May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 192 - Chapter 192 gave everything to her

Chapter 192: Chapter 192 gave everything to her

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"What? Ha Siqi! The CEO handed Miss Qin over to you. Why didn't you take care of her? So many things have happened before she even left the country! Hurry up and find her!" Nie Feng was on the verge of going crazy from anger. How was he going to tell Gong Mochen?

Could Gong Mochen's physical condition bear it?

He hung up the phone and braced himself to go to the CEO's office.

In the CEO's office, Ye Wei lowered her head and explained the news to Gong Mochen, "I didn't want to say anything, but the reporters kept pressing me. I was afraid that if I said I didn't know, they would suspect that I had nothing to do with you. Qin Sheng would also know that I've been lying."

Gong Mochen raised his hand. "I know."

"Why don't you get someone to delete the news?" Ye Wei asked.

"No need. Just leave it like this. She'll see it and hopefully give up," Gong Mochen said coldly.

It was easier said than done to give up on her. He could only make her give up bit by bit and let her leave this troubled place.

The CEO's door was pushed open and Nie Feng walked in.

"CEO! Miss Qin saw the news and I don't know if she's still sad. She's missing. The Ha family is already looking for her!"

Gong Mochen frowned. "She went missing after seeing the news?"

"Yes, I heard from Ha Siqi that Miss Qin went missing after seeing the news," Nie Feng explained.

Gong Mochen restrained his gaze. "If she's sad, her heart will be aching, but she wouldn't go missing... She'd just leave!"

He had raised this girl with his own hands. He knew her inside and out.

Pausing for a moment, he ordered, "Go and find out where Qin Yunbo is!"

Nie Feng immediately accepted the order and went to investigate.


When Qin Sheng woke up, she found herself lying on a wooden board in a warehouse. The warehouse was very dilapidated and there was dust everywhere. The roof was even exposed. It was obvious that it was an abandoned warehouse.

She got up from the wooden board and walked towards the main door. The main door looked to be the only stable thing here.

She slammed her hands against the main door, which she found to be locked. "Is anyone there? Open the door!"

"Stop banging against the door! Are you looking for death?" a man's voice rushed in.

Following the sound of clattering metal chains, the door was opened and a man walked in.

Qin Sheng pursed her lips. "Qin Yunbo, why the hell did you kidnap me?"

She had been on bad terms with her cousin ever since she was young, which continued to this day. Every time she met Qin Yunbo, they either had a fight or a brawl!

"Kidnap? I f*cking want to kill you! Do you think you can get away with it just because you killed Yunting?" Qin Yunbo roared angrily.

"Killed Yunting? Is she dead?" Qin Sheng was stunned.

Qin Yunbo was so angry that the veins on his forehead popped out. "Damn it! You still dare to play dumb? ! If it wasn't for you, Uncle wouldn't have killed Yunting!"

The girl's innocent face almost made him die of anger...

"Uncle killed Yunting? Are you kidding me?" Qin Sheng asked.

Qin Yunbo grabbed Qin Sheng's neck. "Do you think I'm joking? Because Yunting pretended to be pregnant and ruined your engagement with Ha Siqi, you wanted her dead! How can you be so vicious?"

When he and his father returned home, he heard his mother and grandmother crying. Gong Mochen had already erected a tombstone for Yunting, placing her in the most inconspicuous corner of the Qin family's cemetery.

He hated Qin Sheng to death. Qin Sheng took his sister's life just because she ruined an engagement. That was his biological sister. He wanted to bury Qin Sheng with his sister!

And of course, Qin Yunbo knew that the Qin family's property had been given to Qin Sheng!

This was another reason why he couldn't tolerate Qin Sheng!

Qin Sheng looked at Qin Yunbo in a daze. For her, Gong Mochen had taken Qin Yunting's life...

If this had happened in the past, she would have believed it. But now, she was struggling to believe. He didn't want her anymore, so why did he still do so much for her?

"Are you kidding me? Uncle is about to get engaged to Aunt. Why would he kill for me?"

Qin Yunbo pushed Qin Sheng and kicked her fiercely. "Grandma is right. You are a b*tch! A b*tch who thinks she is the best! Watch your mouth! I'm not Uncle, I won't fall for your trick!"

Qin Sheng hugged herself tightly and tried her best to protect herself. "I didn't... I really didn't know!"

Qin Yunbo grabbed Qin Sheng's hair and lifted her up. "Are you going to tell me that Uncle asked my grandpa to give you all the assets in the family, and you didn't know?"

He was so angry. How could it be that Qin Sheng didn't know anything?

Hadn't she asked Gong Mochen to give the assets to her instead of him? But then from her reaction, it seemed like Gong Mochen hadn't even told her that he'd seized the assets...

This was completely illogical!

Qin Sheng's mind was in a daze. She was completely confused. Gong Mochen didn't want her, but then dealt with Qin Yunting for her... He even claimed the Qin family's property and gave it to her? Seriously?

It seemed that everything was happening too fast. He didn't have to give her so much money! Surely?

She looked up at Qin Yunbo and said, "Are you sure?"

"Of course I'm sure! On the day Uncle finalized the will, someone told my grandmother! Do you still want to deny it?" Qin Yunbo roared.

Qin Sheng shook her head. "No, I don't want to deny it. But whether you believe it or not, I really don't know! I don't want the property of the family, really. Let me go and tell my grandfather to revoke my inheritance rights! How about that?"

Qin Yunbo looked at Qin Sheng in astonishment. He only thought that this girl was crazy. Voluntarily giving up her inheritance rights? Was she scared out of her mind?

"You wish! If I let you go back, you'll probably tell Uncle to kill my family! Just stay here obediently! Wait for Uncle to get engaged.

"We'll report you missing, and then you'll be abandoned, heartbroken, and jump into the river to commit suicide. I will say that I saw you die... How will Grandpa give you the right to inherit then?"

He really admired his own intelligence, and finally understood Qin Sheng's purpose.

Qin Sheng's eyes narrowed. Qin Yunbo was really f*cking ruthless. He had thought this out so carefully!

But Qin Sheng realized there was a flaw in his plan... "But I'm getting engaged to Ha Siqi! So, why would I jump into the river heartbroken after seeing my uncle get engaged? This is too far-fetched! I'm afraid no one will believe it!"

"Whether they believe it or not, that's someone else's business. Anyway, you're dead, and the property won't be buried with you. It will be mine no matter what!" Qin Yunbo said as he let go of Qin Sheng's hair. He threw her to the side, and turned around to walk out of the warehouse.

There was a clattering sound, and Qin Sheng knew that the door had been locked again.

She rubbed her stinging scalp, and the corners of her lips couldn't help but curve up. Gong Mochen definitely loved her!

Otherwise, why would he do so much for her?

There was nothing that made her happier than knowing this!

'Uncle, I don't care what your reason is. If you want to push me away, I won't let you now!' she thought to herself.

But, what was she going to do in the meantime? She was locked up...

She looked around the warehouse. It was more than ten meters tall, and there was only one door and a window on the roof.

How could she escape?