May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 247 - Chapter 247 relationships 2

Chapter 247: Chapter 247 relationships 2

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"He's, err, he's, he's a friend of mine from before. You don't know him!" Qin Sheng stammered.

Chu Xia's cat-like eyes looked gloomily at Qin Sheng. "Girl, I don't know your friend from before? We were high school classmates!"

Qin Sheng was instantly taken aback. Why was it that every time she lied, she would be exposed?

How could she risk destroying their friendship? It was like the boat they were on had flipped over!

The key now was how she was going to explain it!

"Chu Xia, let me tell you. This friend is someone I used to know, but he's not our classmate. He's a reliable person, so don't worry. His pharmaceutical skills are very good," she quickly explained.

"Pharmaceutical skills?" Just one word had triggered Chu Xia's sensitive spot. How many people did Qin Sheng know who knew how to make drugs?

Her eyes focused on Qin Sheng's face. "Tell me, what's his name!"

Qin Sheng was rendered speechless by Chu Xia's question. "Chu Xia, don't be angry. I want Jian Jian to be healthy. If there's a chance, then no matter who it is, they should treat Jian Jian, right?"

Chu Xia pushed Qin Sheng's hand away. Her eyes were wide open, filled with uncontrollable tears.

"Qin Sheng, I remember telling you that even if I needed to beg for food, I wouldn't ask for Sikong Jue for help! You actually brought Jian Jian to see him!"

Qin Sheng couldn't think of anyone other than Sikong Jue who possessed such high pharmaceutical skills!

Chu Xia suppressed all her emotions and turned around to leave. If she didn't leave now, she would burst into tears!

Qin Sheng caught up with Chu Xia in a few steps and pulled her back. "Calm down. I didn't say that the child is his. He doesn't know the truth. Jian Jian is my godson. It's that simple!

"I know that you hate Sikong Jue and hate him very much too, but you can't just ignore Jian Jian's illness just because of that, right? Are you going to watch Jian Jian die?"

"Do you know how he grabbed my neck back then and gave me abortion medicine? If it wasn't for that abortion medicine, don't you think Jian Jian would be healthy? That medicine must have affected the fetus!

"I will never forgive him for the rest of my life. Don't even think about telling him that Jian Jian is his son!" Chu Xia said in a choked voice.

She would never look for Sikong Jue, even if the two of them faced death together.

"I can promise you that I will not tell him Jian Jian's identity. He will never know for the rest of his life! When Jian Jian recovers, we can take him away. Isn't that enough?" Qin Sheng tried to persuade her.

"If he finds out that Jian Jian is my son, will he treat Jian Jian badly? Have you thought about that?" Chu Xia asked.

How could she not hope for Jian Jian to recover from his illness? No one wanted him to be healthy more than her!

However, the prerequisite for his health was his safety. If Sikong Jue couldn't guarantee Jian Jian's safety, how could he treat his illness?

Qin Sheng frowned, thinking of this problem.

"How about this... I will ask Gong Mochen to get a set of fake identity documents for Jian Jian and pass them to Sikong Jue. Even if he wants to investigate Jian Jian's background, he won't be able to find out the truth.

"This is too good of an opportunity. I don't want Jian Jian to miss it."

"But he knows how to do a blood test, right? If that's the case..." Chu Xia said worriedly.

Blood test? He's a pharmacist. He only sees the various reports and films of the heart for treatment. There's no need for a blood test," Qin Sheng explained.

Even if there was a blood test carried out, as long as there was no DNA test, there was no way to find out. And Sikong Jue was so busy that he would likely not even think of doing a DNA test on the child...

Chu Xia clenched her fists. There was hope, but there was also despair. She was afraid that all her hopes would turn into despair in the end!

"How is he going to treat Jian Jian?" she asked softly.

"I'm not sure yet. Without your consent, I didn't ask Sikong Jue. Chu Xia, don't worry. Jian Jian is not only your son, but also my godson. I will protect him!" Qin Sheng gave Chu Xia a big hug.

Chu Xia hugged Qin Sheng back. The two best friends were snuggling in the corridor.

This was how good friends relied on each other and supported each other.

Suddenly, a man's footsteps sounded behind them.

"Xia Xia, don't tell me my competitor is Miss Yun?" A man's teasing voice followed his footsteps.

Qin Sheng quickly let go of Chu Xia. She was such a good friend, how could she be a lesbian?

"Ming Tai, you've misunderstood!"

Chu Xia tugged at Qin Sheng, not letting her explain. "We are lesbians. If you're not happy, you can leave!"

Ming Tai's eyes narrowed, "Why would I leave? What she has, you have too. What I have, neither of you have. I don't believe that my charm isn't as good as hers!"

He looked Qin Sheng up and down. The corner of his lips curled into a sinister smile. "Actually, I don't mind a threesome... I'm just afraid that the two of you will compete for my attention!"

Qin Sheng was instantly stunned by the man's dirty tricks. This man was actually thinking about a threesome? What the hell was going on!

This man was the best actor, and his looks shocked all women, especially his eyes. They were the typical eyes of a mixed-blood. The sockets of his eyes were very deep. It was as if they were magnetic and could attract everyone's attention.

It was as if he was born to be an award-winning actor. Even his figure was so slender that it made women jealous. The gray suit he wore was very suitable for his refined temperament. He looked as pristine as jade. You would be hard pressed to find an adjective to describe such a man!

No, what was she doing... She was actually studying the man's looks!

She hurriedly lowered her head. Now she knew why Ming Tai was so popular. She couldn't help but want to take a second look at him!

Ming Tai walked in front of Qin Sheng. "Do you think I look good after looking at me for so long? In this case, are you interested in a threesome? I think I have the ability to satisfy both of your needs at the same time!"

Qin Sheng pulled Chu Xia in front of her. "You just have to satisfy her needs. I don't need it. You guys can talk. I have to go!"

F*ck, what happened to being mysterious and aloof? What happened to abstinence?

Qin Sheng just wanted to grab the man and ask him his true thoughts.

However, she decided against it and ran away decisively. It was better to leave such a task to Chu Xia!

Ming Tai looked at the back of the little woman who ran away and lowered his eyes to look at Chu Xia. He turned around and blocked Chu Xia between him and the wall. One of his arms was on the wall and the other hand was in his pants pocket, placing the woman within his control.

"Your lesbian ran away. It seems that I have to fight you one-on-one. Which position do you prefer? I prefer 69. This is more sexy and satisfying. What about you?"

Chu Xia's face alternated between red and white. She only wanted to scold herself. Why did she go and flirt with this man!

This was not how she'd expected him to react at all! She was completely taken aback by his manner.

Oh my God... How could a man be so good-looking? If she really wanted to quarrel with him, she couldn't get angry!

"I..." She deliberately paused for a moment and looked at the man with curved eyes. She got on her tiptoes and moved her mouth to the man's ear, her warm breath hitting his eardrum. "My preferred position is..."