May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1914 - Chapter 1914 escaping marriage with a child 14

Chapter 1914: Chapter 1914 escaping marriage with a child 14

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"That's right. I came here to watch the interrogation of prisoners. Otherwise, why would I come to your place? Don't tell me I'm here to eat? " Xin Ba asked.

The guard clearly knew that the Little Majesty was a little unhappy. "Yes, yes, you're right. You must have come here to watch the interrogation of prisoners. My place is not the imperial kitchen. Of course, there's no good food here. "

"then why are you still talking nonsense? Hurry up and make way. Let me go in and watch you interrogate prisoners, " Xin BA said.

"okay, please go ahead. " The guard quickly moved out of the way, secretly rejoicing that Xin ba had only come to watch charlie interrogate on a whim.

Perhaps it was a coincidence that Arinda had come here with Xin Ba. He thought to himself.

"Aunt, hurry up. I'll bring you to see the prisoners interrogated. It'll be fun, it'll be fun. " Xin Ba held Arinda's hand and walked into the Dungeon.

Lian Lian followed behind them like a little guard. Her eyes sized up the entire dungeon. At this moment, she was on the first floor. This place looked normal, but the air was filled with a damp smell. It should be from the underground.

"Your Majesty, the Dungeon is below, but it's dark and damp there. If you feel uncomfortable, I can take you out anytime, " the guard said.

The other guards in the dungeon also rushed over to welcome Xin BA.

This Little Majesty had come to their dungeon more than once or twice. They were used to it. After all, they had a weird little majesty who liked to watch prisoners being interrogated.

The captain of the guards walked at the front. "Your Majesty, You came here to play again? "

"Yes, I was bored and came over to take a look. Didn't you catch a new prisoner? Show me quickly, " said Xin Ba.

"that prisoner is on the second floor of the basement. He is a death prisoner. I will bring you down now, " said the captain of the guards.

"okay, hurry up. I am very curious about what he looks like, " said Xin ba as he followed behind the captain of the guards.

The captain of the guards brought Xin ba down to the second floor of the basement. They went straight to Charlie's cell.

Arinda's eyes swept across the cell in the distance. Because they went down the stairs to the second floor of the basement, she could not see clearly who was on the first floor of the basement. She could only see a row of cells.

However, she could not bring up the idea of looking at the basement level first. She could only go to the basement level first to check the situation, and then think of a way to come to the basement level to check if GAIA was there.

Xin Ba stomped his calves and happily arrived at the basement level. It was as if he had forgotten all about looking for GAIA and had wholeheartedly come here to interrogate the prisoners.

Lian Lian walked behind them. When she reached the cell door, she immediately saw Charlie, who was shut behind the iron bars.

Charlie was still the same as before. She could recognize him at a glance, but her appearance had changed. She had become a small guard, so charlie definitely would not recognize her.

She stood quietly behind Arinda and Xin Ba, watching Charlie, who was tied up in the cell to be executed.

Charlie was tied to the Cross in the cell, and the prison guard who was executing the sentence in the cell whipped Charlie hard.

"Tell me! Why are you here? Tell me quickly! " The prison guard shouted.

His body was extremely tough, and his arms were as thick as other people's thighs. The whip he swung carried the sound of the wind, and wherever it passed, it was like a broken bamboo.

Not to mention taking a whip, just looking at a whip. He felt that it was quite dangerous. He was most afraid of being hit by the tip of the whip, and his body would be injured.

The jailer's whip hit Charlie's body with a crack, and Charlie's body instantly split open, and blood gushed out.

However, this man did not make a sound, as if he did not know pain.

Xin Ba looked at this scene excitedly, and his small claws clapped his hands "Good, good, good. You have to hold on well. I'll see how many times you can be hit without making a sound. There was a tough man who was hit ten times before making a sound. Can you break this record? If you can break this record, I'll reward you. "

When the jailer heard the voice, he turned his head and saw his little master. He immediately stopped and came over to pay his respects to his little master.

"Your Majesty, You are here. I didn't know Your Majesty was here. Please forgive me for not welcoming you. " As the jailer spoke, he knelt down and kowtowed to Xin BA

"quickly get up. I am not here to watch you kowtow to me. This is not fun. I am here to watch you interrogate prisoners. " Xin Ba said.

The jailer's forehead darkened. This kowtow of his was not a game. It was a rule for them to pay their respects to the king.

However, his Little Majesty treated all of this as a game.

He could only stand up. "If his majesty wants to see me interrogate him, I'll interrogate him for His majesty to See. How does His Majesty want me to beat him? Just tell me. "

"Just beat him like you did just now, " Xin BA instructed.

Charlie looked at the little baby standing outside the cell door. The little baby was pink like a Little Milk Bun. However, the words it said were so shocking.

This child was even called His majesty by them. He thought that this child must be Xin Ba.

As expected, like father, like son. Willam's son loved to kill since he was young.

He shouted at Xin Ba, "If you have the guts, then kill me. If I dare to blink, then I'm not a tough guy. "

Xin Ba looked at the man in the cell, his big eyes curved like a crescent moon. "I know you're a tough guy. You were invincible in the war, and you're a very good military talent.

"Why did you get caught so carelessly this time "This isn't fun. I still hope that you can run away, and then my people will catch you. That way, it'll be fun. "

Charlie's lips twitched. What kind of game was this Did this little kid think that catching him was a game?

No matter how he looked at it, it sounded like a cat catching a mouse.

"Do you know who I am? Just say that I am a tough guy, or a military genius? " He also thought of this question. It seemed like this little kid knew him, but how was that possible? They had never met before.

"You are Charlie, an important minister under GAIA. Am I right? You should be the king of clubs. " Xin Ba thought of the deck of cards.

Willam turned all the da Qing in the Middle East into cards and taught him how to play cards whenever he was free. He wanted to let him know which da Qing had more power Who could control who? Moreover, the cards were printed with the faces of those Da Qing.

He had played these cards for a long time. It was impossible for him not to recognize them.

Charlie's face twitched when he heard the king of clubs. What was this joke When did he become the king of clubs?

"You know my name. Let me go quickly. Otherwise, my country will send people to flatten your country and raze your country of Switzerland to the ground, " he said.

"Tsk Tsk, you have such big words. You people from the Middle East still want to flatten our country of Switzerland? I have 10,000 ways to kill you now. Guess what method I will use to kill you? " Xin Ba narrowed his eyes and said.