May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 234 - Chapter 234 she's back love is no longer 24

Chapter 234: Chapter 234 she's back love is no longer 24

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Qin Sheng's eyes were fixated on the words on her phone. Her eyes were just about to pierce through the screen. She had just told Gong Mochen to leave her alone. If she were to go to him now, how could he let her go?


A thought flashed through her mind. In a flash, her lips formed into a straight line. She believed that Gong Mochen would definitely make it impossible for her to find Yanzi...

It was not impossible to find other celebrities to act in her movie, but the effect would definitely not be as good as having Yanzi star in it...

No matter what Yanzi's character was, her acting skills were definitely top-notch. There was no doubt about that. Her life was simply acting.

This was Qin Sheng's first movie, and the box office earnings of this movie must be popular for her company to succeed.

Should she go to Gong Mochen?

After two seconds, she made up her mind, picked up her purse, and walked out of the office.

He wanted her to meet him face-to-face, but he didn't give a time...

She could just go to Gong Mochen's company now, because today was the day of his regular meeting.

The corners of her lips curled into a fox-like smile. If he didn't see her and chased her away, it didn't count as her not going. He couldn't send Yanzi away!

When she walked into the Gong Group's building, Nie Feng came up to her.

"Miss Yun, CEO Gong is having a meeting. I'll take you to the CEO's office to wait."

Gong Mochen's quarterly meeting couldn't be delayed. Moreover, such a big meeting had to be held via video conference with a multinational company. No one was allowed to be absent or late.

"A meeting? Tell him that if he doesn't come, I'll leave," Qin Sheng said.

She then walked towards the door.

Nie Feng hurriedly stopped her. "Don't leave yet. Why don't you go to the top floor with me? If Gong Mochen comes out to see you, it won't be a waste of time."

How could he dare to let Qin Sheng leave? No matter what, he had to get her upstairs.

Qin Sheng rolled her eyes. "Okay, let's go upstairs."

She followed Nie Feng into the elevator. On the top floor was Gong Mochen's office, a huge meeting room, and a fitness area.

Nie Feng didn't dare to delay and ran into the meeting room to report to Gong Mochen.

Gong Mochen, who was in the middle of a meeting, frowned. In front of him was a group of company executives and more than ten computer screens linked to CEOs from all over the world.

Because it was a multinational meeting, some CEOs had to get up in the middle of the night for it.

Asking him to see her right now... The stupid girl was obviously deliberately making things difficult for him!

He didn't speak and continued to listen to the CEO's report on the screen.

Nie Feng didn't receive a reply and didn't dare to continue asking, so he could only retreat to the side and wait.

Qin Sheng, who was outside the door, waited until her legs went weak. What was even more infuriating was that even Nie Feng didn't come out to speak to her!

She rubbed her weak legs and glared at the door.

Did he want her to wait like this until the meeting was over?

Her hands clenched into fists. 'Gong Mochen, this time you provoked me!' she silently thought.

She walked towards the door. In an instant, the bodyguards standing outside it reached out to stop her.

"Miss, CEO Gong is in a meeting. You can't enter!"

Qin Sheng didn't dodge and remained standing where she was. She looked at the two arms blocking her from entering the room.

"Get out of the way! Otherwise, you'll be sorry!" Qin Sheng said loudly.

"According to CEO Gong's rules, no one is allowed to disturb the meeting. Anyone who disturbs the meeting will be thrown out," the bodyguard explained.

Qin Sheng smiled and looked at the two men who were much taller than her. "Thrown out,? Try touching me and see who gets thrown out!"

She took a step forward and bumped into the arms in front of her.

The two bodyguards were so scared that they withdrew their arms. They had been with Gong Mochen for more than ten years. After following him for so long, they could tell that Yun Sheng was Qin Sheng. They knew very well that touching Gong Mochen wasn't as painful as touching Qin Sheng!

"No, you really can't go in!" the bodyguard begged.

Both of them avoided her hand, which meant that Qin Sheng was standing in front of the door without any one blocking her. They couldn't let her go in. If the meeting was disturbed due to their negligence, they would be in big trouble!

The two bodyguards grabbed the long handle of the door.

Qin Sheng's hand was on the handle too, and her eyes landed on the bodyguard's face. "Who gave you the guts to touch my hand?"

The two bodyguards were so scared that they let go of the handle. Touching the big boss' woman's hand... Were they going to lose their own hands?

Qin Sheng raised her foot and stomped on the bodyguard's foot with her high-heeled shoes. One of the bodyguards jumped away in pain, and she took the opportunity to open the door and walked in.

"Gong Mochen, didn't you ask to see me? Why don't you dare to come out? Why are you pretending to be a coward?" Qin Sheng asked loudly, her eyes provoking the man on the boss' chair, his expression dark and foreboding.

She knew how much he valued his company. She had deliberately come here to make trouble, just waiting for him to chase her away.

Everyone in the meeting room fixed their eyes on the woman who was courting death. Those who dared to interrupt Gong Mochen's meeting, and those who dared to scold him, basically didn't want to live anymore!

They were all waiting to hear Gong Mochen's reply.

"Sorry, President, we failed in our duty..."

"President, it's not our fault, it's miss who..."

The two bodyguards stammered their words. It really wasn't their fault!

Qin Sheng had come in herself. Even if they had ten thousand guts, they wouldn't dare to touch Qin Sheng!

Gong Mochen's eyes narrowed on the little vixen's face. He raised his hand. "Trash, get out!"

The two bodyguards rushed out of the door with their tails between their legs.

Gong Mochen's cold eyes swept across the people in the room. "Are my words useless? Get out!"

Only then did the people in the meeting room understand that Gong Mochen wanted them to leave.

After being shocked for two seconds, they all ran out of the door faster than rabbits. Nie Feng didn't forget to close the door of the meeting room.

Qin Sheng almost coughed up her heart. Shouldn't she have been chased away?

"Well, you wanted to have a face-to-face talk, let's start talking." She sat at the furthest place from Gong Mochen.

Gong Mochen's brows sank. "Face-to-face talk... it's meant to be face-to-face. Why are you so far away from me? If you sit close to me, I won't eat you!"

The little thing had actually come, but still wanted to be far away from him. Calling him incompetent and disrupting his meeting, let's see how he would deal with her!

Qin Sheng pursed her lips.

"Gong Mochen, are your eyes getting blurry? Can't you see clearly that I am here? Do you really need me to be that close?" she mocked the man.

Gong Mochen's lips twitched. Did she think he was old?

She clearly didn't value her life!

"As long as I send a message to Nie Feng, Yanzi will be sent away. You can forget about seeing Yanzi for the rest of your life!" He took out his phone and pressed on the screen.

Qin Sheng ran over and held Gong Mochen's hand, preventing him from sending a message.

"Don't send it. Didn't I come over here? Let's talk. What do you want to let Yanzi be in my movie?"

Gong Mochen felt the woman's soft hands, and his gaze became deeper. He was sitting in front of her, and the position he was in made him want to take a bite...

His Adam's apple moved, and he pulled his hand back. He stretched out his long arm and placed her between him and the table...