May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 210 - Chapter 210 was too enthusiastic

Chapter 210: Chapter 210 was too enthusiastic

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"Yun Sheng, we will be good friends from now on. I wish us a successful collaboration in the future! " Yanzi said as she raised her wine glass.

Qin Sheng's eyes shifted. Yanzi's words seemed to indicate that she really wanted to star in her movie!

"Okay, I wish us a successful collaboration!"

The two wine glasses clinked together. Yanzi drank her glass all in one go, and Qin Sheng did the same.

The other guests were enthusiastic and came over one by one to toast with them.

Qin Sheng drank a few glasses in a row. She knew her alcohol tolerance. "Sorry, I drank too much. I can't drink anymore!"

"You toasted other people, but you won't toast me? Are you not going to show me respect?" a man's voice came out coldly.

Qin Sheng looked up and saw a man surrounded by two women in the corner of the sofa.

She knew this man. It was Du Can. She and Li Ang had attended the opening party of his company!

"Boss Du, I'm so sorry, but I really can't drink anymore!" she explained.

Du Can stood up and walked over. Yao Miao hurriedly gave way to the man.

"It seems that in your eyes I'm not as important as other people!" snapped Du Can, scooting over to Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng pursed her lips. "Alright then, I'll toast to Boss Du."

She decided not to provoke this noble young master. After all, it was just a cup of wine...

However, after she and Du Can drank their wine, other people surrounded her, encouraging her to drink more...

She couldn't find a reason to reject them, because if she didn't drink, it would be said that she didn't show them respect!

Not long after that, she leaned on the sofa, so drunk that she wanted to sleep.

"Yun Sheng, you haven't toasted this boss yet! Hurry up and drink!" Yanzi took a glass of wine and handed it to Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng half-opened her eyes. The man in front of her waved an empty glass of wine at her.

"How many more people are there? How can I... I toast more..." Her head lolled on her neck, her voice unclear.

Yanzi lips curled into a smile. "No more. He's the only one left. You don't need to drink anymore after drinking this glass!"

Qin Sheng took the glass in Yanzi's hand and downed the wine.

"I'm... I'm done drinking..." Before she could finish her words, she fell asleep on Du Can.

Du Can sipped his red wine and asked casually, "Are you drunk? Or are you a victim?"

Yanzi smiled sweetly, as pure as a drop of water. "Why does Boss Du feel sorry for her? Should I give her to you?"

Du Can raised the girl's face off his shoulder. "She looks delicious..." He licked his lips provocatively.

He got up and carried the girl, striding out of the room.

Yao Miao was so angry that she hit the sofa. "Why did you let Du Can take Yun Sheng away?"

Yanzi laughed softly. "If it wasn't Yun Sheng, it would've been someone else. Understand that you will never be the only woman by his side! I advise you to let it go! If you want to stay by his side, you have to tolerate him having other women...

"He loves having women around him. Learn to deal with that, but if you can't, leave him. You will be the female lead of the Du family if you learn to tolerate his behaviour."

Yao Miao pursed her lips. "That's true, but I'm still not comfortable with it!"

"It's part of the course of dating a rich man. What's there to be uncomfortable about?" Yanzi lowered her voice. "I'll introduce you to a guy. You know what I mean!"

Yao Miao looked at Yanzi in shock. How could such dirty words come from that sweet face?

"Okay, call him over!"

Yanzi immediately took out her phone and sent a message.

"Alright, I've sent the message!"

Yao Miao nodded and happily returned to her suite. However, when she walked past Du Can's room, her heart twisted.

In the suite, Du Can walked out of the bathroom. He was wearing a bathrobe and his short hair was dripping wet.

The woman on the bed slept very soundly. She didn't even move and had been lying on her side since he'd brought her back to his room.

Du Can's lips curled up. He walked to the big bed and sat beside the girl. His big hand touched her face. Her small face was red and slightly hot, like a ripe apple, and he desperately wanted to take a bite...

"Yun Sheng, wake up. It's boring to sleep like this!"

The girl's beautiful dream was interrupted by the man's harsh voice. She raised her hand and slapped the man's face reflexively.

"Get lost!"

Other than Gong Mochen, no one had ever dared to wake her up because she was very angry when she woke up. She would definitely hit you without any discussion if you disturbed her!

Du Can was caught off guard. The crisp sound of the slap was accompanied by a burning pain!

"Stupid girl, you dare to hit me!" he roared angrily. No one had ever dared to hit his face!

In her sleep, Qin Sheng felt that the voices in her ears were too noisy. She raised her hand and slapped him again. "Get lost!"

Du Can raised his hand and grabbed the girl's wrist. Fortunately, he was fast enough, or else he would have been hit again!

"How dare you tell me to get lost! I'll f*cking let you know who I am!"

Qin Sheng felt the grip on her wrist tighten. She couldn't break free and raised her foot to kick the man.

A heavy kick landed on the man's stomach. Du Can was in so much pain that he threw away the girl's hand and covered his sore spot.

"Help! Help!" he shouted.

Two waiters came through the door. "Boss Du, what are your orders?"

"This woman doesn't know how to appreciate my company. I'll give her to you!" Du Can snapped.

He was so angry that smoke was coming out of his ears. For angering him, he would let her know what kind of price she would have to pay!

The two waiters were stunned. "Boss Du, this isn't good. We don't dare!"

"Do as I say! I'll give each of you 500,000!" Du Can said.

The waiters were tempted. How much did they earn in a month? Nowhere near as much as that! They could take the money and run away!

"Okay! Boss Du, don't worry. We will complete the mission! We'll teach her a lesson!" the two waiters said quickly.

Du Can grasped his aching stomach and walked out of the room. "Someone, call a doctor!"

He glanced out of the window of the corridor and saw a luxury black car driving to the hotel.

Why did that car look so familiar?

Suddenly, cold sweat broke out on his head. He didn't have time to think, and ran to see a doctor.