May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 265 - Chapter 265: Missing Qin Zixian

Chapter 265: Chapter 265: Missing Qin Zixian

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Qin Zixian's anklet? What was that doing here?

Qin Sheng was stunned. She was sure that she wasn't mistaken. After Qin Zixian was born, He Fen had read her fortune and said that she would face a disaster. She bought the amulet to protect Qin Zixian's life. He Fen had even custom-made the anklet for her.

The anklet was inlaid with platinum and five-colored gemstones. Most importantly, the anklet had Qin Zixian's name engraved on it. There wouldn't be another anklet like this in existence.

Had Qin Zixian been here before?

"Li Ang! Li Ang!" Qin Sheng's sense of unease grew stronger.

However, no matter how she screamed, no one responded to her. She immediately called the police and asked them to look for Li Ang.

The police searched the construction site, but they couldn't find any clues about Li Ang!

She frowned and drove straight to the hospital. The anklet belonged to Qin Zixian, and Qin Zixian had been here. Li Ang had disappeared, but Li Ang had said that he was going to get evidence!

Who was afraid that the evidence would be exposed? It seemed that the person who planted the bomb was about to come out...

Qin Sheng's mind had never been so clear. The person who planted the bomb must have been Qin Zixian. Qin Zixian was probably afraid that Li Ang would get the evidence, so she went to the construction site!

As for where Li Ang was now, she could only ask Qin Zixian!

Her car drove quickly to the hospital. When she ran to Qin Zixian's ward, she saw Qin Zixian lying on the hospital bed.

Qin Zixian watched as Qin Sheng barged in, and her eyes flashed with surprise, but it was fleeting. "Yun Sheng, what are you doing here? The court said that I have to recover from my illness before the trial. Come here in a hurry, and I'm afraid that I'll fall sick again!"

Qin Sheng's eyes were fixed on Qin Zixian's face. "Are you sick? How long do you plan to pretend? Your leg is fine. Are you addicted to pretending to be a cripple?"

"Boss Yun, why do you say that? How can I pretend? Many doctors have seen me. My leg is really crippled! If you don't believe me, you can call a doctor for a consultation!" Qin Zixian said arrogantly.

The corners of Qin Sheng's lips twitched. "If your leg is really broken, how did you run out?"

Qin Zixian's heart twitched. How did Qin Sheng know that she had run out?

"What evidence do you have to say that I ran out? If you don't believe me, you can ask the people here. Have I left the room?" Qin Zixian said.

"Of course I will ask. Do you think I don't dare to ask?" Qin Sheng pressed the emergency bell and a few nurses quickly ran in.

"Miss Qin, what's wrong with you?" a nurse asked.

"Miss Qin's leg isn't good and you still let her out? Tell me, what responsibility do you have? Miss Qin is Gong Mochen's fiancé!" Qin Sheng cleverly used Gong Mochen's name to pressure these nurses...

The nurses were shocked. "We didn't let Miss Qin go out!"

"Yes, Miss Qin has been lying here the whole time. She hasn't gone out at all!"

"Yes, yes! I've been on duty at the nurses' station today. I didn't see Miss Qin go out. I can swear!"

The three nurses spoke quickly.

"Show me the surveillance footage!" Qin Sheng said.

There were surveillance cameras in the corridor of the hospital. If they wanted to know whether Qin Zixian had gone out or not, they could check the surveillance footage.

The three nurses turned on the screen in the room and showed the surveillance footage in the corridor. They quickly played the morning's footage to Qin Sheng, but they didn't see Qin Zixian go out.

Only the doctors and nurses who were making ward rounds came in and out of the room.

Qin Zixian's lips curled into a sinister smile. "See! I haven't gone out, have I? If you have the ability, try and find evidence of me going out!"

She was so arrogant because she was sure that Qin Sheng couldn't find evidence of her going out!

Qin Sheng's eyebrows were pressed down. She raised her hand to take out the phone and dialed a number. "Le Le, have you called her?"

Le Le's voice came out of the phone. "Yes, she's coming into the room soon!"

As Le Le Spoke, the door to the room opened and Le Le walked in with a doctor.

"Sister Yun, I've brought the doctor here. He's a famous surgeon!" Le Le said.

Qin Sheng looked at Qin Zixian. "I've hired the best doctor to look at your leg. You're welcome, Miss Qin! Doctor, take a look at her leg and see if it's crippled!"

The corners of Qin Zixian's lips twitched, and her eyes were filled with coldness. "How can I not thank Boss Yun? She even specially hired a doctor for me. Then I'll have to trouble the doctor to take a look at it!"

The doctor helped Qin Zixian sit up and let her sit on the bed. Her legs were hanging down, but her feet were not touching the ground.

He took out a small medical hammer and knocked on Qin Zixian's knee. This was a reaction that every normal person would have. When he knocked on the knee, the leg would be lifted up. That was an inevitable physiological reaction, and no one could fake it!

However, the doctor knocked a few times, but Qin Zixian's legs didn't have any reaction.

The doctor shook his head. "I'm sorry, Boss Yun. Miss Qin's legs don't even have the most basic physiological reaction. I can't treat her anymore! Her legs are indeed crippled."

Qin Sheng pursed her lips when she heard the doctor's diagnosis. If Qin Zixian's leg was crippled, then it was impossible for her to get out of the bed and leave the hospital. It was even more impossible for her to cause Li Ang to go missing!

But how could the anklet be explained? Was it really Qin Zixian's anklet that she'd picked up?

Her gaze landed on Qin Zixian's ankle. The empty ankle proved that the thing in her hand belonged to Qin Zixian!

Qin Zixian noticed Qin Sheng's gaze. She followed Qin Sheng's eyes and looked down. A chill ran down her spine as she realized that her anklet was gone!

Where did she lose the anklet? Suddenly, she recalled that she had been grabbed by Li Ang!

She quickly hid her worry and looked at Qin Sheng leisurely, as if nothing had happened. "Boss Yun, do you have anything else to say?"

Qin Sheng raised her hand and gestured for Le Le to take the others out.

She walked to Qin Zixian, lowered her voice and said, "I'll only ask you once, where is Li Ang? Tell me where Li Ang is and I'll withdraw the lawsuit."

Qin Zixian laughed softly. "What joke is this? How would I know where the Grand Duke is? You're asking the wrong person!"

"Qin Zixian, you can continue pretending if you like. I'll continue playing with you, but can you afford to play with me? I want you to watch me take everything away from you, including the Qin family's property and Gong Mochen!" Qin Sheng said with conviction.

Qin Zixian eyes widened and focussed on Qin Sheng. "What did you say? You want to steal Gong Mochen?"

Qin Sheng lips curved into a smile. "I don't have Qin Sheng's identity to go back to the Qin family. But I can use Yun Sheng's identity to go back to the Qin family as Gong Mochen's wife. Qin Zixian, I'll let you watch me take everything from you!"

She fiercely spoke and turned around to walk out of the ward.

Qin Zixian's hands clenched into fists, but she didn't dare to say where Li Ang was. If she did, she would lose her life!


After work, Gong Mochen walked out of the Gong Group's building and was surprised to see Qin Sheng standing at the door of the building.

For a moment, his mind was hazy. The little woman walked towards him.

"Gong Mochen. Let's have dinner and watch a movie tonight. Do you want to go out?"