May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1927 - Chapter 1927 escaping marriage with a child 27

Chapter 1927: Chapter 1927 escaping marriage with a child 27

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

GAIA's heart tightened when he heard Arinda's words. He had never thought of marrying Arinda. Back then, he only wanted Arinda because he wanted to take revenge on Willam.

Willam and he were mortal enemies. Regardless of whether he had Amnesia or not, he remembered this point. His country and Willam's country were enemies, and he and Willam were mortal enemies.

Willam's sister had delivered it to his mouth, so why didn't he eat it?

He wasn't a fool, nor was he incompetent. With such a good opportunity for revenge, he naturally wouldn't let it go. It was just that he didn't expect Arinda to actually say marriage to him so seriously.

"I am only a guard. Your parents will not agree, and your brother will not agree. If the Princess of the Kingdom of Riel marries a guard, where will your brother and parents' face go? You will become the shame of the entire royal family.

"Even the royal nobles of all the countries in the world will laugh at you. You will become the laughingstock of the entire world, " GAIA said.

"I am not afraid of becoming the laughingstock of the entire world. The person I love is only you, Gaia. I have thought about it. I really like you and love you very much, so I will not care about what others think of me.

"If my parents and brother think that I'm a disgrace, we can leave the palace after we get married. We can find a place where we can live in peace and quiet.

"We can also have a few cute babies like Xin Ba. The boys will be like you, and the girls will be like me. We can farm, we can plant trees, and we can even plant vegetables.

"If you don't like the rural life, we can even open a small supermarket. You buy things and I sell them. If we're happy, we can sell things. If we're not happy, we can go home and look after the children.

Do you think this kind of life is good I really like this kind of life. Our home doesn't need to be big. As long as we have a small villa that can accommodate the two of us and three children, that's enough.

"In the future, when our children grow up, if they like the royal family, I'll let them come back to find Xin ba. If they like this idyllic life as much as we do, we can live in nature for the rest of our lives, " Arinda said.

She didn't like the palace, nor did she like the glory of the Royal Family.

When she first returned to the palace, she felt that she was dreaming. How did she suddenly become the princess She felt uncomfortable as she watched others bow to her.

In fact, what she thought about the most in the palace was how to leave the palace and how to return to her previous life.

She used to love designing work. She would design clothes for herself whenever she was free, and she could even design clothes for her classmates. She had even dreamed of starting a small clothing design company.

However, all of this had gone to waste after she returned to the palace. Now that she had seen GAIA and decided to marry Gaia, she felt that her little dream might be able to come true.

GAIA's heart felt as if it was stabbed by countless knives. The woman he loved the most, Lian Lian, did not give birth to a child for him. Instead, she even gave birth to a child for another man. However, this woman whom he did not like wanted to give birth to a child for him She wanted to live an idyllic life with him.

His gaze was focused on Arinda's face. If only Arinda was Lian Lian.

However, no matter how beautiful the future that Arinda gave him, he knew very well that it was impossible for him and Arinda to be together. This was because Arinda was William's sister. How could Willam allow his sister to marry him and become his concubine?

His Queen could only be Lian Lian. This time, he would return to the palace with Lian Lian. He would not let Lian Lian leave again.

Therefore, the things that Arinda dreamed of could not be realized in the end. It was also impossible to achieve.

"The idyllic life that you mentioned is very beautiful, but it doesn't suit me. Arinda, just treat that night as a mistake. Or just treat that night as me owing you, " GAIA said and turned to leave.

Arinda listened to the man's forceful rejection. Her heart seemed to be about to be shattered by the man. She walked over in a few steps and hugged the man's waist from behind.

"Gaia, tell me what kind of life you want. I can satisfy you. If you like living in the palace, we'll stay in the palace. I'll talk to my brother and ask him to give you a position.

"I don't mind living with you in the palace. My parents will also be very happy that I'm by their side. In fact, I'm also very reluctant to leave Xin Ba. I like Xin ba very much. " ARINDA quickly said.

When GAIA heard Arinda's words, the corners of his lips were filled with coldness. "You're saying that you want Willam to give me a position? "

He only felt that the woman's words were very laughable. He was also the king of a country, the honorable king of the Middle East. This woman actually wanted Willam to give him a position.

"Do you want to be a high official? That's fine too. I'll get my brother to arrange for you to be the minister of internal affairs. How about that? " Arinda said.

Now, as long as Gaia agreed to stay and marry her, she felt that she could give the entire palace to GAIA.

GAIA turned around and looked at Arinda. ARINDA's longing gaze made him feel hurt. At this moment, he could not bear to ridicule arinda anymore. After all, he could see that this woman really loved him.

However, their problem was that he did not love Arinda.

"your brother would not give me such an official position. Do you know how important such an official position is to a country?

"with your current conditions, you can find a very outstanding man. There's no need to waste your time on me.

You can just treat that night as a game or a dream. When you wake up from the dream, you can find a better man and marry a better man.

What I can give you, other than hurt, is only hurt,"GAIA said.

If he could make Arinda give up on him voluntarily, he felt that this was the best ending between them.

ARINDA's face was Pale as she looked at the determined man in front of her. "Why did you reject me? Is the person you love Anan? ''

She finally asked the question that she had been avoiding. She had always thought that she was a woman and was more attractive than a man, but it seemed that she was wrong.

GAIA was stunned. "How did you know that the person I love is an 'an? "

ARINDA's heart seemed to have been crushed. GAIA's words had undoubtedly admitted that the person he loved was an 'An.

Her hand trembled as she let go of the man. "As expected, the person you love is an 'An. GAIA, what is worse than an 'an? I am a girl and an 'an is a boy. No matter how pretty she is, she is still a boy.

"I can give you all the things that he can not give you, such as children and normal married life.

"Why isn't the person you love me "You can consider accepting me, or we can try to develop. I will let you know that a normal girl will give you more than a boy.

"A girl will make you more happy. "And these are things that boys can not do. "