May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1951 - Chapter 1951 escaping with a child 51

Chapter 1951: Chapter 1951 escaping with a child 51

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Xin Ba deliberately told William to help him find an 'An. He looked at his father with his big eyes, observing every expression of his father.

"An 'an went out of the palace to do some work and got lost? Is Our country so unstable? I'll get someone to go out of the palace to find him, " Willam said casually.

"Thank you, Father! " Xin Ba said.

Willam's big hand touched his son's head. "This is why you came to find me, right? You didn't want to learn how to handle official documents. You just wanted me to help you find an 'An. "

Xin Ba's eyes flashed. "Father, how do you know? In front of father, I really can't tell any lies. My father is simply too wise. "

Xin Ba pretended to be surprised and deliberately flattered Willam.

"It's good that you know. You are born of father. Your intelligence is inherited from father, so father is smarter than you, " Willam said.

Not to mention that Xin BA's flattery made him feel very comfortable.

"Father, you promised me to find an 'An, so you have to keep your word, " Xin Ba said.

"Don't worry, I will definitely help you find an 'An, " said Xin Ba.

"Okay, I will wait for father's news. Goodbye, father. " Xin Ba said goodbye to Willam.

He skipped out of his father's study room, and the smile on his little face fell the moment he ran out of the Royal Study Room.

Humph It was simply an insult to his intelligence. How could he come to Willam to pretend to study documents so that Willam could help him find an 'an?

He was just putting on an act for others to see. If an 'an was lost, he could not keep it a secret. If that was the case, it would be too fake.

Therefore, he pretended to come and Beg William to help him find Anan. He wanted to give Willam a false impression that he could not find Anan.

He wanted Willam to let down his guard so that he could slowly make his move and steal his mother from Willam's bedroom.

The first step of the plan had been perfectly achieved. Now, Willam really thought that he was begging him to find Lian Lian.

Now, he would return to the palace to start the second step of the plan.

Willam watched his son run away with a skip. His face sank. Did the little thing really come to beg him to find Anan?

The little thing was a mischievous little thing. It only knew to test him at such a young age.

He got up and left his imperial study. After dealing with the little thing, he went to look for his sister.

He was with Lian Lian just now and did not reply in time. After he was done with Lian Lian, he saw the message that the guard had sent him. Arinda had actually taken GAIA away.

He did not expect that GAIA would actually be with Arinda. This was something that he absolutely could not allow to happen. How could his sister be with GAIA Furthermore, in order to save Gaia, she had disobeyed his orders.

He strode towards Arinda's bedroom and personally went to ask Arinda for GAIA.

Lian Lian could vaguely hear her son's voice in the basement.

She was surprised that she could actually hear her son's voice. This meant that the basement where she was in should be the place where Willam often stayed.

Then where was this place.

Her brain immediately locked onto a few places. Willam's bedroom, Willam's royal study, Willam's flower hall, or Willam's training room.

However, the Flower Hall and Training Room were places that Willam would occasionally go to. They were not places that he would stay every day, nor were they places that he would stay at all times.

Therefore, she ultimately chose the royal study and bedroom.

She was more inclined towards the bedroom because she knew that there was indeed a basement under Willam's bedroom.

She felt that it was more likely that she was in Willam's bedroom. Moreover, the bedroom was a place that XIN BA would also go to, so it was very normal for her to hear her son's voice in the basement of the bedroom.

If she was really in Willam's bedroom basement, how was she going to run out?

She looked at herself wrapped in a quilt and was absolutely furious. Even if she thought of a way to run out, in her current state, she could not run out.

Clothes, she had to think of a way to get them first.

But how could Willam easily fall for the trap and give them to her?

Thinking of this, she felt like vomiting blood. This was simply impossible to accomplish.

Suddenly, she thought of something. Owen said that she and Willam would have three children.

Thinking of the third child, her back broke out in cold sweat. The child that was supposed to come late, would it come now?

Could it be that she wanted to give Willam another child?

Thinking of this, she even wanted to kill Willam. A man that she always wanted to escape from, she actually gave him three children.

No, she absolutely could not get pregnant again. Otherwise, she really could not run away from Willam.

Willam could easily control her with a child. At that time, it would be impossible for her to leave.

She inserted her hand into her hair. She only wanted to take the child away from the palace and live a normal life. Why was it so difficult?

In her bedroom, Arinda heard the maid report that Willam was here.

She immediately ran out of her bedroom and stood at the door to welcome her brother.

"brother, you're here! " Arinda greeted politely.

Willam's gaze landed on Arinda's face. "Why are you standing at the door and not inviting brother in? "

"brother, are you going in? Are you going in to see me, or are you going in to arrest him? I think we should speak frankly. " ARINDA's voice was extremely cold.

Willam's lips pursed into a straight line. "Arinda, is this your attitude when talking to your brother? "

"If brother only came to see me, then you've already seen me. "If you're here to arrest him, I can tell you that there's no way. I definitely won't let you take Gaia away from me, unless you want to watch me die. " Arinda said in an overbearing manner.

Willam's lips twitched "looks like you already know. Arinda, since you already know, then you should also know GAIA's identity. It is impossible for the two of you to be together. Hand him over. He is our country's enemy. If he stays by your side, you will be in great danger."

"He is your enemy, not mine. The two of you fought because of Lian Lian. ". I heard that the two of you were very good friends before. It was only because of Lian Lian that the two of you wanted to fight over Lian Lian. This made the two of you become enemies and made the two countries become enemies.

Brother, in the end, the grudges between our two countries were caused by your own personal grudges. You can't be so selfish and bring your personal grudges into the whole country and make the whole country become enemies because of you and the Middle East.

"What you're doing is unfair to all of us, " Arinda said word by word. She argued with her brother.