May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1923 - Chapter 1923 escaping marriage with a child 23

Chapter 1923: Chapter 1923 escaping marriage with a child 23

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

In the execution room, the valiant jailer whipped Charlie. Wherever the whip passed, it left terrifying scars on Charlie's body.

Charlie's skin and flesh immediately exploded as the whip swept past. His skin and flesh turned outwards, and blood dripped down. He was so terrifying that he looked like he was about to explode.

"SPEAK! How many people have come this time? What are you doing here? Why did you surround and attack that villa? " The jailer interrogated fiercely.

Willam stood behind the jailer and watched all of this quietly.

"I won't tell you. I will never tell you. If you have the ability, kill me, " Charlie said.

"It seems that the whipping is not enough. With this whipping, I will break your arms and legs. I see that you are still stubborn, " the jailer shouted fiercely.

He had interrogated prisoners for so many years, but he had never seen such a stubborn prisoner. Generally speaking, after a few whips from him, those prisoners would not be able to withstand it and would definitely confess. As for a stubborn prisoner like Charlie, he really had not seen many of them.

His strong arm raised the whip and swung it fiercely at Charlie.

Whipping was a skill. It did not mean that the greater the strength, the higher the lethality of the whip. The whip absolutely could not be used with brute force. Instead, it had to penetrate the tip of the whip, so that all the strength would explode on the tip of the whip.

With this kind of strength, not to mention a human, even cow skin would be broken. And now, the jailer had used all his strength to penetrate the tip of the whip.

As long as the whip hit Charlie's body. Charlie's arms and legs would definitely be broken, even his bones would be broken.

Just as the whip whipped down with a huge wind sound, a man's voice came from behind the jailer.

"Stop! " Willam said.

When the jailer heard Willam's words, he quickly put away the sharp weapon in his hand. However, the force was so strong that he almost threw himself out.

He staggered a few steps before he stopped the force of his whip. When the whip hit the wall, a large piece of wall skin instantly fell to the ground.

The jailer turned to look at his master in confusion. "Your Majesty, You want me to stop? "

"Yes! I want to interrogate him personally. You can go out, " Willam instructed.

"Yes. " The jailer immediately accepted the order and respectfully left the cell.

At this time, only Willam and Charlie were left in the cell.

Willam's tall figure walked towards Charlie step by step. His body was shrouded in a dark and cold aura.

Charlie's eyes looked at Willam. There were many paths in his eyes. If someone saw his gaze at this time, they would definitely not understand.

The two of them stood facing each other. There was only half a person's distance between them.

Even the sound of breathing in the silent air was abrupt. In this silence, Charlie's lips trembled as he opened them.

"Your Majesty, How have you been? " Charlie's voice was very soft. As he spoke, the voice faded in the air. Even if someone stood outside the prison cell and eavesdropped, they would not be able to hear it.

"HARD WORK! " Two words spilled out from the corner of Willam's lips.

"I have no regrets for Your Majesty's death, " Charlie said.

A hint of water appeared in his murky eyes. Now that he thought about it, he and Willam had been separated for more than ten years.

Back then, Willam had placed him in the Middle East. He was one of the few foreign dignitaries in that country.

Of course, all of this had been achieved through his own strength. Because he was outstanding enough, the King of the Middle East made an exception and promoted him, making him the only foreign dignitary with military power.

More than ten years passed in a flash. In this period, he had never seen Willam.

The two of them only communicated through a secret code to inform the Middle East of the news.

"I remember your loyalty. Why did you come here this time? " Willam asked.

"It was a message from Her Highness the Queen. She asked us to go to the villa to save her. However, when we arrived at the villa, we did not see her highness the Queen. We only saw your guards.

I have already reported this matter to you. Bu De, Bo Wen, and Angus were also with me.

Bo Wen and Angus ran away. I have already captured Bu de,"Charlie said.

"I have already placed Bu de in the sky prison. No one can find him. From now on, the person who betrayed GAIA is Bu de, and you are GAIA's most loyal da Qing, " Willam said.

This time, he deliberately captured Charlie in order to meet Charlie, and in order to find someone to take the blame for betraying GAIA, they chose Bu de.

This way, everyone would think that Bu de betrayed GAIA, and no one would suspect Charlie.

"That's good. As long as Bu de Never sees the light of day, I'll be safe, " Charlie said.

Four people came here, two ran away, and two were captured. One of them must be the one who betrayed everyone. In order to protect Charlie, they could only let bu de take the blame.

"where is Lian Lian? " Willam asked.

"I don't know. I only know that Her Highness the Queen is not in the Palace of the Middle East. No one knows where she went. This time, she sent us a message, asking us to come here to save her. At first, I thought that she was really here. I didn't expect that she would play us.

"could it be that she suspected that I was your spy, so she deliberately tested me? " Charlie asked.

This was the so-called guilty conscience. Now Charlie was afraid that Lian Lian had dug the hole and deliberately wanted to find out who had betrayed GAIA.

"That won't happen. Your reputation in the Middle East is very good. GAIA has never suspected you, and you have never done anything to harm GAIA. Lian Lian has no reason to suspect you, " Willam said.

"That's strange. Then why would her highness the Queen play us like this? " Charlie asked.

"where is GAIA? " Willam asked.

"We don't know where His Majesty is either. Ever since he left the palace, there has been no news of him. Now, the entire Middle East is in a panic because our majesty has disappeared.

Many people have defected to Tu Lu, and Tu Lu has always wanted to usurp the throne. He has won over many people. However, the four of US still appear to be loyal to His Majesty on the surface,"Charlie said.

This was the thing that he could not understand the most. Why would Lian Lian trick the four of them like this?

"Have you still not found GAIA? Don't you have any news of him? " Willam asked.

"No. Now that Her Highness the Queen is not in the palace, many people are saying that Her Highness the Queen has gone to look for His Majesty. However, we have not seen her return, " Charlie said.

Willam's brows furrowed into a frown as he carefully thought about what Charlie had just said. Lian Lian was not in the Palace of the Middle East kingdom. GAIA was not in the Palace of the Middle East kingdom either, but Lian Lian had called the four da Qing here.

What was Lian Lian trying to do?

A moment later, his cold voice came from the corner of his lips. "She should be in my country. "