May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 248 - Chapter 248 relationships 3

Chapter 248: Chapter 248 relationships 3

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Chu Xia paused for a moment. "It's a slow motion with your left hand and a slow motion with your right hand."

After she finished speaking, the smile on her face disappeared. She raised her hand to push the man away and turned around to leave.

D*mn it... If she had known that he was so dirty, she wouldn't have talked to him in the first place!

Ming Tai grabbed Chu Xia and raised his hand in front of her face. "So, you like my hand?"

Chu Xia's face turned red with embarrassment. However, she had to admit that his hand was really pretty, as if he was born to play the piano. Moreover, from what she had heard, it was said that he could play the piano very well.

"Let go of me!" She raised her foot and kicked the man.

Ming Tai didn't intend to let Chu Xia go at all. "Since you like my hands so much, I'll give them to you!"

Chu Xia was so angry that her lungs were about to explode. She promised that she wouldn't go to bars anymore. She would never get hung-over again. Drinking could ruin things!

"You're awesome, okay! I can't beat you. Please let me leave?"

"Love doesn't need to be spoken out loud!" Ming Tai said.

Chu Xia felt a wave of dizziness wash over her. The man's voice was really very pleasant to hear, especially when he spoke in your ear. It was as if he was reciting a spell, causing your mind to be controlled by him.

She felt that his voice had so many emotions in it.

His good looks could really send people crazy!

"I should go!" Chu Xia retorted.

"I'm your boyfriend. You seem to have forgotten," Ming Tai said.

Chu Xia's mind went blank. She had nearly forgotten that he was still her boyfriend.

Could she get away from her boyfriend?

She thought of something and turned her head docilely to look at Ming Tai. "I know you're my boyfriend, but I don't like fleeting love. I like to slowly fall in love."

Ming Tai nodded his noble head. "Okay."

Chu Xia pushed the man's chest. "I just came back. There are still a lot of jobs waiting for me at the company. You and Le Le read the script. I need to leave now!"

As the man's hand loosened, she ran away like a rabbit.

The man's lips curled into a mocking smile. He raised his hand to take out his phone, which had been vibrating for awhile.

"Why didn't you pick up the phone? Have you arrived in Gong Mochen's country?" a man's voice said through the phone.

"I'm here," Ming Tai said.

"Then why haven't you come to me yet?" the man questioned.

"I'm not coming over for now. There's a little lamb here. I want to have fun first," Ming Tai said.

"Lamb? What lamb?" the man replied.

Ming Tai's forehead darkened. "I just saw a woman who looked a little like a lamb. So I'm going to tease her, and then I will come to you. We brothers will get together soon."

"Little lamb? Little loli? You want to play as the big bad wolf with a little lamb? Fine, whatever. You've suffered for her for so many years. No matter what, it's time for her to rest in peace."

The man's words touched a wound in Ming Tai's heart, a wound that he himself couldn't touch. His eyes dimmed and the corners of his lips trembled. "Yes, I hope she can rest in peace. I'll hang up now. I need to read the script."

He hung up the phone and turned around to go back to the office to look for Le Le to read the script.


Although the day had been messy, Qin Sheng had gained a lot.

Ming Tai was truly the best actor. He took the script and only took a few glances. He stood in front of the camera and acted in a scene. The relationship and atmosphere couldn't be better.

The onlookers weren't satisfied with the scene and insisted that the best actor continue acting. They wanted to see more of him.

Qin Sheng asked Le Le to clear the scene and get the contract for Ming Tai to sign. As for the remuneration, Ming Tai said that for Chu Xia's sake, he only wanted 50 million yuan as a friendship price.

Li Ang didn't care about the price. After all, he wasn't short of money.

Chu Xia only felt that Ming Tai was asking her to owe him such a big favor...

The contract was signed very quickly, but a problem occurred when she was due to return home from work.

Because Ming Tai was going to stay at Chu Xia's house!

Chu Xia was instantly annoyed. The man was obviously clinging to her. She wanted to escape from him with her son!

"No, we're only dating. I don't provide food and lodging!" she immediately objected.

Qin Sheng pulled Chu Xia to the side and whispered into her ear, "He added an additional condition in the contract, which is that you have to take care of his food and living.

"Hun, for the sake of our company, you have to make that sacrifice!"

Qin Sheng's brain seemed to have been struck by lightning. Was this a matter of self-preservation?

Just as Chu Xia was about to object, Qin Sheng continued, "I'll help you take care of Jian Jian. Tomorrow, I'll bring Jian Jian to see Sikong Jue. I promise to cure Jian Jian's illness. If Sikong Jue tries anything, I'll kill him for you!"

Chu Xia frowned. She definitely couldn't go with Jian Jian. If that happened, she would definitely be exposed. She could only let Qin Sheng take Jian Jian to see Sikong Jue…

No matter how much she hated Sikong Jue, she had to endure it in order to save her son.

She looked up at Ming Tai. "Let's make it clear first. My house is small. If you're not used to living in such conditions, you can pack up and leave!"

"No, wherever you are, it's paradise. Let's go!" Ming Tai reached out and held Chu Xia's hand, leading her out of the company.

It wasn't until later that Chu Xia understood what Ming Tai meant by this sentence...

Qin Sheng and Li Ang brought Chu Jian back to their apartment.

Li Ang looked at the little boy gloomily and said, "Isn't it Chu Xia's friend's child? She's already back, why don't you let her take it away?"

Qin Sheng glared at him and said, "Didn't you see that Chu Xia is dating again? I think Ming Tai isn't bad, so I'll take it as helping them!"

Li Ang raised his eyebrows. So, the two of them really were together, and they were going to spend the night with each other...