May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 266 - Chapter 266 missing like the tide 16

Chapter 266: Chapter 266 missing like the tide 16

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Gong Mochen's brows sank as his gaze focused on the girl's face. Had he lost his memory? Had he transmigrated? Had she fallen in love with him again?

It was obvious that he was overthinking things!

Qin Sheng walked up to the stunned man and raised her little face to look at him. "It's fine if you don't dare to go on a date! But I promise that I will never date you again in this lifetime!"

After she had said those harsh words, she turned around and left. 'Go after her, go after her, go after her!' Gong Mochen's thoughts silently told him, but he couldn't move.

Oh my God! She really wanted to curse. How could Chu Xia flirt so successfully? She had only flirted with one person in her entire life and had never succeeded!

However, if she didn't hook up with Gong Mochen, how was she going to do what she wanted to do?

She'd wanted to find the person who'd planted the bomb first and recover her name. Then, she would use Qin Sheng's name to return to the Qin family and take back everything that belonged to her!

However, Li Ang had disappeared and their plan had been ruined. She could only use Gong Mochen's wife's name to return to the Qin family and take back what belonged to her!

However, the man didn't cooperate and never chased after her. Could it be that he had guessed what she had planned it?

Her little head was filled with random thoughts. Finally, she stopped and looked back. The man completely ignored her and kept talking to Nie Feng.

She was sure that she had overestimated her own charm. The man didn't respond to her at all!

She stomped her foot fiercely and strode out to her car. What other way was there to return to the Qin family?

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew behind her and she fell into the man's embrace.

She looked at the man's handsome face in astonishment. She thought he was ignoring her!

Gong Mochen held Qin Sheng in his arms and looked at her staring at him in a daze. His lips curled into a mocking smile.

"You finally fell in love with me and want to elope with me?" He laughed softly.

"I haven't fallen in love with you!" Qin Sheng said stubbornly.

"Then why did you want to go on a date with me?" Gong Mochen asked.

"Because I want to torture Qin Zixian. I want to take away what belongs to her! It's not too late to refuse if you want to?" Qin Sheng said. She didn't want to hide her purpose from Gong Mochen.

Gong Mochen smiled faintly. "Why would I reject you? Am I really useless? Where do you want to go on a date?"

He spoke in a deep voice. He had spoiled her for eighteen years. He took her to an amusement park to ride a roller coaster, took her to dive and see fish, took her to an island to see the sea, and brought her around the world to buy things. However, he had never taken her on a date...

Why should he reject her request? This was something that he had always wanted!

Qin Sheng looked at the man in surprise. Her lips were pursed. Why didn't he reject her? She had already told him her purpose. Why did he still agree to her?

Her heart throbbed as Gong Mochen picked her up. It felt so good to be carried by him, though she didn't want to admit to that. She didn't move and allowed the man to carry her. Looking at the bright lights in front of her, it was as if she had returned to her childhood.

The people on the road looked on at them. Only a person who truly someone would carry them. It required courage and physical strength. It was obvious that Gong Mochen loved her.

Many people applauded for them. They were all giving their blessings to this pair of lovers.

Qin Sheng felt bitter in her heart. After her identity was revealed, they would probably be the least blessed couple in the world.

Gong Mochen lowered his head and pressed his lips on the girl's ear. "Enjoy our date. This is our date!"

The man's hot and humid breath hit Qin Sheng's face, making her lose her mind. This was their date?

She nodded. Yes, this was their date. No matter what, it was their date. She was waiting to see Qin Zixian die of anger!

"Shall we eat first or watch a movie?" Gong Mochen asked.

"Let's eat first! I want to eat lobster with cheese, roast beef, and cream seafood soup," Qin Sheng said.

She was desperate to wipe the smug smile from Qin Zixian's face. This time, she wouldn't ruin their date! She wanted to eat everything!

"We could also order smoked ham and tiramisu for dessert," Gong Mochen said, knowing exactly what Qin Sheng liked. He was familiar with all the things she liked to eat.

Tiramisu... Qin Sheng's eyes were watery. She remembered the first time she wanted tiramisu. She was a little girl, and at that time, she was determined to marry Gong Mochen.

Tiramisu gave her fond memories of her childhood, memories that were spoilt by her current feelings towards Gong Mochen. She'd always ordered tiramisu for her desert. Always.

Would it be appropriate if she ordered tiramisu today? The fond memories could so easily turn into painful memories...

She smiled bitterly. She would love to eat that desert now, but she didn't think it would be appropriate. This wasn't the past. She wasn't her younger self any more.

"I don't want it this time. I'll order the chocolate brownie cake instead."

That would be a much better choice. No painful memories would come if she ordered that desert.

Gong Mochen hugged Qin Sheng's arm tightly. Suddenly, his eyes dimmed. One day, he wouldn't be able to be by her side anymore...

Gong Mochen carried Qin Sheng into a luxurious western restaurant. Qin Sheng looked around. The restaurant was empty.

She was surprised. This restaurant had always been busy. Why were there no customers today?

There was only one table in the entire restaurant. There were candles and flowers on the table. The waiters stood in two rows and bowed respectfully.

"President Gong, nice to see you! You too, Miss Yun! Your dinner is ready for you!"

So, the man had booked the entire restaurant!

Thoughts flashed through Qin Sheng's mind. Had the restaurant rejected all its guests because Gong Mochen had booked a table? How much would that have cost? In addition to the cost of booking the whole restaurant, she didn't know how much Gong Mochen had spent on the food.

When he was speaking to Nie Feng at the company, had he instructed Nie Feng to organize all this?

Qin Sheng's hand felt warm. Her small hand was held by Gong Mochen's big hand and he led her to the table.

Gong Mochen pulled out a chair for Qin Sheng, like a gentleman, and put a napkin on her before sitting in his seat.

Because it was pre-ordered, the dishes were quickly served.

The sound of a violin accompanied the dishes, and a small cart was pushed out by a waiter. On top of it was a rose tower.

Gong Mochen stood up, took a rose from the top and gave it to the girl. "Since it's a date, how can there be no rose! Do you like it?"

Qin Sheng took the rose. When she was most afraid of falling in love with him, he gave her everything that her boyfriend should have given her!

However, she couldn't give him everything that his girlfriend should have given him...

Her gaze landed on the rose and she found a shiny object embedded in the heart of the flower. She reached in and took out the object from the heart of the flower.

A huge pink diamond ring lay in her palm. It was obvious that this was the ring that matched Sweetheart's Love.

Gong Mochen held the girl's hand. "I searched for a long time to find the ring that matches Sweetheart's Love. I give it to you now."

Qin Sheng looked up at the man. "Do you know the meaning of giving a girl a ring?"