May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 239 - Chapter 239 she was back and love was no longer 29

Chapter 239: Chapter 239 she was back and love was no longer 29

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"You know everything?" Gong Mochen asked softly.

"Do you think there's anything I didn't find out when I returned to the Yun family? How long do you plan on lying to me?" Qin Sheng's voice was hoarse. She wished that she didn't know anything, but those icy cold tombs made it difficult for her not to know...

"You want to settle the score with me?" Gong Mochen lifted the little woman's chin with his finger, his gaze loving, as if he was talking about love with her.

"Yes. But I want to settle the score with the Qin family first and take back everything that belongs to me." Qin Sheng's gaze was cold as she stared at the doting man.

"Alright, I will help you. I will give you everything that you want." Gong Mochen could clearly see the hatred in Qin Sheng's eyes. His heart turned cold.

She hated him. She hated him so much... This was all that he could see.

He had once thought that if he could have a child, they might be able to settle the matters between the families, and their love would be accepted. However, he knew now that was probably not possible. Furthermore, Qin Sheng hated him!

"There's no need. I will settle my own matters. I owe this to my mother. As for what you owe me, it will be the last thing I take!" Qin Sheng's hand touched the man's throat, as though she wanted to strangle him.

"I'll wait then... Promise me one thing. If you want to kill me, don't do it yourself. My marksmanship is better than yours. I don't like the thought of your hands stained with blood. I want you to always be a girl as clean as a crystal."

The man's voice was as cold as the deepest sea, making Qin Sheng's heart quiver. The corners of her lips trembled slightly. As long as she said a word, would he die to apologize?

"Gong Mochen, don't think that I'll let you off just because you say that. You owe the Yun family so much. I won't let you finish it with a bullet!" After saying that, Qin Sheng let go of the man's hand and jumped off the rattan bed. She picked up the dress on the chair and put it on.

How could she let him die just like that? Her mind replayed the memories of her childhood over and over again. There was blood all over the place, and horrifying corpses lying on the ground. That kind of terror had the potential to suffocate her if she dwelled on it for two long.

If she let Gong Mochen die with a bullet, was that letting him off too lightly? What about those who'd died?

She put on her clothes and walked off the top floor. The man was following behind her. She didn't even look at him.

"I'll get someone to drive you!"

When Qin Sheng walked out of the gate of the Gong Group, Gong mochen grabbed her arm and pulled her into his car.

"Where's Yanzi?" Qin Sheng tried to fight off Gong Mochen.

She came for Yanzi. They still had to get this matter out of the way. She'd almost forgotten...

"Get in the car. I'll ask Nie Feng to let her go. She'll report to your company tomorrow," Gong Mochen said.

His brows sank. This girl was becoming more and more threatening to him.

Qin Sheng didn't reject the man anymore. She had already made it clear to him what she wanted, that nothing would change. She treated it as if she was getting a taxi, nothing more.

The two of them didn't say a word to each other in the car. It was so quiet that the sound of the car engine was the only thing that could be heard.

It seemed as though no one wanted to break the silence.

When the car arrived at Qin Sheng's apartment building, she opened the car door and got out. Gong Mochen stopped in front of her.

"Gong Mochen, that's enough! Just give up already! How long do you want to pester me for? I have a boyfriend. You know that. I don't want this to ruin our relationship!" Qin Sheng once again tried to reject Gong Mochen. It seemed as though he really didn't want to give up...

They were destined to be enemies; the past was irrelevant now. They weren't friends. This way, it would be easier for her to settle the score with him. At least she wouldn't be heartbroken!

Gong Mochen pursed his lips. "Why are you so concerned about Li Ang?"

"Of course I'm concerned about him! He is my boyfriend. He is the person I love. The person I want to marry! I will be with him for the rest of my life! Do you understand?" Qin Sheng said angrily.

Her hands were clenched into fists, and her nails pierced deeply into her palms. Only pain could keep her from collapsing to the floor.

Gong Mochen took out a box of medicine from his pocket and stuffed it into the little woman's hand. "Here, he wouldn't want to have someone else's blood by his side..."

Qin Sheng looked down at the small medicine box in her hand. The pink medicine box was covered with English letters, not the kind she was familiar with.

She looked up and wanted to speak, but before she could, the man continued.

"It was delivered from abroad. I heard that the side effects are much smaller than those made in China and won't harm the body. Just one pill will do. The time is less than 72 hours," Gong Mochen explained. He raised his hand and smoothed the little woman's long hair, which had been messed up by the wind. "Go, he's waiting for you upstairs..."

Qin Sheng held the medicine box, waved away the man's hand, and ran into the apartment building.

As the iron door of the apartment building closed, her body collapsed against the wall, and tears rolled down like a dam bursting.

"B*stard! Gong Mochen, you're such a big b*stard..." she murmured softly.

Why did he always have a way of getting to her? When she was determined to hate him, he could easily break her down in the blink of an eye.

Her heart felt so suffocated and she could barely breathe. 'I'm sorry, mother, I've shed tears for him again...' she thought, shaking her head.

When her strong will faded away and her heart was exposed, she didn't dare to think about it for fear of what it might do to her sanity.

The medicine box in her hand was crushed by her grip.

Gong Mochen's eyes were fixed on the iron door. After a long time, he retracted his gaze and got into the car.

A bewitching man stood in the glass window of the apartment building, his eyes cold and sinister.

"Gong Mochen, I will let you see that Qin Sheng is in love with me!"

Li Ang spoke fiercely. It seemed that every time they met, Qin Sheng stepped further away from him. He wouldn't let Gong Mochen get his way!

He turned around and walked out of the door.

"Darling, you're back! I was just going out to look for you!"

The man's voice came from the elevator.

Qin Sheng quickly wiped her tears and looked at the man who walked out of the elevator.

"Well, I'm back. I had to go out because Gong Mochen detained Yanzi. I want him to release her so that she can star in my movie," she explained.

The man embraced her in a warm hug, his hand on the back of her head.

"No need to explain. I know that you're doing it for work. I'm also a shareholder of the company. In the future, if you need to do anything, you can tell me about it. I'm willing to do anything for you, understand?" Li Ang's face rubbed against the little woman's head.

Qin Sheng's hand grabbed the man's collar. She had been trying to control her voice, but she was still a little choked up.

Li Ang had always been tolerant of everything, including her willful refusal to admit to the engagement and refusal to get married. He had always been by her side.

"I understand. Let's go home. I'm so hungry!"

"Okay, let's go home and eat!" Li Ang held the little woman's hand and walked into the elevator.

As soon as Qin Sheng entered the room, Chu Jian ran over.

"Mommy, you're finally back! This smelly man isn't good at all. I don't want him to live in our house!"

"D*mn smelly boy, who are you calling smelly! Get this little creature away from me!" Li Ang was instantly enraged. He was the Duke, THE Grand Duke!