May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 235 - Chapter 235 she's back love is no longer 25

Chapter 235: Chapter 235 she's back love is no longer 25

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Qin Sheng felt a strong sense of danger. "Let go of me!"

Gong Mochen retracted his arm. How could he bear to let go of his little woman?

Qin Sheng used her arm to prop herself up on the man's shoulder, separating the two of them.

"B*stard! Let go of me! Isn't this a face-to-face meeting? Not a touch-to-touch meeting!"

Gong Mochen chuckled softly. "Of course it's a face-to-face meeting. Only in this way can we be considered face-to-face."

They were so close that their faces were almost touching.

Qin Sheng's lips twitched. "I'm here to talk to you about Yanzi! If you don't talk properly, I'll leave!"

She wanted to stand up. If they talked like this, then forget it... She couldn't talk about something and be in a situation like this.

"I do want to talk, but we have too many things to talk about. We should talk about each matter individually, right?" Gong Mochen said in a deep voice.

Qin Sheng's face was stiff. She knew that he wouldn't let her off if he called her here. If it weren't for the fact that he threatened to send Yanzi away, she wouldn't have forced herself to come here.

She had planned everything out and caused a ruckus in the meeting room, but it didn't go to plan... That d*mn man actually chased everyone away, leaving her alone with him!

She wondered if he was still that a workaholic...

"Gong Mochen, you were the one who threatened me first! Otherwise, I wouldn't have said that! I wouldn't have slandered your reputation!"

Gong Mochen's finger gently stroked the woman's small face. "If you don't sue me, why would I threaten you? It seems like you've forgotten who's your man!"

Qin Sheng said, "Li Ang is my boyfriend. I'm with him!"

The little woman's words cut into Gong Mochen. He grabbed her hand and refused to let go.

Qin Sheng slapped the man's face.

"B*stard! Let go!"

Gong Mochen grabbed the little woman's wrist with one hand and put both of her arms behind her back.

"Qin Sheng, I don't care if your name is Qin Sheng or Yun Sheng. You are the girl that I raised. You can only be my woman! I don't allow you to be with Li Ang. You can't be with him!" he ordered.

"If you don't let me go, I'll scream. Do you think those executives outside will look at you in the same way again?"

"Doesn't that just prove that I'm capable?" Gong Mochen said.

Qin Sheng's heart twitched. She had finally managed to embarrass him, but he had taken revenge so quickly!

"You wish!" the word escaped from between her teeth.

She hated him so much that she wanted to bite him to death! Every time she challenged him, the more embarrassed she made him, the worse she lost...

Qin Sheng struggled, but her hands were locked behind her back. She couldn't move at all.

She was trapped in the man's grip and her back hit the edge of the conference table. She had nowhere to go...

The man bent down and lowered his head slowly. He smiled evilly, and his big hands easily grabbed her.

"No, AH!" Qin Sheng shouted.

Gong Mochen's lips curved into a charming smile. "Good baby, you're so obedient!"

Qin Sheng bit her lips hard, and the pain gripped her. "I will scream louder! You can't stop the people outside from coming in!"

Gong Mochen snorted. "You're ambitious! But, can you do it?"

Qin Sheng glared at the man. "Gong Mochen, let me go! I demand it!"

If he let her go, she would try to tear him apart!

Gong Mochen chuckled softly. "Baby, don't you know?"