May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1936 - Chapter 1936 escaping marriage with a child 36

Chapter 1936: Chapter 1936 escaping marriage with a child 36

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"His majesty didn't say what he wanted to search. He only ordered his guards to search the entire palace. Your Highness, the guards who are searching the palace have arrived at your bedroom. The captain of the guards requests to see you, " the maid said.

"I understand. I'll go see the captain of the guards right away. " After saying that, Arinda let go of GAIA's hand.

"I'll go out and see what's going on, " Arinda said to GAIA.

GAIA watched Arinda walk past him. He grabbed Arinda's arm, "I might know what your brother is searching for? "

Arinda stopped in her tracks and looked at Gaia, "what is he searching for? "

"He should be searching for me, " GAIA said.

Arinda looked at the man in front of her in a daze, "why is my brother searching for you? Are you a fugitive? "

He only felt that this was impossible. GAIA was clearly a guard. Why would his brother go through so much trouble to search for a guard?

"I am not a fugitive, but I am your brother's enemy. If you want to hand me over now, you can go and tell your brother that I am in this room, " GAIA said.

After all, he owed Arinda one time, and that impulsive time allowed him to take away Arinda's first time.

So if Arinda wanted to hand him over to his brother, he didn't blame her.

He only hoped to use this matter to end things with Arinda.

ARINDA's lips trembled slightly as she looked at the man in front of her. She didn't expect that the person she liked was actually her brother's enemy.

"No, I won't hand you over to my brother. You're here. I can guarantee your safety. " After she said that, she strode out of GAIA's room.

After she walked out of the door, she closed the door behind her tightly, as if she was afraid that others would see the person in the room.

The maid stood in the corridor. When she saw her master come out, she said respectfully, "the captain of the guards is in the hall. "

Arinda nodded, indicating that she understood. She walked towards the hall step by step.

The captain of the guards stood in the hall, waiting for Princess Arinda. They could freely search the other places in the palace, but Arinda's bedroom was different. They had to get ARINDA's permission before they dared to search. This was the sister of His Majesty Willam.. Their princess.

The gorgeous princess walked into the hall. The moonlight couldn't even be compared to her beauty.

The captain of the guards was almost in a daze. Their little princess was too beautiful. She had completely inherited her mother's strengths.

"Captain, my brother asked you to search my bedroom. What are you searching for? " Arinda asked.

The girl's sweet voice pulled the captain of the guards back to his senses. "reporting to Your Highness, we are searching for a person. "

"Who are you searching for? " Arinda asked. He was a little nervous.

He was afraid that the person the captain was talking about was GAIA.

The captain took out his phone and opened the screen for Arinda to see.

There was a photo on the screen. "Your Highness, Look. We are searching for this person. This matter is very confidential. Only US trusted guards and His Majesty know about it.

"So, I hope that you must keep it a secret and not tell anyone. This matter is of great importance."

Arinda looked at the photo on the screen, her hands secretly clenched into fists. This person was really GAIA.

"Why are you arresting him? Is He a criminal? " She asked.

"He is not a criminal, he is the king of the Middle East. He is also our country's sworn enemy. He ran from his country to our country and sneaked into our palace. There must be some unspeakable secret.

That is why His Majesty asked us to search for him. We have searched many palaces but have not found him.

Has the princess seen this person If you see this person, you must tell us. This person is very dangerous,"the captain of the guards said.

ARINDA's pupils shrank, "No, I haven't seen this person. If you want to search my bedroom, then go ahead.

"It's too late. I'm tired. I'll go back to sleep. "

After she finished speaking, she turned around and left the hall, returning to her bedroom.

A few maids followed behind her. She turned to look at the maids and ordered, "you don't have to follow me. You can go rest too. "

The maids obeyed the order and did not follow Arinda.

Arinda did not return to her bedroom but went to GAIA's bedroom.

She pushed the door open and walked into the bedroom. "GAIA, come with me quickly. It's not safe here. They will probably search this place soon. Go to my bedroom now. "

She reached out and grabbed GAIA's arm, pulling the man out of the room.

Their bedrooms were next to each other. She dragged the man into her bedroom and closed the door. She could even lock the door tightly.

Then she ran to the window and watched Willam's guards searching the courtyard.

It seemed that no one saw her bring Gaia into her bedroom. Her heart was more or less at ease. She immediately hung up the curtains. She only needed to close her bedroom.

GAIA looked at the busy little woman. His eyes were dark. "The person your brother wants to search is me. You know my identity now, right? "

The guards who searched him would probably report to Arinda. who was the person they wanted to search?

Even if the guards did not tell anyone else, they would definitely report to Arinda. After all, Arinda was a princess. They would not dare to search Arinda's bedroom if they did not report to Arinda.

Arinda looked at the dazzling man in front of her. Only now did she understand why this man looked so insufferably arrogant. It seemed that only he could stand shoulder to shoulder with his brother.

So this man was the king of the Middle East. Hence, he carried the aura of a king.

She nodded. "The guards told me that they were searching for the king of the Middle East, GAIA. I did not expect that you were actually the king of the Middle East.

"Why did you come to my brother's palace. "I heard that you were poisoned. "

Although she was extremely unconcerned about the affairs of other countries, she didn't even know what the Kings, Queens, and princesses of other countries looked like?

However, he still heard his maid talk about the affairs of other countries.

For example, when Gaia was poisoned, she heard her girlfriend talk about the king of the Middle East being bitten by a poisonous snake.

However, she didn't expect that the king of the Middle East, Gaia, would sneak into her palace. She did not expect that she would meet the king of the Middle East and fall in love with him.

"I did not sneak into your brother's Palace to harm him. Whether you believe it or not, I came to his palace to find a safe place to hide myself.

"because your brother and I are mortal enemies, I hid here. The rebels of my country would not guess that I am here and would not come here to harm me, " GAIA said.