May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 236 - Chapter 236 She's back love is no longer 26

Chapter 236: Chapter 236 She's back love is no longer 26

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"If you have the guts, then let go of me!" Qin Sheng hurriedly shouted.

Gong Mochen laughed mockingly. "It's too late."

He walked towards the conference room's main door.

As the main door opened, Nie Feng came over to welcome him. "President. What are your orders?"

"Go buy a first aid kit!" Gong Mochen instructed.

Why did he need a first aid kit? Had someone been injured in such a short space of time?

Nie Feng couldn't figure out why CEO Gong wanted something like that. However, since he had ordered him to do it, he quickly ran to buy one.

Qin Sheng, who was in the room, was about to vomit blood. How was she going to escape?

Just as she was hesitating about what to do, Gong Mochen walked back.

Qin Sheng raised her leg and stepped on the man's foot, using the heel of her high-heeled shoe to stomp on it.

The heel of the shoe, which was as thick as a pinky finger, poked at his foot. If it wasn't for the quality of Gong Mochen's shoes, she would have crushed his bones!

He casually threw away the little woman's shoes. "You're not allowed to wear such shoes in the future!"

"It's none of your business!" Qin Sheng raised her other foot and kicked at the man's leg.

Gong Mochen used his other hand to grab it. It was obvious how much strength the Qin Sheng had used. He was certain that the little woman wanted to kick him to death!

He took off her weapon. "So ruthless!"

"I'll show you how ruthless I can be!" Qin Sheng roared angrily.

"Don't move. I'm just checking your wound. Your wound is healed. We need to remove the stitches!" Gong Mochen said.

She was given the best ointment to promote the healing of her skin. Her wound was healing very well.

At that moment, there was a knock on the door. Gong Mochen let go of Qin Sheng and walked to the door to take the things that Nie Feng had bought.

A first-aid kit was handed to him.

"I don't need you to remove the stitches! I'll go to the hospital," Qin Sheng said. She would much prefer to go to the hospital to have the stitches removed.

"Aren't you afraid that Li Ang will find out that you went to the hospital to have stitches removed? Think about it. Do you want Li Ang to know about your injury? And do you want him to know how you got injured?" Gong Mochen said threateningly. He put on rubber gloves and sterilized his hands with disinfectant. He also used the surgical scissors to do the basic preparations for the stitches.

Qin Sheng glared at the man fiercely. She was just about to stab him to death!

No matter how unwilling she was, she could only let the man remove her stitches. She was worried about Li Ang and didn't want him to know about the wound.

Gong Mochen picked up the sterilized cotton with tweezers and sterilized her wound. "Don't move. I'm going to use the scissors to cut the thread."

He spoke to the little woman clearly.

Qin Sheng didn't dare to move, and she didn't dare to argue with the man. She was afraid that he would cut her flesh. She was most afraid of pain.

"Ah! It hurts! You cut my flesh!" she shouted angrily. It was so painful that she was shivering. She was sure that Gong Mochen deliberately made her feel pain!

"No! The stitches are always painful. The new skin on your wound is very sensitive to pain," Gong Mochen explained. He would never bare to inflict physical pain on her.

"Gong Mochen, I curse you! I curse you to die an unnatural death!" Qin Sheng was so angry that she cursed him.

"Baby, it would be difficult for you to kill me. Firstly, I'm very healthy and basically won't get sick. Secondly, I'm strong enough and my martial arts are good. Ordinary assassins can't assassinate me. It's basically impossible for you to kill me in this lifetime... Unless you practice martial arts for another 30 years. There might be a chance to assassinate me then!" Gong Mochen said softly. "Otherwise, you'll have to think of other ways to kill me!"