May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 2009 - Chapter 2009 true or false husband 9

Chapter 2009: Chapter 2009 true or false husband 9

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Arthur took out a bottle of medicine from Chu Chu's pocket, along with four ointment-like things.

"Are these the ones? " Arthur asked.

"Yes, these are the ones. Quick, give me the medicine. " Chu Chu reached out to grab the medicine in Arthur's hand.

However, her entire body was throbbing in pain. Her hands and movements were completely out of sync, and she almost threw herself to the ground.

Arthur walked over to hold Chu Chu, opened the bottle in his hand, and poured the medicine into Chu Chu's mouth.

He didn't know what kind of medicine it was, but the smell of the medicine was extremely unpleasant.

On the other hand, Chu Chu appeared as though she was eating an immortal pill. She didn't have the slightest expression of disgust as she gulped down the medicine.

"What kind of medicine is this? " Arthur asked.

"It's a medicine that can make me prettier. Didn't you also think that I've become very pretty? " Chu Chu replied.

Arthur looked at Chu Chu in astonishment. Chu Chu had indeed become prettier. This was something that he had never been able to figure out. How could Chu Chu become prettier after not seeing him for two days?

"Is there really such a medicine in the world? " He asked.

"Yes, this is the medicine that Ye Xinghun gave me. It can remove my fat, and can also remove excess fat. " Chu Chu ordered.

Arthur placed the four ointment-like things on Chu Chu's finger.

"Is that enough? Is Ye Xinghun a devil? Shouldn't this kind of plastic surgery be done by a doctor? Can he achieve this effect with just a few pills? " Arthur asked.

"Yes, he's even more powerful than a devil. He doesn't even need to go to the hospital. He only needs to apply his ointment and take his medicine to become more beautiful. However, it really hurts. I feel like I'm going to melt from the heat. " Chu Chu said as she banged her head against the wall in pain.

However, she would rather be melted by the fire than become beautiful.

"Arthur looked at the woman who hit the wall. He frowned. Now he understood why he found Chu Chu in the imperial garden.

It was because Chu Chu was in so much pain that she ran everywhere and hit her head. In the end, she broke her head in the imperial garden.

"Men! Bring me a rope, " he immediately ordered his men.

Arthur's men brought a few ropes.

"Master! I've brought the rope, " the bodyguard said respectfully.

Arthur took the rope and ordered his men, "hold her down, I want to tie her up. ".

A few bodyguards walked over and held Chu Chu down, not letting her move.

"What are you doing? Let me go, let me go, " Chu Chu shouted.

"I'll tie you up, so you don't knock yourself out. You don't want to become beautiful and get disfigured by yourself, right? There's a wound on your forehead now, " Arthur said as he tied Chu Chu's hands and feet with the rope He tied Chu Chu up.

Chu Chu, who had been messing around, was finally tied up by the rope. She also lost her freedom.

"is the wound on my forehead big? Will it leave a scar? Will it affect my beauty? " She asked as she struggled.

Logically, she knew that she had to endure this kind of pain, but because of the pain, she couldn't help but want to hit the wall.

"The wound on my forehead isn't serious. It'll be fine after applying some medicine. But why are you torturing yourself like this? " Arthur waved his hand, indicating for his men to leave the room.

The bodyguards all left the room.

"because I want to make myself beautiful and then go look for Willam. I don't believe that I will lose to Lian Lian, " Chu Chu said.

Arthur's lips twitched. He did not expect Chu Chu to still be thinking about Willam.

"Do you still want to be a queen? " Arthur asked.

"Of course. Becoming a queen is every woman's dream. You don't want me to be your queen, so I have to go look for Willam again. This new Willam will definitely not reject me like the original Willam, " Chu Chu said.

Arthur's face was filled with endless coldness. "Are you so sure that this Willam will win? I can tell you now that the person who can ascend to the throne is me! "

"Are you kidding? I don't believe that you can win against Willam. So you can't even win against that Willam, and you still want to win against this Willam? " Chu Chu said.

"Then Watch how I kill him, " Arthur said fiercely and turned around to walk out of the room.

He wanted to kill this woman at any minute, but after this woman became beautiful, she was indeed useful to him. He might as well keep Chu Chu and see how beautiful she would become in the end.

Chu Chu was stunned when she heard Arthur's words.

Was Arthur going to kill Willam Could Arthur Kill Willam She thought desperately.

After Arthur left the room, he went to find his own bodyguards and began to deploy his next plan. He would not let this Willam continue to live.

After William and Lian Lian had lunch, they began to search for Xin BA in the palace.

In fact, there were people who went to every place in the palace, but no one could find Xin Ba. It was just that the two of them had to personally search again.

This included places like the basement and secret rooms in the palace courtyard.

Lian Lian watched as the guards knocked on the floor with hammers, one by one, to see where there was empty space.

There were also some guards who knocked on the wall with hammers.

If it was a solid place, then it meant that there was no secret room here. If the knocking sound was empty, then it meant that there was a secret room behind the wall or under the floor.

This time, they rummaged through and found many secret rooms and basements that they had not found before.

However, these places were in disrepair for a long time and were not used by anyone.

They did not find Xin Ba.

Lian Lian and Willam walked out of the palace courtyard. Lian Lian's lips pursed into a straight line. If they continued to search through the palace courtyard one by one, Xin Ba would definitely have problems because they would have wasted too much time.

Her eyes narrowed as she said to Willam, "go to the small building where Chu Chu lives. "

"Do you suspect Chu Chu? She can't be so capable as to take Xin Ba away, " Willam said.

"She doesn't have the ability to take Xin Ba away, but it doesn't mean that she doesn't have the ability to hide Xin Ba.

The person who dealt with Xin Ba must have a grudge against me, or someone who has a grudge against you. "So, Chu Chu is very suspicious, " Lian Lian said.

It must be their enemy who dealt with XIN BA. So, she quickly locked onto a few people.

"Then let's go to Chu Chu's small building, " Willam said as he instructed his men to go to Chu Chu's small building.

Lian Lian and Willam went to Chu Chu's small building and found that Chu Chu's small building was empty. There was no one there, including Chu Chu.

"It seems that Chu Chu doesn't live here now, " Willam said.