May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 249 - Chapter 249 relationship 4

Chapter 249: Chapter 249 relationship 4

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Chu Xia had to say that Li Ang and all the onlookers were overthinking!

She thought that with their inquisitive nature, that even if she said that Ming Tai had just slept on the sofa for the whole night, no one would believe her!

What a situation she was in...

At night, she had even prepared some pepper spray to prevent any untoward behaviour. She didn't know what to expect. Was she overthinking, or overpreparing?

The man just looked at her quietly, as quiet as a painting. She shook her head. No, he seemed to be admiring a painting, and she was that painting...

She felt goosebumps all over her body. The feeling of being looked at made her want to run away. The problem was that this was her home. Where else could she go?

In the end, she could only say that she was going to sleep. She ran back to her room and talked on the phone with her precious son. However, the little thing was irritated by her, because she was delaying him from listening to Le Le's bedtime story.

She hung up the phone sadly. As for when the man fell to sleep, she didn't know. She didn't know if he slept well or not. But he didn't come into her room. If he didn't sleep, he would be like a statue, guarding the door for her. She supposed that wasn't so bad. It was probably safer than having a dog!


When the sun shone again, Qin Sheng brought Jian Jian to Sikong Jue's small manor. Li Ang was in charge of driving. He hadn't seen Sikong Jue for a long time, so he was happy to go to see him.

"Are you sure it's this d*mn place?" Li Ang's car stopped halfway up the mountain. He stopped the car and looked at the rugged mountain road.

Qin Sheng searched through her memories. "It should be. I think it should be here!"

She felt a little blind. It was hard to remember the way.

She couldn't really remember which way they'd come the first time. They could only keep searching...

She had forgotten to download the electronic map. Her mind had been elsewhere.

But she didn't want to ask that d*mn Gong Mochen for help!

Li Ang nodded helplessly. "Alright, let's go along this road and take a look!"

He carried Jian Jian and walked.

Jian Jian liked the mountains very much. He was used to living in the city. He was curious about everything he saw. When Li Ang put him down, he ran to pick flowers.

"Jian Jian, stop playing. We need to find the way!" Qin Sheng realized that the way they had taken was wrong...

Jian Jian held a bunch of flowers in his hands. "Mommy, look at the flowers Jian Jian picked. Do they look good?"

"They look good. Are they for Mommy?" Qin Sheng asked.

Jian Jian was in a bit of a dilemma. He took one out and handed it to Qin Sheng. "Mommy, you and Tong Tong can share!"

Qin Sheng frowned. He said that they could share, but then he'd only given her one! Were the rest for Shen Tong?

Did a PE teacher teach him maths?

"Stop messing around with flowers. Think again, which way is it?" Li Ang asked. They had already walked for two hours. If they continued walking, they wouldn't even be able to find the place where they put the car!

Qin Sheng pouted. "I really can't figure it out... Why are the roads here all the same?"

"How did you get here last time? Who brought you here?" Li Ang asked.

Qin Sheng only said that Jian Jian had a heart attack and that she'd brought him to see Sikong Jue. But she didn't say how she got there...

"U-um..." she stammered. Li Ang would be angry if she said that Gong Mochen was the one who brought them here, right?

"It was that other bad man who brought us here. He was so good. He kept hugging me and didn't complain that I was heavy. He's much better than you!" Jian Jian smiled innocently.

Once again the little boy was mocking Li Ang, and calling him a bad man!

Jian Jian knew he wasn't that heavy. He was cute!

Li Ang's forehead darkened. "The bad man? Gong Mochen?"

Qin Sheng rolled her eyes. The little monster had revealed the truth before she could even explain things!

"The last time Jian Jian fell ill, Gong Mochen happened to be there, so he brought us here."

"How did he happen to be there?" Li Ang asked.

"Because he wanted to kiss mommy, so he happened to be there!" Jian Jian said loudly.

Qin Sheng only wanted to send this brat back to Chu Xia!

Li Ang's face instantly turned green. "You let him kiss you?"

"No, I didn't!" Qin Sheng said.

Li Ang was really hurt by Jian Jian's words. He and Qin Sheng had been together for so long, but they had never shared a proper kiss...

Fortunately, Qin Sheng said that she never kissed Gong Mochen, which made him feel better. He really wanted to give this little thing to Sikong Jue as soon as possible.

However, there was no signal up the mountain, so he couldn't even call Sikong Jue!

He picked up Chu Jian and continued on the road.

Jian Jian blinked his big eyes. "Bad man, don't shout that you're tired later!"

"Shut up! If you don't shut up, I'll throw you down the mountain!"

Jian Jian was depressed. Why did every bad man want to throw him away?

He made a decision and stopped talking.

After carrying the little thing and walking around for another two hours, Li Ang really wanted to throw the brat down the mountain.

"Qin Sheng, why don't we go back? I'll think of a way to contact Sikong Jue and ask him to come find us."

Sikong Jue would call him occasionally, and the next time Sikong Jue called him, he could just ask him to come find them.

Jian Jian's small hand weakly pointed in a direction, indicating to Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng looked at Jian Jian in surprise. "Jian Jian, you think that is the way?"

Jian Jian nodded but didn't say anything. He jumped out of Li Ang's arms and walked in front.

The road was crooked, and it was difficult to get a sense of direction, but Qin Sheng was getting more and more familiar with it.

"Oh my God! It's this way! Look at the big tree in the distance!" Qin Sheng was sure that Chu Jian was leading them in the right direction.

Li Ang's forehead darkened. "Brat, you really knew the way?"

He was sure that the brat must have deliberately pranked him to make him carry him for so long!

Jian Jian shrugged helplessly. "Bad man, you're so unreasonable. You're the one who won't let me speak! Take your time, I'm going to look for my Tong Tong!"

He stomped his feet and ran towards Sikong Jue's small manor. "Tong Tong, I'm here to see you..."