down. The screen was already broadcasting the opening of the movie.

"Have you never watched a movie on a date before?" He lowered his head and asked the woman beside him.

Qin Sheng grabbed a handful of popcorn and put it in her mouth. "Why do you care?"

She didn't want to tell him that she had never watched a movie on a date before!

Gong Mochen's lips curled up. "Okay, I don't care. Have some coke."

Qin Sheng's gaze shifted. "Looks like you often come to watch movies?"

She had never watched a movie on a date before, so she didn't know about it. However, it seemed Gong Mochen knew all about it. That meant that he had watched a movie on a date before, and he had even sat in a couple's seat before!

"No, I guarantee that I haven't. If you don't believe me, you can take a look!" Gong Mochen took out his phone and opened the browser to show the little woman his search history. His history was all about how to purchase movie tickets, which seat to choose, and the special functions of a couple's seat.

Qin Sheng was curious. What other functions did a couple's seat have besides sitting?

Her finger tapped on the screen and opened the link.

This damn man!