May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 204 - Chapter 204 father and son meeting for the first time

Chapter 204: Chapter 204 father and son meeting for the first time

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Hearing the name His Highness Yu again, Qin Sheng felt the past flashing all around her, like strobe lights.

"Can taking medicine cure heart disease?" she asked.

"I still don't think you understand what I mean. Surgery or other treatments are meaningless in light of the child's illness. But taking medicine to recuperate might extend his life...

"It's a serious kind of illness, after all. Let's make the best of it!" the doctor explained. Clearly, this girl didn't understand the child's illness!

After a short pause, Qin Sheng nodded. At that moment, she understood why Chu Xia treasured every minute with the child, and why she didn't want to attend the fashion show.

Because every minute with a child who could disappear at an unknown time was precious.

"Thank you, doctor," she said softly.

Gong Mochen walked to the girl's side. "Don't worry, I'll get the world's top doctor to treat Jian Jian."

Qin Sheng shook her head. "There's no need. He has already undergone surgery."

The doctor had done everything he could. It was just as he'd said; the best thing to do now was to use medicine to recuperate.

The nurse pushed Chu Jian out of the emergency room. The little boy was actually sitting on a stretcher.

"Jian Jian, lie down!" Qin Sheng immediately ordered the brave child.

"Mommy, I don't want to lie down. I like to run and jump. Lying down is so boring. Besides, I'll be lying down for a long time in the future. I don't want to lie down now! Mommy, this nurse is so beautiful. I want her to hug me!" Chu Jian said. His eyes seemed to discharge electricity as he smiled at the nurse.

The nurse smiled brightly as she picked up the little boy. He was the most adorable child she had ever seen.

"Okay, Auntie will carry you!"

The little boy kissed the nurse's face and touched her cheeks with his small hands. "Auntie, you're skin is so soft!"

The nurse smiled at the little boy, her lips lopsided from his probing hands.

Qin Sheng breathed a sigh of relief. He was his usual adorable self.

She reached out and hugged Chu Jian. "Mommy will take you to the pharmacist to get some medicine!"

Though Chu Xia would never bring her child to the door of Sikong Jue, Qin Shen would if there was a chance it could extend his life. She would throw away all past grudges.

She carried the child and walked out of the hospital, completely ignoring the man behind her.

Gong Mochen followed behind Qin Sheng. "If you want to see Sikong Jue, I can take you there."

Qin Sheng was stunned. "Do you know where Sikong Jue is?"

Sikong jue had always been secretive. No one knew where he was. Even when Li Ang and Sikong Jue contacted each other, they only used their phones and didn't see each other in person.

She had been worried about how to get Sikong Jue's address.

Gong Mochen opened his car door. "Unfortunately, I happen to know where Sikong Jue is, so if you want to find him, you'll have to take my car."

Qin Sheng's lips formed into a straight line. For Jian Jian, she would endure it!

She carried Jian Jian and got into the man's car.

The two of them didn't speak during the drive. Jian Jian, on the other hand, kept staring at Gong Mochen's back with his small eyes.

"Mommy, I don't want to be with this bad man...." Chu Jian said.

"Jian Jian, listen to me. The bad man will take us to see a pharmacist. He will prescribe medicine for you, and you will get better!" Qin Sheng explained.

She stared at the back of the man's head. She was a little worried that he wouldn't tell them where Sikong Jue was if he got angry...

The car drove all the way to the outskirts of the city, heading towards a mountain forest.

Did Sikong Jue live here?

Qin Sheng was speechless. No wonder no one could find him!

When Gong Mochen's car reached a place where there was no road halfway up the mountain, he had no choice but to stop.

"This is as far as I can drive. I'll carry the child. You follow me," he said as he opened the car door.

Qin Sheng handed Chu Jian over to Gong Mochen, but Chu Jian was very unwilling.

"No, I want mommy to carry me. Don't bully my mommy, bad man!" Chu Jian said as he stared at Gong Mochen with his wide eyes.

Gong Mochen frowned. This little thing really was a nuisance. "There's still a long way to go. Do you want to tire your mommy? Shout at me again, and I'll throw you down the mountain!"

"Bad man! If you dare to do that, my mommy will definitely beat you to death!" Chu Jian said.

Gong Mochen's brows sank. "Your mommy can beat me? I'll just throw you down the mountain and take your mommy away."

Chu Jian's gaze was locked on the man. It seemed that this man's body was much bigger than his small body!

He decisively snorted and stopped arguing with Gong Mochen. It was obvious that he couldn't beat this man.

Qin Sheng had long been left behind by the man. She didn't hear the conversation between the two people in front of her.

The mountain path was very rugged. She was certain that even if she had come before, she wouldn't be able to find it the next time she came!

A manor soon appeared in her sights, in a place covered by trees.

The manor wasn't big, but it was very exquisite. The courtyard was filled with fresh flowers. She could smell the fragrance of the flowers from far away, and there was also the laughter of a woman.

The woman's white dress fluttered in the wind, and there was a pink camellia flower in her ear.

"Brother Jue, come quickly. I caught the hummingbird again!"

"What's the use of catching it? You always end up releasing it!"

"But when it comes to pick the nectar tomorrow, it will still be mine! As long as it comes every day, it will always be mine!"

Qin Sheng looked through the fence at the delicate woman. She had to admit that Shen Tong was really cute, and it was a kind of cute that would make people love her.

Gong Mochen pushed open the wooden door and walked in. "Sikong Jue, cure this child. The price is up to you."

Sikong Jue looked at the three people who walked in with surprise. "Qin Sheng? You're back!"

Although the girl had grown up a lot, he could still recognize her. More importantly, Gong Mochen had never had such a serious look on his face in the past four years.

"My mommy's name is Yun Sheng!" Chu Jian said.

Sikong Jue was surprised. When did Li Ang and Qin Sheng have a child? If they had a child, his godmother would've been so happy that she would have called him a long time ago!

When he opened his mouth to speak, he saw Qin Sheng looking at him with narrowed eyes. Her eyes were as sharp as an eagle's. She was clearly threatening him!

Sikong Jue shut his mouth. "Your mommy's name is Yun Sheng? Where's your daddy?"

He asked on purpose.

"His daddy's name is Li Ang. Sikong Jue, why are you asking when you already know? Didn't you already know about us?" Qin Sheng walked to Sikong Jue's side, lowered her voice and said, "If you want to know about Chu Xia, then shut up."

Sikong Jue's mouth immediately twitched when he heard what Qin Sheng said.

"This child has a heart condition, right? His lips are blue. I can tell." Sikong Jue looked at the little boy.

"He has a heart condition. It's congenital. Take care of him," Gong Mochen ordered.

Sikong Jue's forehead was deeply creased. "CEO Gong, I will try to treat his illness, but I don't think I have any medicine that can do this right now... According to my speculation, his heart condition is very serious. He probably won't live to be an *****."

"Can't you make a medicine? With your skills surely that is possible? Give him some medicine to ease his heart condition, please. He just had a heart attack," Gong Mochen said.

"That's fine, I can do that, but why does this child look so familiar to me?" The more Sikong Jue looked at the child, the more familiar he felt.

The child was clearly like...