May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1915 - Chapter 1915 escaping marriage with a child

Chapter 1915: Chapter 1915 escaping marriage with a child

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Charlie did not expect the little boy in front of him to say such words. This was beyond his imagination. Such words should not be said by a child. It should be said by an adult.

He looked at the little boy again. The little boy's intelligence and thinking had long surpassed his age.

"Who are you? " He asked.

"You don't even know Our Majesty? This whip is to punish you. " The prison guard who carried out the execution whipped charlie.

Charlie was in so much pain that his whole body twitched, but he did not say a word.

He was also a tough man. Even if he was beaten, he would not cry out.

Hearing the prison guard call the Little Baby His Majesty, he also guessed who this child was.

This child was the little king of this country.

"Xin BA is you? ! " He said.

"Who told you to Directly Call My Majesty's name? " The prison guard said and whipped again.

Another wound appeared on Charlie's body. His skin was cut by the tip of the whip. Immediately, the skin was split open, and blood rolled out.

"Isn't his name Xin Ba? Since he has given his name, isn't it for others to call him? ''Hee said fiercely.Hee did not expectXinnBaa to be so vicious?

He was really worried that his country would one day be destroyed by this child.

Xin Ba's little face turned cold. "My name is for others to call, but you are not qualified to call me by my name. Continue to beat me. I want every inch of his skin to be torn open.

I want it to bloom like fireworks. I love to watch fireworks. Wait until his skin is torn apart, then sprinkle gunpowder on it and light the fireworks for me."

Charlie listened to Xin BA's words, and his heart twitched violently. This child's tricks were too vicious.

After breaking his skin, he added gunpowder on his body and then lit the gunpowder. This way of dying was simply too painful.

"little thing, if you want to kill me like this, just you wait. Even if I die and become a baleful ghost, I won't let you go, " Charlie said fiercely.

"right, you might become a baleful ghost. Then get another snake and let it eat him. Lock his soul and let him never be reincarnated, " said Xin Ba.

Charlie's hair stood on end when he heard that. He was actually going to be eaten by a snake.

He was so angry that his whole body trembled. "You, you... "

He could not say a word. Facing this little devil, he actually had no strength to refute.

The shame was that he was an adult while the other party was just a little milk bun.

The corners of Xin BA's lips curled into a cold smile. "What's wrong? Don't you want to die like this? If you don't want to die like this, then let's talk. What are you doing in my country? "

Seeing that the other party was so scared that his face was Ashen, he began to ask him questions.

Charlie's hands clenched into fists. It had to be said that this child's ability to extort confessions was too strong.

First, he put people to death, making them feel so much pain that they wished they were dead. Then, he raised his question.

He was certain that if he were to extort confessions like this, no one would be able to withstand it. He was afraid that everyone would honestly tell the truth.

If he was not experienced in the battlefield, and he was now determined to die, he thought that he would tell the truth.

"I came to your country to destroy you. I heard that your parents and your uncle have been fighting for the throne. We just happened to come over to contact your uncle and discuss the destruction of your country. " He randomly gave a reason.

He knew that it was impossible for him to say that he had no purpose in coming here. He could not fool this child at all.

Xin Ba's eyes flashed. "Why did you contact my uncle to go to that villa? My uncle is not in that villa. "

Charlie's heart stopped. The child's question was too sharp. He actually could not find a reason to answer it.

"your uncle is not there. But he told us that there is an important person imprisoned there, so we wanted to get that person. " He could only bite the bullet and continue to make up stories.

Anyway, he had to drag someone with him even if he had to die. He couldn't let his death be in vain, and Arthur was his victim.

If he framed Arthur, Arthur would definitely refute him, but with Willam's suspicious personality, Willam would definitely think that Arthur was lying.

If he could sow discord between the two of them and cause them to become enemies, then his death would be worth it.

Xin Ba's eyes flashed. He knew that no one was imprisoned in that villa.

But if Arthur contacted Charlie, why would he let Charlie go to that place?

Arthur was not stupid. Could it be that Arthur wanted to use them to kill Charlie.

And why did Arthur want to kill Charlie?

According to normal logic, Arthur had found his allies and sent his allies over. It should be to deal with his father. Arthur had no need to kill his allies.

He was sure that there must be something wrong. Since Arthur wanted to use them to kill Charlie, he had to let Charlie interrogate him slowly and get the truth out.

"You guys continue to whip him, " he ordered the jailer.

Turning his head, he looked at the guard next to him. "Go and find a royal doctor to keep an eye on Charlie for me. Charlie is not allowed to die. I want him to suffer a fate worse than death. "

As soon as his words fell, it was destined that Charlie would not be able to take his last breath no matter how badly he was tortured.

Charlie's heart twitched violently. Now it seemed that he was merciful to be beaten to death.

The guard hurriedly accepted the order. "Yes, I will go find the royal doctor now. "

"Xin Ba, there's nothing to see about this person. He's just a spy who sneaked in. " Arinda could not wait to remind Xin ba that the person she was looking for was Gaia, not this person.

Xin Ba blinked. "Aunt, this is your first time in the Dungeon, right? Let me show you around the Dungeon, okay? "

When Arinda heard the meaning in Xin BA's words, she quickly nodded. "Okay, okay. I've never seen the dungeon before. Show me around. "

"Aunt, I'll hold your hand. The Path inside isn't easy. Don't be afraid, I'll protect you. Although the people locked up don't look like humans anymore, they're in cages. You can treat them like animals in the zoo. " As Xin BA spoke, he held Arinda's hand and continued walking forward.

Charlie almost spat out blood when he heard Xin BA's words. They were animals in the zoo.

Lian Lian followed behind Arinda and Xin Ba, continuing to act as her little bodyguard.

The few of them walked around the dungeon on the second floor. They looked at every room, but did not see the Gaia they were looking for.

The guards followed behind Xin Ba and waited on Xin BA attentively. They were afraid that they would offend their Little Majesty.

"Your Majesty, this place is dark and damp. It is not suitable for someone as honorable as you. There is nothing interesting here. I am worried that if you stay here for too long, it will affect your health, " said the captain of the guards.

Every second that Xin BA was here, he felt uneasy and could not wait for Xin ba to leave.