May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 242 - Chapter 242 she was back and love was no longer 32

Chapter 242: Chapter 242 she was back and love was no longer 32

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Li Ang gave a devilish smile. "Men, take Le Le out for me. Since this kid is dead and Le Le is now a widow, one of you could marry her!"

When Le Le heard that, her eyes widened in shock. Jian Jian had a heart attack and if he wasn't sent to the hospital, he really would die! And why the hell was Li Ang trying to marry her off?

"No, I don't want to be married off! Sister Yun, save me!" Le Le shouted for help.

Li Ang's men had already grabbed her arm and dragged her to the door.

"Let go of Le Le! Li Ang, what right do you have to marry off Le Le?" Qin Sheng thought that this man was crazy...

Li Ang suddenly grabbed her and hugged her tightly, making it so that she could no longer move.

She watched as Le Le was dragged out of the room.

"Sister Yun, save me! Save me!" Le Le cried loudly. The burly bodyguards dragged her out of the room and into the corridor.

Suddenly, the little boy who was lying on the sofa sat up. "How dare you! Which one of you dares to touch my girlfriend?"

Qin Sheng turned to look at Jian Jian, who looked as if nothing had happened. In a second, she understood Li Ang's intention. She pushed the man's arm, wanting to see Jian Jian.

Li Ang let go of Qin Sheng. There was no need to stop her now.

Qin Sheng walked to Chu Jian's side and frowned. "Jian Jian, are you alright? Didn't you have a heart attack?"

Le Le, who had been dragged out of the door, was also released. She ran to the sofa and looked at Jian Jian confusedly.

"Jian Jian, are you alright? That's amazing. Li Ang, what kind of treatment method did you use? Is Jian Jian really alright? "

Le Le's simple mind couldn't figure out what was going on.

Li Ang smiled his devilish smile. "This is called psychological induction therapy. You are his so called girlfriend. If something happens to you, he would definitely wake up. After all, he loves his girlfriend so much!"

When Jian Jian heard that the woman was in trouble, he instantly stopped pretending.

He wished he knew who the boy's father was... All Qin Sheng had told him was that he was the son of one of Chu Xia's friends.

The little boy glared at Li Ang. He hated this bad man so much. He'd been hoping to draw the prank out for a little longer...

The bad man had ruined his prank and made him look silly! It was like Li Ang was punishing him...

He turned his gaze and threw himself into Le Le's arms. "Le Le, look how much I love you. Once something happened to you, I was so scared that I recovered from my heart attack. How are you going to reward me?"

Le Le Hugged the little boy. She was so glad to see him well again. It had been too scary...

"How do you want me to reward you? Tell me!"

Chu Jian raised his little face proudly and gestured for Le Le to kiss him.

Le Le Lowered her head and kissed Chu Jian's little face. "Alright, there's your reward. You must stay well from now on. Don't get sick again!"

Chu Jian looked at le Le with a smile. His little hands stroked Le Le's neck and he kissed her cheek.

"You're the best girlfriend! When I'm older we will get married and we'll live in a big house!"

Li Ang saw Le Le get kissed and his lips twitched. The little boy had learned how to pick up girls at such a young age! Who on earth was his father!

The most infuriating thing was that these women went along with it and didn't seem at all bothered by his behaviour.

He grabbed Chu Jian's collar with his big hand and lifted him up. "You need to learn how to act around women! You only seem to know how to take advantage of them!"

Jian Jian was placed on the ground. Without Le Le's embrace, his little mouth twitched. "What do you mean by taking advantage? We are in love! Are you jealous? Mommy, look at this stinking man, he's bullying me again!"

He ran to Qin Sheng's side and hugged her leg. He looked at Qin Sheng with an innocent look in his eyes.

Qin Sheng's face was glum. She prised open Chu Jian's little hand and strode back to her room.

Chu Jian could see that Qin Sheng was upset. He quickly chased after her. "Mommy, why are you ignoring Jian Jian? Don't you love me anymore?"

Li Ang's fingers hooked onto the strap of the little boy's dungarees. "Stop harassing my woman!"

"Who's your woman? Mommy is mine!" Chu Jian shouted.

His little hand unbuckled the strap of his dungarees and they fell off. He took the opportunity to run away from Li Ang.

Li Ang looked at the pants in his hands. He was confused for a second, as if he couldn't comprehend what had just happened.

Jian Jian ran into Qin Sheng's room and threw himself into Qin Sheng's arms. "Mommy, Mommy, don't be angry with Jian Jian, okay?"

Qin Sheng ignored Chu Jian. She was struggling to forgive the little boy for what he had done. She had been so frightened by Jian Jian's prank and thought that he'd had a heart attack!

Only when she saw him get up to look for Le Le did she realize that she had been tricked!

Chu Jian realized that the situation was serious. In the past, no matter how much trouble he had caused, as long as he called out, Qin Sheng would forgive him...

"Mommy, if you don't forgive me, my poorly heart will get even more poorly!" Chu Jian used his trump card and cried, making a scene.

Qin Sheng looked down at Chu Jian and frowned. "Where are your pants?"

Why on earth was he no longer wearing any pants?

"It was the bad man! He grabbed me and my pants fell off! Mommy, he's bad!" Jian Jian complained.

"Damn it! Stop calling me a bad man! Little thing, where did you learn to be so disobedient?" Li Ang threw the pants on the little boy's head.

He dared to keep calling him a bad man? He was a noble lord! This little boy was starting to get right on his nerves. Who on earth was his father? There was something eerily familiar about him; Li Ang was sure of it...

Jian Jian took the pants off his head and quickly put them on.

He stuck his tongue out at Li Ang and crawled into Qin Sheng's arms. "Mommy, please forgive me! I know that I was wrong!"

"Do you really know what you were wrong about?" Qin Sheng asked coldly.

Chu Jian rolled his big eyes. "I shouldn't have lied to Mommy. I never had a heart attack. I scared Mommy..."

He held Qin Sheng's arm and shook it as he said this.

He hated Li Ang so much! If he didn't force him to run, he wouldn't have pretended to have a heart attack to scare them.

Qin Sheng finally calmed down after being hugged by the little boy. She touched his head and said, "Okay, Mommy will forgive you this time. But if you scare me again, I won't forgive you."

"Okay, Mommy, let's make a promise!" Chu Jian stretched out his little finger.

Qin Sheng made a promise with the little boy.

Chu Jian said, "Mommy, look how good I'm being now. Can I sleep in your bed tonight?"

"No! Go back to your room and sleep!" Li Ang grabbed the little boy by the collar and carried him out of Qin Sheng's bedroom.

Qin Sheng's eyes searched for the medication on the table. Strange... The pills were gone...