May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 222 - Chapter 222 she's back love is no longer 12

Chapter 222: Chapter 222 she's back love is no longer 12

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Gong Mochen ignored the little woman. He took out a surgical needle and thread, some local anesthetic, and sterile cotton, and placed them onto the tray. Once he was done, he approached Qin Sheng.

"If you don't want to go to the hospital, who else will sew your wound?"

Qin Sheng was speechless for a moment. She didn't want anyone to sew her!

"When did you learn how to sew? You haven't got any medical skills!" she said quickly. She knew that Gong Mochen didn't have any medical skills, and didn't want to be his lab rat!

"The year I went abroad."

God only knew what Gong Mochen had experienced that year. Not only did he learn how to sew his own wounds, but he also learnt some simple medical skills. Of course, this wasn't his specialty. He could only deal with the most common afflictions.

Qin Sheng's eyes instantly darkened. How many secrets did he have that she didn't know?

Her heart was bleak. This was the man she had once loved with all her heart, but she didn't understand him at all!

Gong Mochen put the tray that he had prepared on the bed. The European-style bed had an elegant bed frame, oozing style.

He sat on the bed and propped up the little woman with a pillow. He sprayed disinfectant on the sanitary pad and used tweezers to hold the pad, so that he could sterilize the wound and the surrounding skin.

"It will be cold. Bear with it!" he said.

The coldness stimulated Qin Sheng's senses, and she suddenly shrank from the pain.

Gong Mochen held her waist and said, "Don't move. I need to sterilize it again. I need to rub into the wound, so it might hurt a little."

The disinfection had to be thorough. Otherwise, even if the wound was sewn up, it could still become infected.

Qin Sheng winced. It really hurt, especially when the tweezers touched her wound.

Gong Mochen threw the bloodstained pads onto the tray.

His heart was throbbing nervously. She was still bleeding...

He wanted to say 10,000 apologies to her, and understood why she might strike him down if he touched her again.

"Is the disinfecting done?" Qin Sheng couldn't help but ask.

"It'll be done soon. I'll prepare the skin now. Don't be nervous. It doesn't hurt," Gong Mochen said.

He took out a small knife and scratched at the skin around the little woman's wound.

Qin Sheng initially wasn't sure what he'd meant by preparing the skin, until he actually did it. It turned out that he wanted to remove all the hair near her wound.

Another disinfection followed, and then Gong Mochen sprayed on the local anesthetics, and finally, it was time for the suturing.

Even though she was sprayed with anesthetics, Qin Sheng was still in pain, so much so that she couldn't help but gasp.

Gong Mochen's forehead broke out in cold sweat. He had never been so careful when suturing his own wound. When the little woman made a sound, he didn't dare to move and sprayed anesthetics on her again.

Her twitching reaction stimulated his gaze, making him unable to remain calm.

Suddenly, footsteps came from outside the room, followed by the sound of luggage rolling on the ground.

"Sister Yun, I'm back!" Le Le knocked on Qin Sheng's door.

It was Jian Jian who opened the door for her. She wanted to greet Yun Sheng when she came in.

Qin Sheng bit her lips hard and steadied her voice, afraid that Le Le would hear that something was wrong.

"Okay, no worries! Get yourself settled in. You can rest now."

Le Le looked at the closed door. "Sister Yun, what's wrong? Your voice doesn't sound right... I'll come in and take a look at you!"

Qin Sheng was so scared that she almost bit her tongue. "No! I'm sleepy and don't want to be disturbed! Don't come in!"

How could she dare to let anyone see her in her current state?

If she was seen, she may as well crawl into the ground. All her dignity would be gone...

"Ah? Going to bed so early? I even bought some vegetables back. I want to cook something delicious for you and Jian Jian tonight," Le Le said enthusiastically.

Qin Sheng was so anxious that she felt like she was sinking into a bottomless pit. Although Gong Mochen stopped moving, it still hurt. She could barely speak properly.

"I'll just sleep for a while. When I wake up, I'll come out and eat!" she said, taking took a deep breath.

Le Le was happy. Finally, Miss Yun agreed to eat the food she was going to cook. "Okay, I'll go and cook. I'll call you when it's ready!"

Hearing Le Le's happy footsteps fading away, Qin Sheng heaved a sigh of relief.

Gong Mochen stitched her up with the needle. She was in so much pain that she almost cried out. If her hands were not tied, she would have hit the man long ago!

"Be gentle!" she scolded in a low voice.

Gong Mochen cut the thread with scissors. "Okay... I'll just apply some medicine on you. Don't exercise too hard for a few days, and try not to touch or open the wound."

"For goodness sake! I know how to take care of a wound. Don't treat me as a child!" Qin Sheng snapped.

Of course she wouldn't risk opening up the wound again. Was she that stupid?

Gong Mochen got up off the bed. "I will take out the stitches, but only when you are better."

He packed up the medical instruments and put the first aid kit back in its original place.

Qin Sheng hated him so much that her teeth hurt. "Untie me now!"

Gong Mochen raised his hand to untie Qin Sheng's hands and feet.

Qin Sheng, who had finally regained her freedom, hurriedly snatched up her clothes and put them back on.

"Aren't you going to get lost now?" she snapped at the man angrily.

If she hadn't needed him to sew up her wound, she would've thrown him out a long time ago.

Gong Mochen's long fingers unbuttoned his shirt, revealing his strong chest muscles. The corners of his lips curled up as he walked towards Qin Sheng.

"You said that I... I needed to recover!" Qin Sheng was confused. He had just told her not to risk opening her wound. What was he doing?

Gong Mochen chuckled. "You're so eager for me to open you? Don't worry, I'll wait for you to recover!"

He hugged his little woman with his muscular arms and fell onto the bed. "Aren't you afraid that Le Le will see me if I go out now? The whole world is talking about us!"

Qin Sheng pursed her lips. If Le Le saw a man walking out of her room, even if they didn't do anything, there was no way to explain it!

"Then how long do you plan to stay?" Qin Sheng asked.

"I'll leave after they fall asleep," Gong Mochen said. He just wanted to hug and be close to her.

Qin Sheng's eyes narrowed. "How did you get in my flat, anyway?"

Obviously, Chu Jian hadn't noticed that someone had come in. Otherwise, Chu Jian would definitely call her. The only explanation was that he climbed in through the window.

If he could climb in through the window, he would definitely be able to climb out!

"I came in through the door," Gong Mochen said.

"Nonsense! Why didn't Jian Jian know that you came in? And why do you have a key to my apartment?" Qin Sheng questioned.

"Chu Jian didn't notice because he was distracted by a little beauty downstairs. He ended up chatting with her at the window. And I bought the entire neighborhood, so I got your spare key when I got the deed," Gong Mochen replied.

Qin Sheng's forehead was streaked with countless black lines. She really wanted to spank Jian Jian's little butt!

She clearly needed to be stricter!

Otherwise, how would she be able to prevent things like this from happening?

"I'm going to eat. Lie down by yourself." She shuffled out of the man's arms.

She had to go, get away from him...

Gong Mochen didn't stop the little woman. He patted her butt with his big hand. "Eat well."

Qin Sheng walked out of the room and locked the door from the outside. She was determined not to let him out.

In the room, Qin Sheng's phone, which she had thrown on the bed, pinged.

Li Ang: 'What's going on? Why is there news everywhere saying that you slept with Gong Mochen? Explain it clearly!'

There were a few angry emojis attached to the end of the message.

The corners of Gong Mochen's lips curved slightly, and his fingers pressed the keyboard on the phone screen...