May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 252 - Chapter 252 missing like the tide 2

Chapter 252: Chapter 252 missing like the tide 2

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Qin Sheng walked towards the man, as though time had slowed. When she was young, when she came here after school to wait for the man to get off work, he would always say this to her...

'Be Good, come here.'

Her head was sore, and was really uncomfortable. She didn't like the feeling, because it made her want to cry.

"Help me make a new set of identity documents for Jian Jian." Her hand wasn't placed on the man's palm like before, and she directly told him what she wanted.

Gong Mochen's held out hand was stubborn and he didn't withdraw. He still reached out to the girl. "Come here."

"I'm here to ask you to do something. You can set the conditions. But if you don't agree, then forget it," Qin Sheng said.

She couldn't go to Li Ang for such things. Otherwise, she wouldn't have looked for Gong Mochen.

"Come here. These are my conditions," Gong Mochen said.

Qin Sheng's lips pursed. She could only put her hand on the man's palm.

Her hand was instantly wrapped in the man's big hand. It was as warm as before.

Qin Sheng's heart was wringing uncomfortably. Back then, she had drowned in his pampering, but now she hated him to the core. She had to keep her mind clear!

Gong Mochen said in a hoarse voice, "Tell me, have you taken the medicine?"

His voice trembled uncontrollably. He felt anticipation, but also a little fear.

Qin Sheng gritted her teeth on her lips. It should've been very painful because she tasted a metallic tang. However, her nerves seemed to be paralyzed, and she couldn't feel any pain at all.

The tightness in her chest reminded her that she had forgotten to breathe.

She straightened her voice and said clearly, "Yes, I did."

Yes, she lied. But would he be disappointed?

Gong Mochen pressed his forehead against the top of the woman's head. "Okay, that's fine..."

Qin Sheng's heart trembled. The trembling seemed to be able to shatter the tears that were frozen in her eyes. He said, okay...

"Are you going to help with Jian Jian's matter?" She changed the topic and didn't dare to think about it anymore.

"I will. What kind of identity documents do you need for him?" Gong Mochen asked.

How could he bear to let her get hurt? If she was injured, then he would accompany her in the pain.

"Just make up a parent for him. He has passed away two years ago. He is now an orphan," Qin Sheng stated her request.

"Okay. I can give it to you in a while..." Gong Mochen picked up his phone and called Nie Feng to ask him to do it.

"A while?" Qin Sheng was surprised. Could he make this thing so quickly?

Gong Mochen ordered Nie Feng and hung up the call. "Yes, it won't take long... You can wait for a while, can't you? Can you tell me whose child it is?"

How could he bear to let her go? If he told her that he could do it tomorrow, she would leave immediately.

He would rather his subordinates took their time than do it right away. It would be a blessing for him to be able to see her for a while longer...

"No," Qin Sheng immediately refused.

She really wasn't confident about Sikong Jue's attitude towards Jian Jian. Just like what Chu Xia said, if he found out the truth, would Sikong Jue accept Jian Jian after he force fed Chu Xia the medicine?

It was safer that people didn't know the truth, even Gong Mochen…

"Alright, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to," Gong Mochen said softly.

Spending time with her was more important to him than finding out who the child's parents were. If time could stop, he hoped that he could stay in this moment forever...

However, the sweetness didn't last long as Qin Sheng's phone rang.

"Sister Yun, come back quickly! Something's happened at the company!"

Le Le's voice came from the phone.

"Okay, I'll come back now!" Qin Sheng said.

"What's wrong? I'll go back with you," Gong Mochen said. The room was quiet, so he could hear the voice on Qin Sheng's phone.

Qin Sheng looked up at the man. "I don't think you need to trouble yourself."

She said this and ran out of the office.

Gong Mochen stood there silently. She didn't want him...


Qin Sheng hadn't even arrived at the company when she was blocked on the road. From Afar, she could see a bunch of news interview cars and a crowd of onlookers.

What had happened? She could only park the car at the side of the road and run back to the company.

When she arrived at her company, she saw that a massive group of people were ready to explode through the door.

A bunch of actors came to participate in the audition process. Many of them were big-name celebrities, and there were also a few celebrities from neighboring countries.

Qin Sheng was surprised. She didn't know what had happened.

Ming Tai had such great influence?

"Li Ang, get someone to pick me up. I can't get in!"

She was really speechless. She couldn't even squeeze into her own company!

A group of bodyguards squeezed out of the door and formed a human wall. Only then did they open a path for Qin Sheng.

Li Ang came out to welcome her. "Darling, didn't you want to see Chu Xia to talk about Jian Jian? Chu Xia is already here. She's waiting for you!"

Qin Sheng's heart skipped a beat. "I, I had a problem with my car on the way here, so I asked Chu Xia to come first!"

Damn it... Why had Chu Xia come at such a time?

She walked into the hall and saw Chu Xia maintaining order. She pulled Chu Xia to the side.

"What's going on?" she asked.

"Ming Tai is really awesome. He invited director An An and I asked Le Le to publish the news. I wanted to help you promote the company, but I didn't expect the names of these two people to be so useful," Chu Xia explained.

"An An also agreed to come?" Qin Sheng was really surprised.

"Yes." Chu Xia pursed her lips. If she had known, she wouldn't have made this bet with Ming Tai. "By the way, how is Jian Jian?" she asked Qin Sheng.

"Jian Jian stayed with Sikong Jue and he promised to cure him. Don't worry. I asked Gong Mochen to do Jian Jian's fake identity. He will never know that Jian Jian is his son.

"Li Ang has bought him a private pharmacy and he will go there tomorrow. If you want to see Jian Jian, we can go there anytime," Qin Sheng said to Chu Xia.

Chu Xia frowned. Even if she could see him tomorrow, she would still be worried about her son.

Ming Tai strode over. "Xia Xia, you promised to be my date to the party. Can we go now?"

He stretched out his arm and let Chu Xia hold it.

D*mn it... She had to admit defeat. Chu Xia could only hold the man's arm and follow him.

If she had known earlier, she wouldn't have mentioned An An's name. The problem was, was there a director who was more famous than An An?

She had really sacrificed herself for Qin Sheng's company!

"Just so you know, I no longer drink!" She knew her own personality. If she was drunk, she would really do anything... She couldn't risk it.

Ming Tai laughed evilly. "Don't worry, I'll keep you sober tonight..."