May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 219 - Chapter 219 she's back love is no longer 9

Chapter 219: Chapter 219 she's back love is no longer 9

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

The man was surrounded by a cold aura that gave off natural intimidation, causing everyone to involuntarily dodge out of the way.

He walked straight over.

Qin Zixian shrunk in fear, and her lips trembled.

"Third Brother, why are you here?" she asked carefully.

Gong Mochen's eyes were bleak. "I want to know why you're here?"

"I, I..." Qin Zixian paused. "I'm here to look for you, and I bumped into Miss Yun."

She gritted her teeth and held back her tears. It was as if she had suffered a great injustice!

"Third Brother, I was just begging Miss Yun not to pester you anymore! I'm your fiancé. I felt so bad when I saw the news!" she said, giving her reasons.

"Isn't the news what you want to see? Or is it Dong Yu's news that you want to see?" Gong Mochen said coldly.

Qin Zixian instantly pursed her lips. She didn't expect Gong Mochen to know about Dong Yu, and knowing about Dong Yu meant that he knew everything!

Her heart tightened, and a layer of cold sweat appeared on her forehead...

Qin Sheng looked at the two people in front of her. "Miss Qin, I think you should get to the point! Isn't CEO Gong here? Tell him not to see me again. Don't worry, I promise I won't see him!"

Her eyes were locked on the man across from her. Her whole body was aching, reminding her of what they had done last night.

Gong Mochen's eyes were locked on Qin Sheng's eyes. This girl was so eager to draw a line between them!

Qin Zixian's lips were tightly pursed. She couldn't say such things to Gong Mochen. What status did she have to say such things?

"Well, as long as you don't see him, it's fine," she said reluctantly.

The corners of Qin Sheng's lips curled slightly. "Miss Qin, are you mistaken? I've said that I won't see Gong Mochen, but what if he tries to see me? I don't want to hurt a disabled person... So, you'd better make it clear to your fiancé here. Don't let him come to see me!"

A dark cloud covered Qin Zixian's forehead. She could feel the man's cold gaze on her, as if a needle was stabbing her.

"As long as you don't pester my fiancé, no one will pester you!" she said through gritted teeth.

She could only say this so that she wouldn't anger Gong Mochen.

After all, she could never blame the man...

"Really? But who was pestering who? Gong Mochen, make it clear!" Qin Sheng said aggressively.

Gong Mochen walked towards the arrogant little woman in front of him. "Do you still need me to explain what happened today? Didn't I sleep with you and you slept with me?"

The whole place was in an uproar. They didn't expect Gong Mochen to say such words in front of his fiancé!

Qin Zixian's face turned pale. How embarrassing was it for her to hear these words, right in the open, in front of all these people! It was more embarrassing than if he'd lied or denied it.

If he hadn't even bothered to lie to her, what did that say for their relationship? Did that mean she wasn't worth lying for? Did he care for her that little?

"Enough! Yun Sheng, didn't you just want to prove that you are Gong Mochen's woman? Now you have done it! Shameless!"

Qin Sheng was choked to the point that she couldn't say a word. She just wanted to force Gong Mochen to say that he wouldn't see her again, because he had always kept his word. As long as he said something, he would never go back on it...

"CEO Gong, I think we should make things clear. You have a fiancé, and I don't want to have a scandal with you. That's all for today. Please don't come to see me again! I don't want to be scolded any more!"

Gong Mochen nodded. "I promise you won't be scolded again."

He turned to look at Qin Zixian, who was still sitting on the ground, and said, "I'll take you home."

Ye Wei walked over at the right time and helped Qin Zixian up from the ground. "Miss Qin, let me help you up."

Qin Zixian was helped into the wheelchair and let Ye Wei push her to follow behind Gong Mochen.

Qin Sheng's cold eyes looked at the man's back. She had heard the phrase: 'I'll take you home' before... when she was young.

He had brought her back to the Qin family.

And now, the person he was bringing home was Qin Zixian!

Her heart felt cold. Fortunately, the people in the restaurant had fallen silent and were just watching, no longer making things difficult for her. When she strode out of the restaurant, she saw that Gong Mochen had already gone home.

Nie Feng came up to her and said, "Miss Yun, here is your phone."

Qin Sheng paused. Her phone had been soaked in the milk bath and no longer worked. Even though he had given it to her, it was useless.

She took the phone and thanked him politely. "Thank you. Can I go now?"

Although the phone was useless, she still thanked Nie Feng for finding it for her.

Nie Feng hurriedly made way for her and said, "Sure, wherever you want to go, I will take you there."

"There's no need. I need to look for Le Le and Jian Jian."

Qin Sheng walked past Nie Feng and his voice came from behind her.

"They're playing with little fish in the lobby of the resort. You can go there to find them."

Qin Sheng waved at Nie Feng. "I got it."

She walked quickly to the lobby of the resort and saw Jian Jian surrounded by a group of waitresses. Le Le was carrying a large plastic gift box.

"Mommy! You're back! I've met so many nice ladies here! They're all my girlfriends!" Jian Jian counted the fingers on his small hands. "There are seven of them. They even gave me gifts!"

Qin Sheng's eyebrows rose up her forehead. He had seven more girlfriends... She smiled apologetically at the waitresses. "I'm sorry! Jian Jian is still very young and immature."

"Miss Yun, we all like Jian Jian very much. It's fine!"

"Yeah, Jian Jian is so cute. You have to bring him here often!"

The waitresses all spoke positively about the little boy.

Qin Sheng felt that this cute boy was gathering many adoring fans.

"Okay, okay," she replied, the she turned to look at Le Le. "Let's go!"

Le Le pulled Jian Jian's hand, but Jian Jian broke free. He ran to the waitresses and kissed their faces.

"You're all my girlfriends! Will you miss me?" Chu Jian said.

"Don't worry, we'll definitely miss you!"

"I'll wait for you to grow up and marry you!"

The waitresses smiled brightly, joking around with the little boy.

Jian Jian grabbed Le Le's hand again and followed them to the car.

Qin Sheng sat in the back seat with Chu Jian, and Le Le drove.

"Jian Jian, don't talk about marrying people so freely. It isn't good to act like that," Qin Sheng instructed Chu Jian.

"But I like them all. They're all very cute. When I grow up, I'll marry all of them and serve my mother. Then she won't have to work so hard to take care of me!" Chu Jian said, his big eyes sparkling.

Qin Sheng didn't expect Chu Jian to be thinking about caring for his mother at such a young age, let alone making marriage plans.

Chu Jian was proving to be a very devoted little son.

She touched the little boy's head and her phone suddenly beeped. "You forgot to take your medicine. I'll give it to you later!"

She looked at her phone in surprise. Hadn't her phone broke? How could it still be lit up and receive messages? Most importantly, when did she and Gong Mochen add each other as friends?